I have decided to revive this project in light of the Tython system being brought into Canon for the Mandalorian.
I am basically ready for beta players, theme staff, rp staff and writers. I've got all of my ideas fleshed out and will be introducing my changes later on in newer versions. I've decided to finish Dahan's space system in C#, and eventually try to integrate it as well as Rhost into Unreal Engine for things like GUI's. This is a long term goal, but it is my goal.
If anyone is interested in lending a hand, please hit me up here, or on Discord (Gnome#4239), or on the game. I personally don't have time to handle things like running scenes, so i'm basically offering up an entire game ready to go to someone who thinks they have the ability to manage a large scale MU* that has a tabletop focus. I am capable of handling theme disputes, but I need to be able to focus on code.
I don't really need help with code, but if you would like to lend a hand in code as well, I wouldn't mind. Any language will do. Thanks! 2451