It's been a busy time in the land of Aesca building. A few updates that have happened:
Domain System: I’ve been working on the specific mechanics around the Great Legions of the March Elves. While the Winter Court does deal with the direction and management of the Great Legions, every domain leader does have their own armies, militia, troops too as it ties back to being able to protect your own stronghold from others. This is tied into the larger your domain and vassals then the larger your ability to raise an army and support them. Worked out the time required, how conscripting peasants works and potential mercenary companies or local militia. The randomness component that will create uncertainty such as betrayals by officers, morale, costs, etc. Worked on siege mechanics. I have the unit types and costs. And of course, how PC’s can impact armies and army battles if they choose to do so.
Exploration: Have been working on this, and the map below I think is most likely how things are going to roll out. Each quarter, exploration/adventuring parties/companies/domains can submit a request in where they’d like to go. It costs resources and time, and the further away you go the higher risk rating it has where the expedition might not come back. However if they do, you can immediately see a section of the map revealed. As you explore, domains can be claimed and made with strongholds built and successfully defended too although the dangers of being further away from the main overlord’s power could mean you end up in a similar situation like Roanoke Colony, the American Colonies separating, or enlarging successfully your domain and court power. Exploration can also be done on already revealed areas to search for hidden spots (caves, etc) leading to other adventures. For exploration in already revealed locations, it's a higher probability you'll find a hidden spot successfully. For exploration that requires ships, ships are extremely rare due to the rarity of wood to be used. That could change though in the future, depending on portals to Gaia!