Sheerly for the sake of Black Summer. Netflix has been pushing this on me for a while and I finally gave in, and for some reason sank an entire day into bingeing its brief two seasons. It's...boy.
Did you find The Walking Dead just way too cheerily optimistic and upbeat? Black Summer is your grimmest darkest. Thought TWD's cast was too bloated? No worries, Black Summer slaughters a cast member approximately every 5.8 minutes.
Every instance of even the briefest moment of human kindness is immediately punished. Every time more than three people group up it falls apart. Humans are wretched, vicious, horrid animals and there's no goal that the protagonists make that doesn't fail spectacularly.
Sometimes I am in the mood for some bleak and nihilistic media, but the finale had me slack-jawed and legitimately concerned for the writers' mental wellbeing.
This is an ugly show, y'all.