So how screwed would I be to try this as a euro time person?
Posts made by Olsson
RE: Coming Soon: Arx, After the Reckoning
RE: Shadows Over Reno
Just in reply to anyone who might've mentioned the scene that I had to cancel on Alexander, entierly my fault, I ended up having to do an study all nighter the day before so I was sound asleep when I had scheduled it.
So apologies about that.
RE: Skyrim Special Edition (also, Mods!)
Pick "Camping In The Woods" will start you just outside the cave you exit at the end of the tutorial, with Alduin flying over. It's basically the vanilla start without long ass cutscenes.
RE: Skyrim Special Edition (also, Mods!)
Frostfall, iNeed, Cloaks, Campfire.
I'm basically playing the game as a survival game currently being a Bosmer up in the high mountains trying to live of the land in the harsh and cold climate. It's real fun so far and it gets real cozy.
RE: Shadows over Reno
As it looks now I will be giving go at playing something like a wallstreet yuppie mixed with a mobster vampire. Not my usual schtick so I'll see if it sticks.
I'll probably be wanting to try and ST stuff for Werewolf during EST daytime once it opens up, because I usually enjoy that if there'll be any people around at those hours. I feel it's become rarer. Actiony Hunter stuff works too.
Here's something I wanted to run on Reno last time around I might try again.
This story is true.
Nevada has not always been a dry wasteland, once it was a lush forest that grew on forever. As all of Pangea it was a hunter's paraide, where man, beast and spirit co-existed in a strained harmony kept by Father Wolf and his pack. Here did the great spirit Coyote dwell, finding itself weak compared to Father Wolf it grew into a jealous spirit, convincing itself it was all due to the relationship Father Wolf shared with Luna.
And so Coyote sought to get it too, but it had never been a spirit of the mad mother, no instead the Coyote sought out the mighty Helion, searing god of light and fire. But he was thrown out, the great helion not having patience for a spirit with a coward's heart. And Coyote did not take this insult well, scorched and with wounded pride he returned, and here he stole The First Flame from Helion and fled to the earth.
Helion searched the forest for days, but not even his bright light was able to find Coyote, the spirit was a great deal too cunning and quick. And so it was that Helion set the forest ablaze, and it burned for days, weeks, months and years. Til nothing but a barren wasteland remained, but still Coyote was not to be found. And so the wasteland now called Nevada was created, and to this day Helion's deadly gaze never truly leaves it, always searching for The First Flame.
RE: General Video Game Thread
I really really loved RDR, but I honestly am not sure if I will get a PS4 just for it. How much does a PS4 even go for these days? I've not touched a console since GTA came out.
RE: RL things I love
I've finally managed to set up a proper corner in my home to paint where I can also have my laptop present and used. So now I can watch shows, MU* whatever while painting.
My productivity levels are way higher suddently, on both fronts.
RE: What Do You Collect?
Wargaming Miniatures, it's kinda part of the hobby.
RE: World of Warcraft: Legion
I'd play with folks but Blizzard continues to deny our cross atlantic romance.
RE: World of Warcraft: Legion
The new animations make the game feel much much better honestly, Warrior actually looks good kicking ass now.
RE: RL Anger
Friend of mine turned 30 recently and it seems to have gotten into his head in a big way way, he's refusing to leave this woman who's well, abusing him I suppose. He's basically gotten a curfew at this point to always be home before 9 or all hell breaks loose. And awhile ago when I showed up at his place to hang he was surprised and thought I was the cops because he had recently called them to check on her after she had threatened to kill herself after an argument if he dared to not do as she wants. This has apparantly happened more than once.
I think he's gotten this notion that "I am 30 now, I'll never find anyone else." and it's quite harmful and sad for me to see me a little as an outsider, although it is his life and all and I try to just help. I just hope it resolves itself one way or another before kids or anything like that get involved.
RE: RL Anger
I'm turning 22 now and people have told me once or twice that I look "middle aged" so plenty of people who can't tell.
RE: Cultural differences between MUDs and MUSHes
My only real issue with public scenes is I am not generally a fan of scenes after a certain size. But that's an issue with me, not other people. If suddently it grows from 3 to 9 I'll just quietly take my leave at a pace that makes sense. I've never personally felt the need to ask or be asked about people joining them.
RE: Cultural differences between MUDs and MUSHes
@Kestrel said in Cultural differences between MUDs and MUSHes:
Is this normal? Do many MUSHers have an aversion to conflict-based RP, and/or take the stance that character behaviours should be altered to cater to harmony with other characters?
In my experiance, yes, very much so. I do not think it is a good thing.
RE: What are you playing...?
@tragedyjones said in What are you playing...?:
... I didn't realize how many of you fuckers played on my game. I feel weird now.
I've not actually been in a scene for over a month now I think, if that makes you feel better.
RE: RL Anger
@Bug-In-A-Jar said in RL Anger:
Who even speaks with the cashiers.
I do at my grocery store, but then again they're my neighbors and we get blasted together sometimes. I also say hello to them even if they're a complete stranger.
Seriously, what's wrong with speaking to whoever you happen upon? Most people I know do this.
Seriously, there is nothing wrong with it.
RE: RL Anger
I think it is a wonder of consumerism that I can go to most any country and shop without needing to know the language or speak a word, I put all the stuff on the thing, they scan the thing, a number pops up (long as they use arabic letters I'm good, hell most of the time I don't need to know how much it is exactly) and then I beep-boop card or hand over cash.
No words needed.
RE: Good TV
Person of Interest is back on for the final season, still a great show. People should watch it.
I'm a bit concerned though, the last season set up a really big expansive and awesome plot. Two episodes in and we're still to really deal with it much at all, and as this is the final season we're running out of time I feel.
Also they've chosen to release 2 episode per week, which almost makes me fear this is being rushed.
Still though, is a great show.
RE: RL Anger
@somasatori said in RL Anger:
@Miss-Demeanor Yeah, I don't quite understand that either. Basic hygiene seems like it should just be a thing everyone does. Maybe I'm just really anal about it, but I tend to shower multiple times a day, especially if I'm working out or something sweat-inducing. That's another thing that kind of bothers me, the people that go to the gym or go running and just smell like that awful human stench all day. It's not even BO, it's just that stale, stank skin smell.
Well supposedly there is some middle ground, I shower every other day or so unless I go to the gym or whatever. But I also somewhat subscribe to the notion that people overdoing the washing, sterilizing, hand sanitazing etc is part of why we're getting more allergies etc, and that we need to come into contact with some of the stuff.
I also live in Sweden rather than some humid jungle hellscape though.