@Bug-In-A-Jar Its not like its a popularity contest where the number of votes wins you the debate. Having lots of votes mean shit. I like it because it allows you to very easily say you find a point succinct (or stupid), just by clicking a button instead of writing a post. And if you're doing that, well, the meaning is lost when its anonymous.

Controversial posts made by lordbelh
RE: Downvotes
RE: The 100: The Mush
@Lithium said in The 100: The Mush:
You are probably right. I wish I had ran into situations where that didn't seem to be the case. When I was there it was one big asshole after another: Do what I say or starve. You can't use this unless you fight me for it. If you go against me I'll kill you in your sleep.
There was so much angst and asshole that it is all we ever remember seeing, even if we did see other stuff, because it got drowned out.
Really? Considering nobody was in charge of anything, that sounds really odd. I was there pretty much at the start. I cant think of a single character who went around and threatened to kill anyone in their sleep. You and me seem to have been playing totally different games, especially as the game was full of factions from the start, and its really hard to have gotten on everybody's bad side. At which point you wonder if they were all antagonistic towards your character, or if you were the antagonist without realizing it?
RE: Bump In The Night: A Chronicles of Darkness MUX
@tragedyjones said in Bump In The Night: A Chronicles of Darkness MUX:
Tolkien is lame.
That required a downvote. Sorry, @tragedyjones, usually I like you.