Posts made by Trix
RE: The Makeup Thread
Try this video start? fellow has several videos shown at different lighting levels, so the brightness may not be an issue, but I like really light makeup so he'd be one person I'd gravitate toward to cherry pick tips. If you are looking for skincare in particular, Wishtrend on youtube is great. Watch Casper talk there in particular and she explains the whys of serums and ceramides, stuff like that.
I like tinted moisturizers too! Find a warm bronzer and blush or you might look washed out. Supergoop also has an SPF setting spray. It makes your face matte and refreshes your sunscreen without mussing your makeup. They also have a very light SPF oil spray (50) for the body.
RE: RL things I love
I am one month... one MONTH away from paying off my freakin' car. I damned near cry every time I think about it. I can buy FURNITURE now. And in between that... NOT spend that money! IMAGINE!
RE: General Video Game Thread
I've been glued to Fire Emblem: Three Houses (go, Golden Deer!), but then I saw this trailer for Borderlands 3:
I was grousing because the song choice was cheesy, then singing along, then sorta jealous of whatever they were obviously on when they made that video. I wanna play Zane and Amara SO BAD.
RE: Sexuality: IC and OOC
I just blushed at the thought of adjusting my boobs where anyone other than my SO could see......but at the SAME time, if I drop a chip or something in there, I'm turning my torso and fishing that out, because screw having crumbs in my bra. If it takes more than a quick dip, I'll either grab the bottom of my bra and shake it, or excuse myself to go clean up. I woudn't even fault a CEO for this unless she didn't politely step away after a second or two of not finding it. Crumbs under your breasts are awful.
RE: Sexuality: IC and OOC
I haven't read those books. I will say that I'm by no means preoccupied with my own boobs, I get distracted by them sometimes. Just those days when you're having 'great body image' and you're like... My skin is soft today. Oooh, my hair is nice. My figure is bangin'! And these BOOBS!Direct opposite to period days when you want to like, hide under a bridge because of bloating and acne flareups and stuff.
I agree with what you're saying. These things don't need to be belabored. Sometimes people treat non white characters as if they are unicorns and that's... weird considering how many gamers are not white. Flipping it around, that would mean that those gamers portray white characters pretty often. We should all play what's fun and make it less weird to play what we like or identify with.
RE: Sexuality: IC and OOC
Gawd! It's the first thing I DO when I come home. Never considered doing it in a game, but makes SO much sense. Boob sweat is real.
RE: What's your nerd origin story?
I was hyper as a kid. To the point that my parents got me one of those storytelling devices that also reads aloud to you just to make me shut up. It worked SO well that I started reading EVERYTHING.
The first series I remember fully was by Tolkien, but a lot of us cut our teeth on that. Terry Brooks, yeah, Xanth, Pern, Ursula Le Guinn -- gimme more.
My uncle had a collection of comic books that was insane. He literally could not fully open his bedroom door for the boxes of carefully preserved masterpieces stored in there. He had to have had Silver Age comics in there, if not Golden because I remember turning my nose up at some of the 'old art'. I also remember him gently telling me not to touch some of them because they were valuable. The tragedy is that he got sick and his comic collection got ruined. Our family members that cleaned up threw things out without trying to see if anything was salvageable (non nerds). It makes me hang my head and clench my teeth to this day.
The internet happened, AOL chatrooms, (Red Dragon Inn holla!) message boards, gaming consoles, and here I am. Gonna be old and grey and telling my great grandkids to remember to double tap.
RE: Sexuality: IC and OOC
I learned that a good way to get a guy to feel pain below the belt is a gentle graze to his nuts. We used to 'play' that game in passing in the military. A sort of delicate flick with the back of your knuckle will send a man to his knees and you don't have to really make full on contact. But you should also keep walking/running because when he catches his breath, he's gonna be livid.
And haha! You're also describing movie theater seating. I was so freaking confused as to why all my guy friends were taking up like... ALL the seats in the row, spread out. I asked if I should space and they said that I was fine to sit next to one of them, but THEY had to sit apart.
RE: Sexuality: IC and OOC
I play male and female characters. Mostly male characters because I have had bizarre experiences when playing females. The vibe is completely different.
When playing a female, I've had other female characters get all up in my space and 'kiss' or otherwise grope my character with barely a "How do you do?" It's annoying because you never know if the player you are doing that to wanted the character to experience their "first kiss". Don't do that.
It's especially hilarious when another woman walks over and starts ask/demanding that I buy her IG things. Like -- I'd like stuff too! Buy ME some! I'm poor! It makes me wonder why guys put up with/indulge that behavior or just shake their heads as much as I do.
I love demeanor systems in game that let you just rebuff unwanted coded advances. Stahp HUGGING meeeee!