@Trevler I am!

Controversial posts made by GirlCalledBlu
RE: Where have all the crunchy games gone?
@Lithium said in Where have all the crunchy games gone?:
Also, I would love a ShadowRun 3ed game. Just saying.
RE: The 100: The Mush
@ThatGuyThere said in The 100: The Mush:
That may be true, but I am sure am not alone in wondering just how much that is worth.
Officially supported but against staff preference can mean a world of different things in this hobby.
You may be sincere but given what history has to show, (by this i mean of MU*s in general, nothing about you whom I know nothing about) I would not blame anyone for doubting.I don't blame anyone for doubting, guess that just means I have a lot to prove if that happens.
The reason I have that as a stated preference is because of what feedback we got from those who played the other 100 MUSH: it splintered fast and aggressively (edited because I do not know how to proof posts, haha). RP was so spread out, the story arc either ended up being like too little butter spread over too much bread or ended up only getting to the most proactive group and left the others in isolation in their tiny camps in the forests. Neither of those sound sustainable for this particular type of game.
RE: Where have all the crunchy games gone?
I think the last crunchy game I was on was Knights of the Old Republic MUSH. The SAGA edition was good, and rolls and stuff mattered quite a bit, but I agree with @Lithium that there's definitely been a decline of what is referred to as crunchy games.
I've kind of wondered if it has anything to do with our aging community? (Ugh, that felt so wrong typing it, but it has been ~16 years since I started MUSHing, so I feel old...) And by that, I mean that we kind of just want to RP without the crunch? Or is that just a smaller group of us?
RE: The 100: The Mush
@ThatGuyThere said in The 100: The Mush:
But it has been stated in the thread that the leader is a staff alt, that makes the arguments that it is not a players not being railroaded seem a bit disingenuous.This keeps getting brought up, and I feel like it has been responded to, but I'll say it again: there is no defined leader of the camp. In fact, I'd say "the leader" changes from day to day, situation to situation. Some characters go to Grey -- said Staff alt -- for stuff, but he isn't the leader. There is no PC leader because that structure is left up to the characters to figure out.
I'll leave it up to @Seraphim73 to add more if he wishes to discuss his character, but I'm going to continue to stress that there is no defined leader of the delinquent camp.
RE: Telnet is Poop
@Lithium Huh. Did you play A Moment in Tyme? That's the only WOT MUD I know of. (And a complete non sequitur to this conversation.)
And yes... which is why it never surprises me that the MU* community is actually quite small. It is a rather old school method of RP. But, because we're small and have been around the bend so much, I think we do make it hard for total MU newbies to enter the community. There's a lot of assumption that people know basic commands like page, who, etc.
RE: The 100: The Mush
@ThatGuyThere I've stated my preference, but did say that I will support groups that do splinter.
RE: Telnet is Poop
@Lithium That's what I thought... I mean, if it wasn't for having someone who knew what they were doing, I probably would have never figured out MUs. The whole grid concept was totally weird to me after being in chatrooms and using symbols to represent where in the RP world I was currently playing.
I am very sympathetic to those who come into MU's without a guide, because I can't imagine how they figure it out. XD
RE: Telnet is Poop
So, two things:
Have you met PhudBase Web Mud? http://www.phudbase.com/webmud.php
I personally was brought into the MU' world by other MU'ers, so they walked me through how to get started, get a MU' client, etc... how are new people even finding MU's these days? Are people randomly coming across the concepts of MU's, or are they being introduced? Honest question, because I have no idea. I was connected to MU' after a friend who played on AOL RPGs also played on a MUSH, and he helped me get set up.