Star Wars?
Ares is doable for Star Wars, but not ideal. Blaster deflection/lightsaber block would probably need to be coded in (or additional stances added for lightsaber users).
Most of the Saga games that there have been (KotOR, Dark Times, GoD, DoD (I think), FoH, and others) have been using Dahan's codebase, which he seems quite happy to pass around and install for folks. I know that GoD had a bunch of pretty unbalanced homebrew additions, I assume that DoD followed up on this. Something you might want to look out for.
Oh no... not another FS3 Star Wars game. My heart can’t take it. It goes against pretty much every piece of advice about What types of games FS3 is suited for. Ares without FS3 would be fine, you just need somebody to code up a skill system that better fits your needs. (Ares is still in beta FYI.)
@mr-johnson said in Star Wars?:
So what you guys are saying... is after I finish working on and get my superhero game either stable or dead from disintrest I should build a Star Wars Saga's KOTOR game? I like this idea.
If you're going to make a system game, go with D6 instead of Saga. It's more flexible for character concepts, easier for unfamiliar players to learn, has a play-style more in line with the cinematic feel of Star Wars, and player-driven advancement rather than static, pre-defined level advancement.
Saga would turn me right off. WEG D6 was where it's at for Star Wars for me.
Level based is just ugh.
@runescryer said in Star Wars?:
go with D6 instead of Saga
Dahan's D6 is available and easy to use. I think some of the others utilized the Dahan Skill System, but the code for D6 is still out there. in here with other options, including the org manager system.
ETA: Its offered standard SW D6, but is configurable as Open D6, used this at The Rise recently.
There is also FFG code floating around somewhere, but I don't know how complete it is.
I'll be honest the less code work I need to personally do the more chance this will actually happen. I'm fine using d6 I suppose I just don't know jack didly squat about it. Don't know the system from Adam in the slightest. I'll much more likely just look around for what requires the least possible amount of retooling and then just go from there because I don't want to have TWO projects I'm stuck setting round waiting on coders to launch.
Also @faraday
u and your work, also love pushin buttons by misusing your script.
I highly recommend going with this D6 Revised, Expanded, and Updated. I did up a c-gen in a weekend for fun. It's super simple and this edition is obviously free for all to use.
@mr-johnson Well, hope you don’t mind your Jedi being wusses and your Stormtroopers mowing people down with full auto blaster fire and everyone complaining about the unfair power balance and slow XP progression. Good luck.
@faraday said in Star Wars?:
@mr-johnson Well, hope you don’t mind your Jedi being wusses and your Stormtroopers mowing people down with full auto blaster fire and everyone complaining about the unfair power balance and slow XP progression. Good luck.
I would actually LOVE another shot at trying to make Star Wars work under FS3. There's definitely some hurdles to get over, but I think it could work. Jedi defenses are really the major thing here, plus balancing lightsaber melee vs autofire. I think that -except- for Jedi, FS3 would be pretty much ideal for Star Wars. With Jedi, it just takes some tweaking. Perhaps some very strong, very hard tweaking.
My initial suggestions would be setting blasters with very high recoil mods to discourage full auto, setting lightsabers and vibroblades as really high lethality mods, and using stances with massive boosts to defense (+3-5, probably) and no penalty to offense to represent Block/Deflect (and maybe some other mods for various lightsaber forms). Other Force Powers would be weapons or non-attack things done during "combat/pass" actions.
Sidenote: I'm actually against WEG D6 because with large amounts of XP (which is -going- to happen on a MUSH, all it takes is time) Jedi are just obscene. Like, Tartatovsky-Clone Wars-level obscene. And I totally understand that Saga Edition has pretty much run its course within the MU* community.
@seraphim73 said in Star Wars?:
And I totally understand that Saga Edition has pretty much run its course within the MU* community.
I think you and I are in that very small group of people who both get and enjoy Saga, Seraphim.
Never understood all the SAGA hatred. I like FS3, especially since you can still find all the goodies out there. Yet the Saga system made sense to me with this explanation on the half heroic level to skills. "Han on the Tauntaun, you don't really think Han wasted any points on Ride, do you?" It makes a fair point. Life experience counting for something.
I too am jonesing for some star wars. Maybe this time I can actually be just a good old fighter jock... and not end up as Emperor. With or without Force. Perhaps I could smuggle... I like looking scruffy.
Old Republic does have a lot of openess to it, but it's been done several times now. Personally, there's that gap in the rise of the empire I like. Yet, with KOTOR, the point on Forcers is a valid one.
Well I've just been graciously donated an entire code base for the game, so looks like Saga edition is what's going to be used. I won't lie the code is a bit of a mess and will likely need some hefty work from a coder down the line but for the moment? I can work with it, looks like I've got a project to work on. Anyone who wants to join in just email me at Dayshark115 at gmail and I'd be happy to welcome you along for the ride.
@seraphim73 A PvE game with no Jedi? Sure. But that’s not a typical Star Wars MUSH. And what you’re talking about to make Jedi work goes beyond “tweaking” and into “significant modifications”.
@templari said in Star Wars?:
Never understood all the SAGA hatred.
I think that Saga Edition is actually a really great Star Wars system... for tabletop. But I don't think that any level-based system is great for a MU*, because ever-increasing hitpoints, attack bonuses, and defense mods tend to make it utterly useless to have a lower-level character along (unless they have some great teamwork trick).
@mr-johnson said in Star Wars?:
Well I've just been graciously donated an entire code base for the game
I'm curious whether it's the GoD/DoD codebase with their homebrew additions, or if it's the original Dahan code. If the former, you definitely will want to get someone in to pick out the additions before opening the game up to the public, some of them were dangerously unbalanced (and many of them weren't even written in appropriate Saga Edition language).
@faraday Oh yeah, any large-scale CvC component puts FS3 out of mind for me, definitely. And I might be allowing my FS3 familiarity to get the better of me, but I don't consider tweaking weapon stats and stances as much more than tweaking.
But again, I recognize that I'm not the average user, and that adding magic into FS3 in general is a significant modification of what you intended it to be used for. It's also just one of those "pet projects" that I kind of want to see if I can make work--my last attempt didn't turn out so well.
It's the GoD/DoD codebase.
He'll need a coder. I'm just facilitating the setup. I don't have time to staff and I am not a coder, in the least. I just had the right people talk to me and was able to make things happen (and I can do server-side stuff no prob).
So if anyone knows Rhost and is willing to put in the work, please get in touch with @Mr-Johnson. People out there wanna see an SW game, as evidenced by this thread.
D6 Star Wars is gross.
Saga is perfectly fine, and anybody complaining about Force Users being weak is clueless and obviously just can't be bothered to really read the rules and various mechanics.
I think I'll make a new thread for further discussion o my personal pet project.
@tempest Usually, I've actually complained that Force Users are too powerful, not too weak. There's an easy fix to them (and to other issues like Pilots being a little too dodgy too): Skill Focus bonus = 1/2 level up to a max of +5.
@seraphim73 said in Star Wars?:
@faraday Oh yeah, any large-scale CvC component puts FS3 out of mind for me, definitely. And I might be allowing my FS3 familiarity to get the better of me, but I don't consider tweaking weapon stats and stances as much more than tweaking.
It's more than weapon stats and stances IMHO. But it feels off-topic for here so I created a discussion over on the FS3/Ares forum for anyone who cares.