Eg What grinds my gears 2.0
Peeve: There are still plenty of seats on the bus dude. So why the fuck are you sitting so close our shoulders touch! I don't know you, get the hell out of my personal space!
Eg What grinds my gears 2.0
Peeve: There are still plenty of seats on the bus dude. So why the fuck are you sitting so close our shoulders touch! I don't know you, get the hell out of my personal space!
Maybe he likes you.
@Cobaltasaurus said:
Eg What grinds my gears 2.0
Peeve: There are still plenty of seats on the bus dude. So why the fuck are you sitting so close our shoulders touch! I don't know you, get the hell out of my personal space!
"Hey, baby. In my planet, shoulders are our sensitive spot." /browwaggle.
Peeve: Things that happen which are totally my fault, so who do I get mad at?
Example: I get out of the shower, I'm cold as hell, and I realize there's no towel because I didn't grab a fresh one after putting the last one in the laundry basket.
Or the classic, bang my knee against a table corner. Argh.
Stop hittin' yo'self, stop hittin' yo'self.
Mix that with people who haven't learned basic hygiene skills and/or douse themselves in patchouli oil, along with the vague clinging scent of pot smoke, and you've got your average MAX line ride.
I fucking hate people who BATHE in perfume or cologne.
Cellphones. Cinema theatres.
People who give old folks a pass for obnoxious behavior in airplanes, but shit on babies.
Mother fucker, the baby doesn't understand pressurization.
This is pretty specific, but just because you live in an old town neighborhood that's escaped the rest of the city's gentrification and still manages to have a lot of the old cultural landmarks ("and quirky stores and awesome brewpubs and good music venues and I can't even") does not make you better as a human being. It makes you an asshole for bragging about it.
And probably makes you the reason it's going to get gentrifide soon.
People who use the small town library as their personal (free) babysitting service because school closed for the day due to the weather.
@Coin said:
People who give old folks a pass for obnoxious behavior in airplanes, but shit on babies.
Mother fucker, the baby doesn't understand pressurization.
I don't shit on the babies. That's gross. I blame the parents.
You don't know what you're mis--what? No. What? NO.
More peeves from the Hal Sparks stand-up which I love because it's almost all made up of 'shit that pisses Hal off':
Places that offer things in Medium and Large, or Small and Medium, or Medium and sizes in only one direction from Medium.
To quote Sparks: {without a small and a large to based it on} the only way that {cup} is a medium is if it can talk to the dead.
I tried to watch The Imitation Game. I'm pretty sure it was a good movie. Pretty sure. I don't have a lot of coherent recall because the jackass next to me was compulsively checking his phone every 2 minutes. This is long enough to finally settle into what's happening on screen and then BRIGHT LIGHT IN MY FAS! BLIND! ANGRY! RAGE FEELS! RAGE FEELS!
I've never seriously entertained punching some random person in the face repeatedly before. We don't have theaters here that automatically monitor for smartphone usage and then immediately kick people out. I would love it if we got a Roadhouse here. Or something. I would seriously pay 20 bucks for a movie where everyone has to check their smartphone for the entire movie and live without the mystery of what's happening on Facebook for 120 minutes.
This isn't always the easiest thing, but I've found nine times out of ten actually asking the person to stop, mostly politely but allowing the slightest hint of irritation to leak into your voice, is enough to make most fuckers really stop checking their phones. It's miraculous. Sometimes they even apologize.
EDIT: Rereading the above I think that might have come off a little sarcastic, but that's not at all how I mean it. I really do get how hard it is to confront people for being obnoxious/breaking social contracts, but it's seriously almost always worth it.
Credit reports. ARGH.
Then again, setting everything back up, trying to get a job and not starve while starting all over again really sucks.
On the other hand, I can now be Aquaman.
I'm in that situation myself, trying to get a new job and all that set back up. It's pretty crazy and hectic. Also, maybe it's just me, but if one thing happens that's unexpected (like car issues or something), it creates like a Charybdis of worry.
@somasatori YES. So help me god I will punch the next person in the face that gloats about living in the Heights or bitches about the gentrification of Oak Grove and the building of 'McMansions'.
Houston isn't that cool and a bunch of falling down pier and beam tract homes are not that great.
Also, re credit reports - write letters. Single best way to improve your credit without spending money (except on postage) and yes, it does work.