@arkandel I have a character in a MU* that is maxed in a skill and as such, it can likely make things not fun for others if certain types of scenes are run. I'm the type of person that I will try to find another way to be involved in certain scenes unless someone with comparable skill is there for me to play against.
I don't judge others who don't do the same, if someone worked hard to raise a skill to a certain point, they want to occasionally have the chance to either be a bad ass, or the big brain. It's just how I work because I've been in the situation before where I had to sit through someone single handedly taking care of something without having any regard to anyone else playing with them. It's not fun.
tl:dr If you want to be an occasional bad ass and have a snowflake moment, have at it. If you are constantly shoving that bad ass behavior in my face -- suddenly I'm going to have something better to do when you want to play.