I went to the emergency room because the pain got a lot worse. I have an abscess, and now I have medicine. Here is hoping it clears up quickly, this pain is ridiculous.

Best posts made by Prism
RE: Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff
Moon River MUSH
Set on a mountainside in Northern California's Del Norte region, Moon River is a prosperous little haven for residents and visitors who find their way here, nestled above the elbow of a river. The oceanfront is just a short trip down from the outskirts of town, and its temperate coastal region's biodiversity attracts hunters, scientists, and nature enthusiasts alike. Riverside Community College draws students of all kinds, and Moon River Medical Center is a renowned teaching hospital in the region. The downtown Historic District is home to artisans of all types, and though it looks like a fairly wholesome place, it seems to attract a fair number of criminals too, some more subtle than others. Everyone here—everyone—has a secret.
This is a modern game is inspired by prime time dramas, where things may be utterly OTT, but it's really just another day in Moon River.
Everything in Moon River seems mundane enough, but is it? Come join us & find out!
Apps are simple: 11 background questions and a few stats! If you choose to adopt a roster, most of them are supplied with suggested secrets. We have a simple chargen walk through and a list of existing businesses and housing options. Have questions? We're happy to help.
RE: Is Min/Max a bad thing?
@arkandel I have a character in a MU* that is maxed in a skill and as such, it can likely make things not fun for others if certain types of scenes are run. I'm the type of person that I will try to find another way to be involved in certain scenes unless someone with comparable skill is there for me to play against.
I don't judge others who don't do the same, if someone worked hard to raise a skill to a certain point, they want to occasionally have the chance to either be a bad ass, or the big brain. It's just how I work because I've been in the situation before where I had to sit through someone single handedly taking care of something without having any regard to anyone else playing with them. It's not fun.
tl:dr If you want to be an occasional bad ass and have a snowflake moment, have at it. If you are constantly shoving that bad ass behavior in my face -- suddenly I'm going to have something better to do when you want to play.
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
My reaction to anger in general.
I always thought that I dealt with anger well, but in reality I kind of freeze up. I go quiet, and I wait for the anger to pass. I knew that I wasn't great with that emotion but it didn't hit me until last night the reasons why. Listening to my parents fight all my life, being yelled at in past relationships. When someone is angry, I just freeze, and I hate that.
I'm my peeve today.
RE: MUs That We Would Love To Make (But Won't)
There is so much to unpack here, but the bottom line likely would be that it wouldn't be enjoyable playing with them after one or two scenes. Kudos to those who manage though.
RE: Critters!
We've added a new kitten to our household. I have a spayed female calico who has been on her own here for over a year.
New kitten wants to play with the older cat SO bad. We've been letting them out morning and night to get used to the scent because the older cat hasn't had a lot of social experience.
Well today, for the first time since the new kitten has been here, the older cat went up and sniffed her without hissing or growling, and seems to be slowly accepting the fact that she's here.
Of course, the older diva keeps giving the kitten the occasional swats to remind her who the boss is. So far it's been relatively harmless. Here is hoping they can get along.
RE: Critters!
Cat and kitten finally getting along.
I admit, I was worried for a little bit. -
RE: Is this hobby on it's last legs?
The Network is also gearing up for a new season and has been pretty (fun and) active. If you're a fan of cyberpunk, stop in before things get rolling next month.
RE: Moon River MUSH
@GundamGirl We have no supernatural elements. We're just a small town game with high drama. Despite rumors to the contrary we're also not focused on criminal elements, but welcome the infusion of some. Come check us out.
RE: Dating in the 2020's
Saw this today, laughed a little. To be clear, this is a joke.
Credit to @aniacopian on twitter.
Latest posts made by Prism
RE: Is Min/Max a bad thing?
@arkandel I have a character in a MU* that is maxed in a skill and as such, it can likely make things not fun for others if certain types of scenes are run. I'm the type of person that I will try to find another way to be involved in certain scenes unless someone with comparable skill is there for me to play against.
I don't judge others who don't do the same, if someone worked hard to raise a skill to a certain point, they want to occasionally have the chance to either be a bad ass, or the big brain. It's just how I work because I've been in the situation before where I had to sit through someone single handedly taking care of something without having any regard to anyone else playing with them. It's not fun.
tl:dr If you want to be an occasional bad ass and have a snowflake moment, have at it. If you are constantly shoving that bad ass behavior in my face -- suddenly I'm going to have something better to do when you want to play.
RE: Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff
Got really bad news today. Trying very hard to not think because I'll just keep crying.
2022 has been a shitshow so far.
RE: Critters!
Cat and kitten finally getting along.
I admit, I was worried for a little bit. -
RE: Critters!
We've added a new kitten to our household. I have a spayed female calico who has been on her own here for over a year.
New kitten wants to play with the older cat SO bad. We've been letting them out morning and night to get used to the scent because the older cat hasn't had a lot of social experience.
Well today, for the first time since the new kitten has been here, the older cat went up and sniffed her without hissing or growling, and seems to be slowly accepting the fact that she's here.
Of course, the older diva keeps giving the kitten the occasional swats to remind her who the boss is. So far it's been relatively harmless. Here is hoping they can get along.
RE: Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff
I went to the emergency room because the pain got a lot worse. I have an abscess, and now I have medicine. Here is hoping it clears up quickly, this pain is ridiculous.
RE: Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff
Had a really bad ear infection earlier this year, so bad that I went to the ER about it. I was given medication and after another MONTH of pain (this infection did not want to peace out) I finally felt normal again.
I have a pain in my ear again, the same ear, and when I called the doctor they told me that they can't keep treating it with antibiotics or I will build an immunity, and as long as it's not making me scream in pain, I should endure and be kind to my ear for a while.
I just got a new job, where I wear a headset, and my sore ear hates that a lot.
I'm on week two of this infection and I'm trying so hard to do all of these home remedies to attempt to get this shit sorted out, but it hurts so bad sometimes, and I really hate having ears right now. .
RE: Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff
@macha Sending warm thoughts for your interview tomorrow. Depression is insidious and scary, and hopefully better things are in your future.
RE: Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
My reaction to anger in general.
I always thought that I dealt with anger well, but in reality I kind of freeze up. I go quiet, and I wait for the anger to pass. I knew that I wasn't great with that emotion but it didn't hit me until last night the reasons why. Listening to my parents fight all my life, being yelled at in past relationships. When someone is angry, I just freeze, and I hate that.
I'm my peeve today.
RE: MUs That We Would Love To Make (But Won't)
There is so much to unpack here, but the bottom line likely would be that it wouldn't be enjoyable playing with them after one or two scenes. Kudos to those who manage though.