Best posts made by DownWithOPP
RE: Zombie/Apocalypse Survival Game?
@tek said in Zombie/Apocalypse Survival Game?:
It's a pretty dead game, no pun intended.
Sadly, it could never get the full support it needed to get it off the ground, and then the headwiz got sick. It had a lot of potential, just didn't pan out. I still have a char there.
Off the zombie track, but in the Apocalypse theme, Dropkick revived Battlestar Orion, if post-apoc with robots and space lasers is your thing - I've been playing there and having a lot of fun.
RE: An Apology to BSO and BSU.
When I first read this thread, my intent was to apologize to @faraday - who I put in a terrible spot, because we had communicated numerous times as friends and I had worked within the framework of BSU to help her when I could. But my behaviour had put her in a position where she had to take an action, one that I forced her hand on, and I wanted to apologize to her about it.
I also wanted to offer a long-overdue apology to @cupcake for misjudging her, being abrasive and offensive to her and that I was genuninely sorry for what I had done to her.
As all these other people speak out, I realize that my behaviour has been reprehensible. I have done things that I was not proud of. I was so driven by wanting to be part of things and to win over some form of affection and respect that I clung to people unneccessarily - not just women, but anyone that would show a positive effect towards the things I did. I wanted the attention. I wanted to be the part of someone else's world while neglecting my own.
@tek, I apologize for what happened with Marcus and your char. I wasn't upset because you didn't want to talk to me on Skype, I was more frustrated at the fact that I didn't feel like I was doing a well enough job in a command position and instead of discussing it with you and figuring out a solution, I went balls out and made a fatal mistake in a scene that got my char killed. It wasn't suicide, but I let the chips fall where they may.
@Roz And you're right, it's not the first time I did that. I have a problem. I know this. I've been mysgonistic, I've been an asshole. I've not been the type of person that should be invited to sit at the gaming table. There are those on this thread that have made sure to add on - I can't apologize enough to everyone. I made a mistake. I've made several mistakes. I let what was going on in my head to crave attention and affection eat away at what I was doing and became a cretin and a creep. For that, I am truly sorry.
I am currently taking time to work on me. I have been seeing a counselor - which is what spawned this post in the first place. I have to admit to myself, God and others that I have a problem. I //have// a problem. And I'm going to take the time I need to work on myself and try to figure out how to straighten this - myself - out.
I did not come here to start a fight. I did not come here to defend myself - though I ended up doing so - that was a backslide on my part. I came here to ask for forgiveness. To admit that I was wrong. I did something terrible, horrible, and I cannot take back. I hurt people I truly did care about and because of the anomitity that the internet provides, I didn't consider the feelings on the other side of the screen. I am truly sorry, and humbled by the anger that I have created.
I do not know what the future is going to bring. I need time to figure that out. I've withdrawn from almost everywhere. I communicate with a few people that I am still close to. I let the want to be popular, to be wanted, take over what should have been common sense and a more open mind.
I owe a great many people apologies. This thread was going to be the start of that. Even @auspice - I know you may never forgive me, but I am sorry for putting you in the position I did, and that we came to such bitter words over it. I was wrong.
I hope someday, I can make it right - and be a useful person and a good citizen in the gaming community again. Until then, I apologize.
RE: Identifying Major Issues
@faraday, fwiw, you've been awesome in letting players run scenes in the in-between. And making them count. It's not just a filler, it's something that makes a difference, and you were even awesome enough to run a rescue scene when I accidentally shot down a pilot (ooops!) when I was too tired to go on. A million internet points and kudos to you.
RE: RL Anger
I will probably resign (not worth potentially endangering others)
Do not do this. Doing so only isolates you further from others and leaves him more available time to get at you. Right now, your job gives you a few hours where you have the protection of security. If you're okay with your job, stick with it - but do go ahead and get the first police report if you haven't yet so that you may set a history of actions you have taken that will help with any future restraining orders.
RE: Sparks' Playlist
@Sparks Hi you! You met my piano man last night who doesn't talk about his black market stuff. But there are actual spirits on the ship, iirc what Faraday said, just as long as you're not drunk on duty.
And one of us will get you in a dogfight soon enough. >.>
Shush, @Auspice! I promise no nukes. Really!
RE: Game Stagnancy and Activity
@Tempest I knew //one// person before I joined BSGU. That was Eva/Abigail's player. I ran things because I saw a game that was well set up and @faraday was open to my suggestions. I don't want to be staff. I never want to be staff. I just want to do things that are fun and help the game. I like running things. I like posting things. I've been doing both pretty consistently, but I take breaks now and again, just like anyone else. A couple of other players @GirlCalledBlu for example, have started running some plots as well. As long as we all communicate with each other and not step on toes, we're doing great.
RE: Leadership, Spotlight, and PCs of Staffers
I was going to start a thread, but I noticed this post here, and it seems to be a good thread to put down my thoughts on the matter. As I've said in a previous post, a long time ago I played on a game where non-staff players apped into leadership roles (Faction Leaders/Team Leaders/Major FCs) were also staffers on RP staff, and as such, a liaison between the players and staff in a defacto sense of the word. I recently decided to dust off my old hobby and give it a go as a way to take a break from dealing with teens for a little while. This is what I discovered.
Both games I tried were apocalypse themed, but that's about all they had in common. Both games also have very good staffs, so any criticism to be made is purely from the constructive front.
Game A is a zombie survival game. Having come from the ashes of another zombie game that had died, the staff was trying hard to make sure to drive home the dangers and lack of supplies. There was a +scavenge code in place, but it was quickly determined to be broken and was taken off-line. Then scavenging scenes became staff only plots, then it was left to the player base to determine the path the game was going to take - convoy on or hunker down. Hunker down won, so RP quickly became limited to social and building things up - which was to roll on a project. The other catch was when the staff ran scavenge scenes, it quickly took on what I call the 'Monty Hall Complex'. The players win the scene, they get all these fabulous prizes. The headwiz has been ill, so the game has entered a stalled and stale period where it's the same dredge day in and day out. I've logged in my character to make a roll on a project he's on - one that I tried really hard to RP doing, but eventually just burned out since there was no direction on it. Only the staff alts can vet new people into the complex, and when they're not around, new PCs have had to sit for days to wait for the interview to get into the game play and RP outside of someone bringing them a meal.
Game B is a post-apocalypse sci-fi game. Supplies are thin and there's a war going on on multiple fronts. There /is/ a metaplot that is tightly controlled by the staff, but there are so many other side plots that players can ask to run and do that the main plot can sometimes be overlooked - but most of time, the two blend in perfect harmony. The headwiz does control the major character, but outside of that, the main characters are non-staff bitted PCs, including the main pilot, doctor, and sciences division. The main deck person was only just recently made a staffer, but her job is mainly code. You're allowed to submit ideas, and while you're encouraged not to make them too dangerous, you can also affect the way the whole game goes. It was a player that decided to ask to switch the game from a defensive 'watch our own asses' theme to a 'lets punch them in the face and see how they like it' theme. I feel I have more freedoms here, and that the game would flourish if it had a larger player base, which is my lone complaint about it - they don't want much in the way of advertising, so there's no ad. Most MUD connector sites list it as dead. If I had not stumbled across the wiki when I was searching for the /show/ it's based on, I'd not found it. Isolationism may be the one thing that kills what really is a gem of a game.
I guess what it comes down to, is if you're going to be staff and play your cards close to your chest, at least allow side plots related to the theme to be ran freely, and don't limit the plots to 'if staff's running it, it's the only important one'.
RE: BSG: Unification
@SG I started a scene at BSG last night at around 7:45 PM, with six PCs, Two NPCS and Six Enemy NPCS, a pilot rescue. We were done by 10:30 PM. That's with everyone posing in a round and my scenesets and resets each round.
The log, for the record:
RE: Game Stagnancy and Activity
@Ganymede I only almost died, Trash Panda! Next time I take on the Nannybot and @Auspice can be the distraction!
RE: Game Stagnancy and Activity
@Tez On the game I'm on (BSG:U), we have the modules separated into campaigns. The current campaign is Picon. When it started, @faraday made a general post with the goals of the mission and what the general conditions were like around the planet and in the space around it. Then she ran a ground scene and a space scene to give us an overview of exactly what's to be expected. Then she opened it up to us to run plots for while she handles the overview plot. By encouraging us to run scenes with the promise of luck points for planned and posted scenes, it keeps things fresh and exciting, especially as each campaign lasts about two weeks to a month with a week or two of leave time between each scene to give people chances to unwind, get in the large social scenes and not feel stagnated by combat all the time.
So far, the campaigns have been varied - we've had an invasion, a virus outbreak, a natural disaster and guerrilla warfare between Canceron and Tauron. Picon is the first campaign where we have an organized military that still has the ability to help and can rely on, so it changes the dynamic each time. On Canceron, we were the lead military force. On Picon, we're getting missions from them to assist on.
RE: Game Stagnancy and Activity
@Tez said in Game Stagnancy and Activity:
How do those smaller plots run within the shell of the -- umm, I'll call it a plot arc -- really impact the word?
Actually, they do. @faraday hasn't set a end for what's going to happen at the end of the campaign. There may be a last grand battle scene, but the small plots in the meantime will set what happens in that arc. One of the objectives on Picon was to locate a POW camp where one of the PCs escaped from. Last night I ran a recon scene (the one @Ganymede mentioned) that was to be the start of it - because of the failure of that mission, that objective is now in jeopardy. If they had succeeded, there may be more of a chance. All the small air battles and ground battles, they help @faraday decide what the final result will be. On Canceron, we had a split - we lost one of the major objectives, but was able to free a whole providence.
It's really about being open ended on what you want to have happen, and a willingness to let the players drive the direction.