@Arkandel said:
no one can force someone else to type stuff they don't want to do.
Hi there! I am going to go on a tangent on this. It's a quick tangent and I am not attacking anyone here about this.
This? What Ark said? Is entirely, 100%, completely true. It is also entirely, 100%, completely misleading.
I'm pretty sure he knows this, but as we're typing things out and making a point, we the reader have to keep context in mind. I am deliberately taking this out of context because I think it's important.
That's the quick bit. But Theno being Theno, I'm going to continue.
The generally accepted "fade to black" rules evolved because of the misleadingness of this statement. The number of people who have felt compelled to, or been outright told that they have to, play out a scene has put us in this situation. There have been a non-trivial number of people who fail to respect the person on the other side of the screen.
I admit, we can be stupid about our own role in this hobby, sometimes. Sometimes we get obsessed or even addicted, and that means pulling away is difficult. I, myself, refuse to blame the obsessed when someone manipulates them via their obsession. Talking about being adults, the abuser is harming another while the obsessive is harming themselves. (n.b., where the obsessive drags others in, then yeah, we'll talk.)
So we've come down to Online Social RP Rule #1: RL comes first. Wait, sorry, that's a different discussion. Online Social RP Rule #2: You may always, always, ALWAYS fade-to-black. This hobby comes from the table, and the table works because of discussion and negotiation.
People need reminded of this, because the social predators have and will use the typical "you didn't say" to defend themselves, and the socially broken that sometimes we are need to be hit in the head with it.
(edit: I am basically supporting a superset of what @Ganymede just said.)
Anyhow, that's it. Carry on sexy funtimes!