Aug 23, 2017, 4:06 PM

Ok, for anyone curious. These are the pictures she is referring to, I'm p sure. And it's a long and not very interesting story. Like, a number of years ago, about 6? 7? My stepdad gave them to me to sell on e-bay for him. He'd bought them when he was young and just out of college with his first real job. And he thought that naked women in fancy frames was classy art. Literally, he was just trying to figure out classy art and he looked at these and thought 'yeah, this'.

So I got them, meant to list them somewhere to sell them-- never did. So instead, they sat around my apartment for a year because I was too lazy. Then I got the bright idea to just hang them up, because if I was too lazy to sell them, hanging them up is the next logical step! So I did. And then they just kind of became-- permanent. I even rearranged the art several times, until eventually now they sit above my bed, making a faux headboard for it.