It's OK to say no and FTB the TS.
If they don't respect that you either have a conversation with them or involve staff. I don't give a fuck any more.
It's OK to say no and FTB the TS.
If they don't respect that you either have a conversation with them or involve staff. I don't give a fuck any more.
Let's not remove the upvote button because the alternative will be upvote gifs. And I will use them.. hard.
@carex said in Let's talk about TS.:
Give your players a justice system they are part of and your game will last longer with a more loyal player base.
No. And no to everything else. Player does something against policy, they are banned. That's it. If there's no policy then staff may create a policy and clearly state VIOLATING POLICY RESULTS IN BAN.
I'm sure someone can play with the balls to make them prettier.
The ugly code:
[space(40)]\,o \,.\, o%r[space(39)]'%b%b\,*\,O%b%b%b'o%r %b_%b%b___[space(22)]__[space(11)]Oo%b%b%b%r | |/ \(_\)[space(20)]/ _|[space(8)]####%b%b%b%r | ' / _ _ __%b%b%b__ _[space(4)]___ | |_[space(7)]########%b%b%r |%b%b< | | '_ \\ / _` |%b%b/ _ \\|%b%b_|%b%b|\\ #/\\##/\\##/|[space(4)]%r | . \\| | | | | \(_| | | \(_\) | |[space(4)]| \\/%b%b\\/%b%b\\/ |%b%b%b%r |_|\\_\\_|_| |_|\\__\, |%b%b\\___/|_|[space(4)]|____________|[space(9)]%r%b%b/ ____|[space(7)]__/ |[space(13)]################[space(7)]%r | \(___%b%b%b_____|___/[space(15)]#############[space(9)]%r%b%b\\___ \\ / _ \\ \\/ /[space(15)]############[space(11)]%r%b%b____\) |%b%b__/>%b%b<[space(15)]#############[space(10)]%r |_____/ \\___/_/\\_\[space(8)]_[space(4)]####_########[space(7)]%r |%b%b\\/%b%b|[space(17)]| |%b%b### \(_\)######[space(6)]%r | \\%b%b/ | ___%b%b_%b%b%b_ _ __ | |_#_#__ _#_#__#%b%b%r | |\\/| |/ _ \\| | | | '_ \\| __/ _` | | '_ \\ %r | |%b%b| | \(_\) | |_| | | | | || \(_| | | | | |###\)%r |_|%b%b|_|\\___/ \\__\,_|_| |_|\\__\\__\,_|_|_| |_|######\)%r[space(12)]\(##################\\3###################\)[space(18)]%r[space(11)]\(#####################|###################\)%r[space(10)]\(######################\)####################\)%r[space(11)]\(####################\) \(##################\)%r[space(12)]\(##################\)%b%b%b\(################\)
Most of the ones I have are already mentioned, especially in regards to TS and the pressures to have it regularly.
Another is rp with the person is nothing but romance. They won't budge in any other direction. That's a pass.
Fuck yeah is definitely when characters are portrayed with short comings. I don't mean flaws like a missing eye or leg. I'm talking about the imperfect people and they play up their low stats over their above average stats. I just have to be their friend. And I'll probably stalk them. No shame.
I also agree with the bouncing back, feels good when you suddenly lose track of time cause you've been going back and forth with someone far longer than you idealy planned on rp'ing. Then call out sick to work. Again no shame.
edit: Too much modern slang in a historical setting.
@quibbler burn the book.
Then send the author hate mail.
RPing with someone for 6 hours and no romance, no ts, just developing story.
Yup, I'm stalking them now. #letmebeyourrppartner4life
@arkandel I picked it up on Gamepass/Ultimate. I am considering buying it however I did read on the forums some game crashing issues on consoles after reaching a certain point in time, a long way away if you start from the 800’s. Haven’t experienced any yet but I’m sure to at some point.
I restarted a few times, went through the tutorial and probably now on my 10th or so restart after never playing any of the previous versions. It took some trial and error and if you’re cool with that, go for it. You have the option of configuring some of the rules of your game: . I highly recommend this.
But yeah. Information overload , the UI tool tips are great.
I’m going slow, not winning wars or trying to declare war on a territory. That’s probably a later ambition. My vassals take territories for me. I role play their the traits on the characters, like the Sims. Currently Im trying to create my own religion and win the holy war against the Pope as my character controls all the Holy Sites from that era.
I’m a bit obsessed.
Come through Raja!
I’m absolutely loving this empire of USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Españia etc etc series showcasing folk all over the world.
With the All Stars this season I’m fangirling over Raja and Trinity. Trinity's train skills are insane.
I can sew socks and a crochet. Even then it’s always a blanket.
Babble here:
Currently playing on X/S, sim games rare my shit.
What’s the good bad and ugly? I’m trying not to switch over to steam just for the mods. I want to see if it’s possible to have my starting player father a whole dynasty.
Anyone else play? Talk to us.
@macha It would be. I’m not at my correct dose however I’m noticing some difference in how I can actually get through homework and not just skip to the end.
I’ve been like this the past 30 min playing catch up.
y’all @admins aight? This is some crazy shit. lol.
rip hog pit