Which canon property/setting would be good for a MU* ?
@tempest said in Which canon property/setting would be good for a MU* ?:
I want to play in stuff like Final Fantasy, or Super Robot settings but....
Without 90% of the people those kind of games tend to attract.
Man, sometimes I hate you because you say the things I'm thinking of all the damn time.
@ganymede said in Which canon property/setting would be good for a MU* ?:
@tempest said in Which canon property/setting would be good for a MU* ?:
I want to play in stuff like Final Fantasy, or Super Robot settings but....
Without 90% of the people those kind of games tend to attract.
Man, sometimes I hate you because you say the things I'm thinking of all the damn time.
We were meant to be, Gany.
@seraphim73 said in Which canon property/setting would be good for a MU* ?:
That was an NPC, wasn't it? Or was it a PC? Huh... now I don't remember. I think they were all too busy shooting the Tank-lady.
Yes, you're right. Though at least one other Arker PC took a potshot. And it wasn't really true PvP since I was the only one on the other team and went into it knowing my team would lose and went out of my way not to target other PCs. So not the best example but my point still stands
@bobotron said in Which canon property/setting would be good for a MU* ?:
This was tried a few years ago by the M3-circuit. It lasted
about 4 monthsabout 8 months and before the game actually shut down, had fairly collapsed under the sheer insanity of its own players and setting.ETA: I forgot they actually closed-closed due to RPGWorks closing, but the faction implosion and player issues were a big deal with a lot of characters dropping.
There was also Final Fantasy MUX, which was full consent, ALL THE FFS, and which ran for like... ten years or some shit. I played there a few times, with years passing in between, and it was a lot of fun. There's nothing inherently wrong with either the setting or consent-based gaming.
@tempest said in Which canon property/setting would be good for a MU* ?:
Final Fantasy Tactics MUSH with the grid/map system from the d20 Star Wars games, when?
All of the yes.
In other words you want a war sim
With chocobo, Bob. With chocobo.
The Lies of Locke Lamora‘s Camorr, set prior to the first book. Heavy focus on the lowlives of Camorr, using a modified Blades in the Dark to allow for crews and jobs.
Or, if we agree that only one book set in Camorr simply didn’t tell us enough about the setting to put a game there, Nevernight’s Godsgrave, also set prior to the first book.
@theonceler Blades in the Dark would be great, but I also cringe at the thought of bookkeeping a number of different crews' potentially conflicting activities.
I'm not saying it's a bad thing, just people should be up front about what they want.
I honestly think some kind of 'war' game wouldn't be terrible at all. We've seen things such as TGG work; why not a Final Fantasy Tactics skew on such?
Re-plug of Spelljammer, since I am on an odd D&D kick.
Fallout, but run by someone who doesn't make me back away slowly when I see her interact with players on the Public channel?
- 21 days later
@shaggy said in Which canon property/setting would be good for a MU* ?:
... a professional wrestling based MU.
You misspelled Lucha Underground.
@jennkryst said in Which canon property/setting would be good for a MU* ?:
@shaggy said in Which canon property/setting would be good for a MU* ?:
... a professional wrestling based MU.
You misspelled Lucha Underground.
I hear what you're saying. Bring it!
@shaggy Sounds like a case for the World Wide Wrestling RPG! https://ndpdesign.com/wwwrpg/
@shaggy I'm a broken record when promoting the only MU I currently play but
No one's currently playing Zangief on Match of the Millennium
Or Haggar, or Rainbow Mika, or the Slam Masters characters ...
I'm just sayin'...
@fei-dawen said in Which canon property/setting would be good for a MU* ?:
@shaggy I'm a broken record when promoting the only MU I currently play but
No one's currently playing Zangief on Match of the Millennium
Or Haggar, or Rainbow Mika, or the Slam Masters characters ...
I'm just sayin'...
And I'm not dismissive of that, but the simple fact is...I don't really know those characters. And when I looked at the MotM app, knowing the characters moveset and being able to have a good grasp of them is, understandably, part of the expectation. And I just...don't have that and am not likely to acquire it anytime soon.
It's kind of like...if I were looking for a good Game of Thrones game and someone pointed me to a Lord of the Rings MU. It's very much along similar lines, in some ways, but it's not really what I'm looking for.
@shaggy Haha. Yeah, that's fair. It's just the only game I'm aware of where professional wrestling roleplay actually happens.
A game devoted exclusively to professional wrestling RP would be interesting. You'd be RPing an RPer, effectively. There are pro-wrestling OCs on MotM, but the difference is that, implicitly, in "real life" the pro-wrestlers are also legitimate fighters on par with the fireball-throwers. I can see how that wouldn't necessarily scratch the same itch.