@Rucket Man I loved KOTOR2. I replayed it not long ago with added content or something and loved it more.

Posts made by Tori
RE: General Video Game Thread
RE: General Video Game Thread
DA2 was my favorite also, though I never managed to finish Inquisition admittedly. I just finished Greedfall and I'm torn between playing it again (aaaaah so good!) or rounding back to DA2 - I've never done Mage and it sounds like I should!
RE: Marian/Skye @ Arx
@Testament It's been a 2020 - I don't think any of us are bad friends as we all try to navigate through it.
RE: Marian/Skye @ Arx
She usually discords me once a month or so - been since early Oct but yeah. It's been one thing on top of another for her. Always says she's trying to get back and I always am like, RL first!
RE: Things Coded in Firan
There was very detailed crafting and variety of items - armor alone, IIRC, was like 12 pieces in the early days. Two greaves, two gloves, etc. You had to buy the materials, light the forge to enough heat, for which you had to have flint and materials to burn, and all that. I may have Ishani's old guide still someplace.
RE: MU Things I Love
@Quinn said in MU Things I Love:
I tried to ask everyone I put in to the ones I wrote up because I found it pretty jarring to see myself on the list for a brand new roster. And I definitely was trying to think of people that would be nice and helpful with new players!
I don't find it jarring, if only because I readily volunteered both Ida and Gwenna when @Apos posted about as much - currently @bbread news/64. Asking is a nice thing to do and great for giving people a heads-up! It's not something I need, by any means, since I totes threw my hat in for it. It's such an awesome discovery when I see one
RE: MU Things I Love
@saosmash said in MU Things I Love:
@Tori I will remember this the next time I work on one. If i ever have brain again...
You write amaaaazing characters.
RE: MU Things I Love
Having a character I play added as a part of a chargen's relationships. I signed up for the possibility months ago, but it's still like - hey you, we trust you with our new person! It gives me good feels in a time when good feels are in short supply
RE: RL things I love
@mietze said in RL things I love:
Just got an offer on a new job, giving my 2 weeks notice tomorrow. I will miss my little boss and my other coworkers, and will have to work a little longer but will still get benefits, but no more being ruled by cross sales and survey nps score hell.
Hooray! I'm hoping to join you in new job hopefully better bliss.
RE: Is this hobby on it's last legs?
@krmbm said in Is this hobby on it's last legs?:
@Tori said in Is this hobby on it's last legs?:
now my kids are in college so.
Why you gotta do things like that to people...
Ahahaha! I wholly maintain that my kids have grown at twice the speed of normal humans, rather than the alternative:
I hope the nursing home they put me in has good wifi.
RE: Is this hobby on it's last legs?
I feel like I tend to be a 'get off my lawn!' type, but looking back, I realize I have adjusted as the formats have, and suspect that if there's a game that grasps me, I'll play it even if I have to figure out new stuff. So much has just been better, too - no more dialing in from my commodore64 via a 5" floppy and whopping 300 baud or having to use the computer lab telnet at school (thank goodness).
I mean, I may wah about it a little, with big changes - like when I had to give up SimpleMU if I wanted all the pretty colors - but I really dug the format of the Ares game I played. There was still a place to log in, though, outside of the web, with the black background and scrolling text, but I enjoyed the web rp I did, too. I didn't even think about it being different, I guess? It was just rp - but, again, it did have what I am used to available.
I kinda feel like it's when people asked me if I thought I would still be doing this once I had kids and was out of college. I was like, oh /please/, pft no, as IF! Yeah well, now my kids are in college so.
RE: Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff
@Sunny Oooooh yeah - I'm a finance all-the-papers! person, though our auditors have been pushing for a "paperless" audit for a couple of years now. Which, with Covid, meant so, so much scanning.
RE: Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff
@Sunny said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
I am drowning at work. There is no solution, it's just the meetup of Covid, the end of our fiscal year, and my specific job. All that I ACTUALLY have to do is survive the next few weeks in one piece; balls will get dropped (they always are), there will be at least three fires, and I will forget 2 of the 50 things I have to do (and they inevitably will be 2 of the most important things). This is all a reasonable reaction / consequence of what is on my plate, and everyone involved understands this.
holy shit it still sucks though lol
Uuugh. Though I am often grateful for a non-calendar year fiscal year end (ours is 4/30) because I can't imagine doing fiscal year end AND 1099s and W2s and all that other arm-flaily government crap at the saaaame time. I mean, I probably drop the same amount of balls, but it's not all in the same month I guess?
RE: MU Things I Love
People on Arx who page me to ask if they can reuse the colors I did on something to make a matching outfit/thing. This happens quite a bit and it means a lot to be asked. I very sincerely appreciate the courtesy every single time. The answer will always be yes - there are only 256 colors and I'd never claim any particular blend is MINE. I mean, I use math and a spreadsheet to come up with some so
No one ever /has/ to ask, by any means!
But thank you guys who do, because it is really nice to be asked and know that someone digs those colors enough to want to use them
ETA grammar policed myself
RE: How do you discover books?
I used to really rely on Goodreads but yeah - it's not as useful as it used to be. I've never heard of The StoryGraph (which I'm now going to check out!) and have mostly relied on friends or favorite authors' new books when the reading bug manages to bite me.
RE: MU Things I Love
@deathbird @silverfox
This is how I felt when Austen came off the roster somewhat. New fam (and Ida's only PC fam) can be nerve-wracking. He is sooo awesome and we fell into such an easy and snarky sibling thing that gosh - it was worth waiting for him to get such an amazing player.
RE: Fantasy Avatar Generator
A thousand years later, but I stumbled on this post (excruciatingly slow work from home morning) and just had to give it a try.
Ida (I wish there was a way to age them - she does not look 40 enough so some gray hair instead!)
RE: Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff
I was going to offer the same. For work, I used to have to FedEx the checks up to MD for one of the board members to sign while he was up there during summers. FedEx has great legal sized boxes that have about four inches of height to them, which hopefully might work. We have an account with FedEx and order them online, but I would imagine they and UPS might ship them, given the times. My mother always uses these one-price boxes from the USPS as well. You can probably compare prices online and if they are prohibitive, I'd totally throw in to purchase one.