I LOVE playing father-type-characters. I feel as proud of Adalyn player/character right now like we are related and it just makes me SO HAPPY.
And also @thesuntsar for being silly with me!!
I LOVE playing father-type-characters. I feel as proud of Adalyn player/character right now like we are related and it just makes me SO HAPPY.
And also @thesuntsar for being silly with me!!
@silverfox Who knew one book would do this?
someone send me this book
the blackram library needs it
Yes-and'ing my way through the last year with @bear_necessities.
@krmbm right back at you 🥰
It's been a rough few weeks RL. Thank you to all the people out there still fostering a sense of humor and managing cooperative RP. And to all the people checking in on all the other people.
When you are very uncertain how what you're writing is going to be received, but know it must be done, and you're typing with one eye closed, squinting, like you're at that part of a movie that you know is going to be an utter disaster to witness, but you have to watch it, you -have- to, and oh god, you hit enter-
-and it's great. Better than great. Received, returned, and you go to the next pose. At the end of it? You've got a story and a log that makes you stare up at the ceiling for a while, but not one you can reread for a bit. Because holy hell, the things you wrote and your character did/said/shouted/accused/etc.
ETA: This has been the experience for over a month. I know stuff happens in waves, waxing, waning, etc., and right now I'm just really happy with my writing and all the writing I've done with the most amazing RPers. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE. You guys. You guys are so great.
That feeling when someone tells you they read your log of a recent scene. Even if they were not in it, and were not mentioned in it, and had no reason to give a fig about it. You made something interesting enough for someone else to decide to sit down and spend their precious time reading it.
Playing someone largely clueless and mildly skeptical makes me weirdly happy today.
When you are having silent anxiety (you think X person hates you/your RP/etc but don't say anything) and an OOC conversation starts on a different topic. Then it comes up there and you realize that's not the case just your anxiety but you talk it out.
And everyone is awesome OOC and good OOC and adult about it OOC.
It's a good day when things can resolve with no harsh feels, insults, etc and just good conversation.
My favourite person: I wanna write with you.
Me: Same.
My favourite person: I'm playing in this place.
Me: But that place is a shithole.
My favourite person: OK, I will roll in where you're playing then.
-Literally a day later-
App submitted.
When the people you RP with torture you on a daily basis because you enjoy it so damn much.
@SinCerely We call that edging.
@Tinuviel I looked up edging on urban dictionary. I regret my life choices.