Dec 30, 2017, 5:17 PM

@sunny said in The Death Of Telnet: Is It Time To Face The Music?:

I want to point out that honest to god, we don't want the flood gates to open from these other RP communities. If we tip over to 'too accessible' (that sounds terrible, and I don't mean it like that) we'll have to readdress a lot more than the technology involved. Our games are all structured, roughly, the same way. You need a staffer for every 10-50 players, depending on how your game is set up, right?

What will happen is when you already have too many players, you stop letting in new ones. If you don't know how to control growth in your community, then you're just bad at administering something. Like elite colleges that already have enough students, the leftovers overflow into their own spheres and make their own MU*'s.

What's the big concern? That some MU*'s will emerge that aren't structured the same way? I'm not sure how this is a problem. This reads as reluctance to adapt to any kind of change that isn't tightly controlled, and maybe even straight-up fear of it.