Shadows Over Reno (Threeboot?)
I don't have an official "ad," but as most of you know: Reno moved when mechanipus shut down. This time was used to overhaul the wiki, update the code, etc.
The game is not a full reboot, but it began being called "Reno 3" anyway. The same stories are intact, the same characters are. It's technically more like Reno 2.5 if we want to get technical.
It can be found at
The wiki is at, but it is incomplete at this time as it is going through a complete overhaul. Most things are there, but not everything.We also have a Discord server at
Come, hang out, unfreeze a character if you had one previously. We've got a couple plots up and running already.
ETA: I typo'd the port # and didn't notice until now. Apologies!
Come play! We're seeing players coming in and doing stuff and people are talking about the fun they are having! Basically, we have it all. I'm Clicker on staff. Mortal/+ are my domain.
Meanwhile, I play Nick, a Hunter and Shane, who is a psychic with a lot of vampire friends. Because YAY cross-sphere!
We have werewolves too. >.>
Yes, people should come play, I'm there as Lisa the Daeva, and stuff is goin' on.
@livia said in Shadows Over Reno (Threeboot?):
Yes, people should come play, I'm there as Lisa the Daeva, and stuff is goin' on.
Yes! Like Baby's First Public Murder!
The wiki is beautiful. Props to the maker.
@shincashay Danke. I had about five days before mechanipus went down to scramble something together notice-wise, and then my computer went 'nope!' to finishing it up. (Because of course, right?)
Hopefully it will be properly fleshed out soon, since I should be able to get back to it later this week.
How's things in game? Easy to find RP and get into /the action/?
I was looking through the wiki and couldn't find any info on if there are still restrictions in place on XP spends. Does a PC need to wait X amount of time between raising specific attributes/values (blood potency/primal urge/disciplines/gifts)?
Is there active staff this time around that work jobs/answer questions?
@thatonedude said in Shadows Over Reno (Threeboot?):
How's things in game? Easy to find RP and get into /the action/?
I was looking through the wiki and couldn't find any info on if there are still restrictions in place on XP spends. Does a PC need to wait X amount of time between raising specific attributes/values (blood potency/primal urge/disciplines/gifts)?
Is there active staff this time around that work jobs/answer questions?
Wiki is still being built. 'news advancement' on the game has what you're looking for and yes, there's still a month wait on power stat spends.
There's currently two game-wide plots going on, both with bbposts with hooks. Both have had plot scenes go up and the Staffers running them have been on the ball with handling requests (and running scenes as necessary for the players chasing them down).
Vampire has been very active. Werewolf has people apping in and others unfreezing. Hunter has been getting new blood and I hope (biased seeing as I run it ;)) yet more to come.
Most jobs are handled within a couple days. Some, obviously (major rules calls, for example) will take longer.
Too bad it isnt 1e. Not that I dont want to learn 2e just havent been able to find any bootleg copies and poor af
@magee101 said in Shadows Over Reno (Threeboot?):
Too bad it isnt 1e. Not that I dont want to learn 2e just havent been able to find any bootleg copies and poor af
If you really want to learn 2E, let me know.
@ganymede said in Shadows Over Reno (Threeboot?):
@magee101 said in Shadows Over Reno (Threeboot?):
Too bad it isnt 1e. Not that I dont want to learn 2e just havent been able to find any bootleg copies and poor af
If you really want to learn 2E, let me know.
Plenty of folks can help with this and is an awesome quick reference, too. It won't help for thematic learning or the descriptive aspects, but I
it when I just need stuff at-a-glance.
So it's been a couple weeks since I cgenned over there. Things I have observed:
1 - person that throws winky pics before telling you they are winky pics, but they did back down quickly when I was like: uhhhh, and Tressym was notified. (It wasn't Logan)
2 - It's dead. Like breaking into rp has been a serious chore to troll for scenes. Only in the last 2-3 days have things really picked up like people might be coming out of their shells to Do Things With A Stranger.
3 - Scored a staff plot scene! Woo! However. It's supposed to be some big plot thing... that I have never once heard about from other pcs or anything ic. And the response to the job to try and get more settled into it, really had a feel of 'go way kid, you're bothering me'. Shortest answer, job closed, and rather discouraging because that really gives the impression that while digging into a thing was invited, it was a token invitation.
Just feedback and personal experience.
@taika said in Shadows Over Reno (Threeboot?):
3 - Scored a staff plot scene! Woo! However. It's supposed to be some big plot thing... that I have never once heard about from other pcs or anything ic. And the response to the job to try and get more settled into it, really had a feel of 'go way kid, you're bothering me'. Shortest answer, job closed, and rather discouraging because that really gives the impression that while digging into a thing was invited, it was a token invitation.
If it was with Dhaz, I will say there's been a bunch of bbposts that he put up initially about it! He put a custom bbpost in each sphere when the plot first went up for folks.
Nick has been doing media posts every so often for it since. I know the Vampire and Hunter spheres have both been all about it.
Our Werewolf sphere (which is where I guess you're at?) sort of... dropped the ball on it. The one person who was chasing the plot tried really, really hard at first to get people involved and the people he tried to pull in just sort of all went 'shrug.' He (the person who got involved initially) had RL hit him recently, but I'd say page him if you see him on (Kurt) and let him know you wanna RP. He's almost always game if he's free and has been wanting really bad to get WW active and doing stuff.
If you did feel discouraged, I do recommend paging Dhaz about it! I doubt he intended it that way at all. I know I'm speaking from the realm of being staff, but I've found the guy to be super approachable (I've never worked with / known him prior to this staffing team tho!). I think he may have crashed hard or had something come up IRL last night. He disappeared without any warning, which is sort of abnormal for him.
Guys i still cannot connect from my mobile clients and thus have not, well, connected. I apologize for this tragedy.
@tragedyjones said in Shadows Over Reno (Threeboot?):
Guys i still cannot connect from my mobile clients and thus have not, well, connected. I apologize for this tragedy.
I have as of yet been able to figure out why that happens. For most people, it's cleared up. I have been completely unable to reproduce the issue.
@tragedyjones i am able to connect with mukluk on android
Anyone having the issue have a telnet client on their phone to where they can try using TF and/or tracert the server?
@tragedyjones said in Shadows Over Reno (Threeboot?):
Guys i still cannot connect from my mobile clients and thus have not, well, connected. I apologize for this tragedy.
From the quick troubleshooting I did when I first connected it looks like some clients have issues resolving the IPv6 address. Try by IPv4:port ...
@magee101 I have tried Mukluk and Blowtorch.
I couldn't connect from home, and connecting via mukluk takes -forever-, like a 2-3 minute drag before it'll give me a login screen.