Fallout: Montreal
(And by that I mean as quickly as possible once all the lil things are shuffled away and set up correctly. No more jumping the gun this time, regardless of excitement >.<)
All information regarding this game will be posted here once it's completed and can be made public.
I hope this takes off. Got fingers crossed and shit.
@shincashay Thanks for the support! We hope so, too.
Just to put this out there for everyone following this thread, our main goal on the game will be RP. You'll have the option to have combat (what game doesn't, especially with this setting?) but with the code we're initial working with, the main points will be Roleplay and Storytelling. Does that still get people going? Asking well in advance during the creation process so we know which way to go for folks. Thanks!
@rizbunz Given that it is based on a video game, and the easiest PrP's that are ran are combat PrP's, I would say you might want to put a focus on making sure that is done.
Story is great and all, but RP without purpose other than just RP can often times be taken as worthless like bar RP often is.
@lithium The option will be there. It'd be impossible to have this setting without combat. I just wanted it out there that that's not what it's all about is all. If one is more important than the other, that changes how we make things work and function. I'm trying to find the middle ground so we can have some solid footing and ideas for our coder.
@rizbunz I don't even mind freeform. Usually makes combat easier, tbh. I always had more combat prps on my freeform places then code heavy ones. A lot of intermediate mu*ers need at least some sort of guideline though. But I couldn't care less. The important bit is a detailed theme, and a system that leaves detailed, flavorful characters with player groups that have some basis for a mixture of types of interactions, so to speak. So rp, plot and drama can dynamically form and proceed.
@secretfire I'm hoping just to get a functioning code that can work well and easily for players. I know that myself and my other staffers will probably ST differently, and so will the Players when they run their own things. TO me, that's fine. Most things are left to ST discretion, but I also like the idea of having dice and a system in place for that spice of possibility. I'm sure we'll get something that'll please a majority of people, I just like letting people know upfront is all.
Did You Know (
) that Fallout 1 and 2 were designed to be beatable without combat? Someone managed to take Bethesda saying that it was impossible to design a Fallout game without combat and managed a no-kill run in FO4. (He had to trick NPCs into killing each other a few times.)
And Now You Know. Yo Joe.
The purpose of this post was to let these people design the game they want to run, it to tell them what is or isn’t going to work. I can no longer tell how many times we were wrong.
Question: Will Frenglish be the official language?
@yyrqun God I hope so.
@rizbunz I might fare better in a setting along the southern border with Spanglish, or in Pennsylvania with Denglisch, but I guess I'll have to swot up on my French to bring that certain je ne sais quoi to Montreal.
@yyrqun Adorable.
@yyrqun said in Fallout: Montreal:
Question: Will Frenglish be the official language?
That's a trick question. Quebecois do not speak French; they speak Quebecois.
And, goddammit, that will be the thing that keeps me off the game. I left Canada for a reason.
Du Pepsi. C’est tout fucké.
@ganymede True story.
@ganymede PLEASE - you know half the population REFUSED to go into the vaults because the directions were in English.
@thenomain He's right, though I do believe you have to cause 1 death in order to beat Fallout 2. It just doesn't have to be through combat.