Oct 14, 2015, 12:13 PM


You have been talking High Technology, but I don't think you have been much on the path of "just learn Python, duh". Among my reasons for my direct reply were asking the poster to pull those below him up with knowledge.

A multidescer in Mushland implies three things. One is a series of commands to store text by category and name (top.manshirt) locally to the current login object (character). The second is to intelligently display these options in legible, pretty output, again for that object's instance. The third is to apply any combination of same to @desc, with the same expectation that the command's enactor and the target are the identical.

Finally, all this without needing to ask permission from the person who controls the main code repository. It's your character object's code, with all the limitations and accesses that are reasonable for it to have.

This is hard to explain on a tablet, because I can't clean it up. Hopefully this clarifies a bit from your solution.