@Cirno Someone is having a minor moment of privilege check. Don't worry, he should be back to normal soon.

Controversial posts made by Alzie
RE: A small question:
RE: The elusive yes-first game.
@Arkandel I decided it was pointless to contribute when you showed you were incapable of responding to contributions, reading or keeping a consistent opinion on how your game would operate.
Edit: For the record, 'I would tell you, but nyah-nyah-nyah' is a pretty good example of 1 of these things.
RE: Cheap or Free Games!
https://yanderedev.wordpress.com/ - Yandere Simulator. now you too can be a yandere at school and cut a mutha when she gets too close to your object of affection.
RE: The elusive yes-first game.
@Arkandel is it because you're going to blame the people involved? I bet your'e going to blame the other people involved. That's always the solution.
RE: The elusive yes-first game.
@Surreality If you are so attached to something intangible that you would rather put up with abuse than simply move on to another intangible thing then that's another problem all together. Amusingly, every time we have these arguments people always say that it's not as simple as hitting quit. The thing is, it legitimately is. Being abused online is not the same as being abused by another person physically face to face. Those situations are heads over hands different and when you say 'It's not as simple as leaving,' then you're right it isn't. However, in the case of an intangible thing on a game represented by nothing more than a line of text, there is no excuse. It IS as simple as never connecting again. You may not want to give up your investment, maybe you feel like you're getting the short end of the stick, but that's a cost-value decision you have to make yourself. Is the investment worth more than the abuse or is avoiding the abuse worth more than the investment? Nobody can make that decision for you, but don't give me that shit about it not being as simple as clicking exit, nobody is physically abusing you, there is no legitimate reason that you can't just leave.
RE: A Post-Mortem for Kingsmouth
@tempest Normally, I don't respond to crazy. It's against my code. But what the fuck, i'm bored and I just finished a code project.
@tempest said: 'some bullshit, roll more dice at an off screen system, more bullshit'
Yes, until we changed the system because of Sam. Which happened pretty much a year ago. So show your age.
@tempest said: 'some bullshit, Shav was TSing players on her NPCs, more bullshit'
Yes, at the request of said player, who was doing it to establish conditions by which he could control the NPCs. Said player did this to other PCs too.
@tempest said: 'some bullshit, husband is a power hungry asshole, more bullshit'
Castle: Staked to death. Total beats 380.
Kylie: Entombed for eternity. Total beats 962.
Wulf: Game closed. Nothing happened. Total beats 845.In comparison, our two oldest players:
Isrieal: Total Beats 1090
Charlotte: Total beats 1163Powerful? Meh.
@tempest said: 'something something these stats are useful everywhere!'
Not particularly. Allies, Mentor, Resources. These things are only really useful if staff puts systems in for them. Resources may be a way to justify requesting an item and Mentor may justify an XP Spend, but really, how many games ask you to justify either of those now-a-days. The answer is not many. So really, merits like that become useless. Even herd, which in practice should give you an easily accessed source of blood only becomes useful when the ST allows it. So i'm not sure where you've been playing that anything like that has been useful by default.
@tempest said: 'Tobias got killed by job!'
Just in case that wasn't made clear enough. Steele was a great prince, but he was getting burnt out because he didn't have anyone he could delegate to. So he was having to deal with all the things himself. This would burn anyone out given that Kingsmouth generated an overabundance of what people considered prince worthy problems. Rather than just removing him and being like 'Welp, have a vote,' we choose to make an RP around it to give players some kind of closure. This was designed with Steele so that it also allowed Steele's wishes to be respected. Steele wanted to go out like a boss and so he did.
@tempest said: 'work out your problems without PvP mmkay?'
Loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool. And now we know that Tempest plays on no current vampire game.
@tempest said: 'Nobody could criticize RFK!'
All evidence to the contrary given the 5 different ways we accepted that criticism!
@tempest said: 'I poked around 2 months ago and stuff!'
You must not have looked hard. 2 months ago the only NPCs left were Raine (who probably wouldn't have ever gone away, people like putting in jobs about her), Lucinde (who existed due to plot) and Mother Mathis (because as of yet there wasn't any other real alternative to Elysium, but a player had been working towards that and Mother Mathis would have shut hers down once a player had one). So 3 NPCs. Yes. The NPCs were inundating that game I tell you.
RE: A Post-Mortem for Kingsmouth
@sundown Not that I particularly care, but you wrote 4 pages that discussed how the game failed and succeeded at various tasks. So getting mad at people for wanting to talk about the parts of your review that discuss how it failed seems odd.
@Arkandel The time investment was okay for the most part. However, it did become unsustainable when Becca started working and I had to deal with things beyond my normal in my life. Not to say it wasn't a massive time sink, it was, but it wasn't that it couldn't be done with enough staff.
In general, the biggest thing that stopped us from getting staff was the refusal to allow staff to play PCs outright with all the abilities that regular PCs enjoy. That was also the feature that got us the most kudos from the actual players however. It was also the thing that fostered a staff-PC trust relationship. So it was a double edged sword, one that both benefited and hurt us.
If someone wanted to do all that we did, the code is freely available and could be paired down sure. However, the biggest thing this type of game requires is a staff that sticks with it. You need staff.