@HorrorHound Yes. Last week it was summer and now it's fall. Maritime summer came early this year, I guess.
Posts made by Insomnia
RE: RL Anger
RE: Cheap or Free Games!
HumbleBundle is having a DRM free sale.
Also if you have a PS4 and Playstation+ Saints Row Gat Out Of Hell is one of the free games this month.
RE: Any Streamers Out There?
A few people have asked, so I figured I would just list my setup here.
For recording / streaming:
To record / stream games on the PC / Emulators, I use OBS it's free and can record just about everything on a monitor, you just have to set it up to do so. I also use OBS to stream / capture games on my Wii, as well as my PS3 (it's one of the older ones that does PS1 and PS2 games) along with my Roxio Game Capture Pro HD (Mine is out of date and doesn't do PS4). It's a good starting capture program and probably the cheapest setup you will find, but if you don't have two monitors you might have some issues as it makes games look like they have dropped acid if it isn't on top, always.)
Now I use my Elgato and the program that comes with it for my PS3 and PS4, although you can stream directly from the PS4 and record 15 minutes on the PS4. There's HD splitters and various cables I had to get as well. And so many cables to get it all to work, I fear moving!
If you can't afford an Elgato and want to record more than 15 mins on a PS4, you will need to set up a livestream on Youtube. You want to set the event private and starting at a predetermined time. If you are worried about people catching you in the act make a new channel and don't tell anyone about it.
For Audio :
I use Audacity to record seperate tracks. My microphone is a Blue Yeti although my my PS4 I use my Logitech G230 headset (Although you can plug the Yeti into the PS4 as well I'm kinda lazy and I already swap out the mics way too often as it is.) I don't always use it, but when I think music might be an issue for copyright, it's so much easier to have seperate tracks than to edit it out after.
For Video Editing:
I use AVS Video Editor and Remaker. When you get the licence for AVS you get access to all the products. It's fairly easy to use and is a good starting software. (But it can be frustrating and the customer support is pretty much non-existent.) I still use the Remaker quite a bit, but have since started using Power Director 14 Ultra as my editing program.
Since I stream on Twitch and am sometimes lazy what I will do is export a stream from my PS4 to my Youtube channel and set it private, then once it's uploaded set it to unlisted and download it from Youtube. Then edit it and put it back up on Youtube.
To make the video size smaller and not take days to upload to youtube, I use Handbrake otherwise Youtube will throw a fit.
For Images, graphics, thumbnails, and overlays:
I use GIMP because it's free, and it's what I learned on.
I use Aegisub when I need to put subtitles into a video, either because of a copyright claim, or because I'm drunk and not sure if people will understand me,
For Music I use:
Bensound.com - Royalty free music so long as you put in the description you are using it.
General streaming resources:
(I stream on Twitch, not sure if these will work on Youtube or not).
I use Twitch Alerts to tell me when I have a new follower, or someone has made a donation. It also takes donations for you as well.
When I use a bot in my channel I use QuorraBot. I have moderators on my channel, so it's mainly for contests and the like.
Getting the word out there:
I've listed them before, but they are still good places to post if you want to get more views:
https://www.reddit.com/r/vgstreamsI also have a Facebookpage, twitter, and Tumblr. And then there's going through all the links and making sure the annotations are up and working.
I also give people the finger, who tell me to go out and get a real job instead of playing videogames because I don't monetize my videos and I can't set up my Patreon yet.
RE: Cheap or Free Games!
I'm Moiren in Town of Salem if anyone wants to do the friend thing and play with / against each other.
RE: Streaming: The Long Dark
@Songtress Yup! I use Youtube to record secret things... before I got my Elgato anyway.
One thing you will also want to do especially with Youtube is do a speedtest before you go live if it isn't constant, because that's what will dictate your max bitrate in settings. Youtube seems to be more picky about it than Twitch. If you set it too low it'll be choppy.
RE: Cheap or Free Games!
You can actually play Town of Salem for free, but it's a good game to throw money at and support.
RE: Streaming: The Long Dark
I use OBS. It's free, works on just about every platform, and does a lot, and it isn't a resource hog.
And I'm more than happy to help anyone set it up. My skype is surviverpg. I do better showing than telling
RE: Any Streamers Out There?
@Jaded We did, yeah.
@Thenomain I think I might have found something!
RE: Any Streamers Out There?
I watch Cry!
(And I'm still asked when I'm going to do more videos with that Theo guy. The n is right there, people! I shouldn't complain though over the years I've seen and heard many versions of Moiren.)
RE: RL Anger
Cheaper still if you buy the PS4 and then wait for it to go on sale and buy it digitally.
RE: RL Anger
Last of Us was released on PS3 and PS4, and was just remastered on the PS4 back when I got my PS4 so maybe 5 months or so?
New PS4, do you mean the 4.5 that isn't out yet, or the PS4 that's out now? If you mean the new one, yes, it's all supposed to be backwards compatible, but the 4.5 is geared towards 4k resolution and be better for VR.
RE: Any Streamers Out There?
Well, it'll be more active once I'm off these stupid antibiotics that make me tired just making the bed, and I'm allowed to be out of the bed. Thanks for the shoutout though!
https://www.youtube.com/user/MoirenTV (Just a neater but same Youtube link)
https://www.twitch.tv/moiren is my Twitch link and
https://twitter.com/Sniklefras is my twitter link and I sometimes do little polls or announce ninjastreams there.I got my Elgato right before I got sick and I am planning on doing all of the Final Fantasy games, in order, except for the online ones. Resident Evil too. I'm also working on a Resident Evil lore because of the RE7 hype and confusing storylines. If it goes well I'll probably be doing more of them.
@Coin I wouldn't worry too much about playing badly. I'm bad at games. I mean, that's the title of my stream. The only troll comments I get are about low FPS, and some of my higher viewed videos are ones where I have died over, and over, and over again. Maybe because I edited in a death count though.
If you Reddit, a couple of good sub-reddits for streamers / let's players (watching and linking)
https://www.reddit.com/r/vgstreamsThe channels aren't huge, but I find more interesting stuff there than what Youtube suggests.
Also! Once you hit 50 subs on Youtube, poke me, and I can hit you up for free games. (Anyone who watches my channel might have noticed the odd one shot game I would normally never play. That's because I'm signed up on a site that gives free keys. It tracks all of the content you put up, so if you tag a game that has given a key, it tracks you. For example I I got Fallout 4 on my own, but since there were keys, it's tracked in my rankings. (It tracks Youtube, Twitch, and Twitter) and so I get offered a lot of Indie games because I'm in the top third (which is weird, considering my channel is so small). Sometimes you even get the devs popping on your youtube / twitch to talk. I actually chat with an Indie Dev and am going to do some voice work in an upcoming game because of it.
Anyway, you don't actually have to record them, they keys are yours to do with what you want. Of course the more you do, the more you are likely to get more keys.
RE: LootCrate Experiences
I enjoy both Loot Crate and 1 Up Box (I pre-apologize to your wallets.)
RE: Shameless Self-Promotion (Again!)
Would there be any interest in a Resident Evil 7 Demo stream in about an hour? 9PM EST.
Headphones probably not advised.
RE: Cheap or Free Games!
GoG is having it's summer sale and giving away free games if you use GoG Galaxy / and how much you use it.
RE: Cheap or Free Games!
If it's a game that's listed and you import it over, according to the FAQ once you have it as a GoG game you always have it. (But it also does say if a game is removed from your Steam library they reserve the right to remove it from your GoG library too.)
Also, I have over 500 games. Currently I was able to port over 11. So it seems like you might want to check every week or so. So depending on when you get the game on Steam, it looks like you can miss porting it over. (At least for now. no idea if they will bring them back. I imagine since everyone and their dog is doing it right now, that's why they are keeping things small.)
RE: Cheap or Free Games!
I haven't really been updating this lately because I am off work and am therefore trying to ignore all the sales going on which seemed to appear as soon as I had to start buying antibiotics rather than games.
So anyway, GoG just announced GoG Connect which is a service that links your GoG account to your steam account. It's not all the games yet and it seems to rotate and or will be adding new games eventually. Right now the available games to add to your GoG library have a time limit that you can add them. The FAQ doesn't say if they might come back.
But @Insomnia, you might think. "If I already have the game on Steam it isn't a free game!" Well it is, kinda. By linking your GoG and Steam accounts, you get a free GoG copy of that game. So you get a free DRM free copy of the game as yours to keep.
(Everyone and their mother is signing up for this right now though, so expect a wait message of hours to days wait (It was hours to connect and over night to import for me.).)
Oh and the FAQ said you'll be able to use most Steam save games and play multiplayer on the GoG versions. Depends on the game. And if you already have the Steam Version and GoG version, you don't get a new copy.