@arkandel said in Good TV:
@aria Have you read the books, btw?
I have not, but they're probably going on my (hahahahaha) to read list, which is currently about 140 books long.
Also, @Wretched? My mother does that. And it drives me batshit, because the conversation inevitably ends up going something like this:
Ari-mom: Who's that?
Aria: I have no idea.
Ari-mom: Why not?
Aria: I literally turned the TV on and started watching this at the same time you did.
Ari-mom: Oh. Alright!
A few minutes later:
Ari-mom: I don't understand what's going on! Explain to me what that guy there is doing.
Aria: Same amount of information you have, Mom.
Ari-mom: What did he just say?
Aria: I have no idea. I couldn't hear the TV over us talking.
That last one is my personal favorite. Because I am an awesome, multi-tasking millenial, it seems I'm expected to have developed the amazing superpower of carrying on a ten minute conversation with her while also processing whatever is happening in the show and simultaneously explaining it to her as some sort of live commentary feed.
I keep it in a drawer right next to my ability to give her step by step instructions, over the phone, on how to repair her iPad -- a piece of technology I've never used, because my tablet is made by Samsung.
She is adorable and also I want to strangle her. ^_^