Let's talk about TS.
@arkandel said in Let's talk about TS.:
@ganymede said in Let's talk about TS.:
For you, this may be the case, but it's not the same for everyone. Hence, the part where I said that you should set up clear boundaries and then expectations.
This takes all of 5 minutes, and saves you a whole lot of later stress, presuming your partner isn't lying. Then you have a difference issue entirely.
I suspect you're right. It's just tricky to start a conversation like "Hey, so just because my character is banging yours it doesn't mean other characters of mine won't bang other people" without feeling like I'm basically insulting the other person.
I mean, again, this is an issue which I feel is their problem, not yours.
I've never made it a point to tell anyone that TS doesn't make me their virtual property. That to me does seem like a given. And if to them it isn't a given, I would expect it to be their responsibility to bring it up. If they don't, they don't have a right to get mad at me afterwards when they realise that this is totally not my kink.
@sunny said in Let's talk about TS.:
When I say that I want to not talk about me or the person behind the other character (save to avoid things that might upset/trigger/whatnot the other person), that should be respected.
Dear lord, thank you for saying it.
Perhaps this makes me antisocial, but I do not log on to pretendy-fun-times to talk about RL. Nothing makes me run for the hills faster than a RP partner who feels that our RP entitles them to be all up in my OOC business. Especially after I've made it a point to politely inform them that I'm not here for that.
To everyone who misunderstood @sunny: this is my squick. My boundary. My expectation to keep things IC as much as possible.
Approaching TS (along with other kinds of RP that I know can make people uncomfortable, like gore/torture) I always make it a point to talk to people about their limits, reassure them that we can fade/stop/dial-down at any time if they become uncomfortable, and so on. When asked about my limits, my usual response is that I'm mostly OK with anything [insert exceptions], but would like to keep it IC as much as possible.
That should be respected. That is my boundary. I've had people lose their shit about me refusing to talk at length about my character, my life, and so on. In fact I once told someone that I have anxiety issues, which they were exacerbating, and that I want to stop talking to them – to which they responded by getting increasingly angry that I was 'ignoring them' and 'refusing to communicate'.
All I wanted from this person was to be left alone. And when I've stated that, it should not be a debating point.
I was really hoping this thread would be about more words for weiners, because I'm honestly stumped.
I recently read a romance novel that referenced 'his eggplant emoji'. Like, 'his pants were tight but not so tight his eggplant emoji could be seen' or something along those lines.
@theonceler said in Let's talk about TS.:
I was really hoping this thread would be about more words for weiners, because I'm honestly stumped.
Try 'his tumescent mushroom cloud of unyielding flesh'.
@quibbler burn the book.
Then send the author hate mail.
@sunny said in Let's talk about TS.:
The only thing I have to add that hasn't been covered here already is:
If I am on an actual game (and not goofing around on Shang), I want to be left out of it. I should be able to talk in terms of my PC and my character without ever bringing up what MY particular preferences/limits/etc. are. My kinks have no place (for me) in RP where I am playing a character and so on. When I say that I want to not talk about me or the person behind the other character (save to avoid things that might upset/trigger/whatnot the other person), that should be respected. Deal with it IC, play your PC, even in the bedroom. If your character whips out the chains, understand that REGARDLESS of what I might like, my character may very well flip the hell out. Just keep it IC. IC. IC. IC. IC.
This most I talk about the other -player's- preference at this point is language. I will tailor my language to the other player's language. But I have also asked other players when the clothing start coming off and it's clear actual sex is going to be written out: "What language are you comfortable with?"
I'll be flat out honest: I enjoy fluffy romantic RP, and I enjoy TS. I enjoy all levels of romantic RP, and pretty much all levels of TS. From scenes where one partner starts laughing mid-coitus and calls everything off b/c they're thinking about the last time they had a particular act happen to more intense obsession-fucks.
I am fine writing vague poses that describe things, that focus more on the emotional connection. I am also fine writing out all the details. But other people really don't like certain language, and don't like certain words even. (I'll admit there's some words where I am just like: "What are teenagers? Can we not.") . So I will sometimes ask: What level of detail, what language are you okay with?
Otherwise... Booooyyy, I do not wanna know about what the other players kinks are.
@cobaltasaurus said in Let's talk about TS.:
Otherwise... Booooyyy, I do not wanna know about what the other players kinks are.
Sometimes they're very, very obvious, even if no form of OOC communication is used at any point. But a veil of deniability is nice!
@theonceler 'thunderous mastpole' (extra points if you have it piercing someone's sails!), 'sex rocket', 'Rolls Royce of phalluses'. My favorite one I saw in a romance book was 'the throbbing expression of his adoration'.
@quibbler said in Let's talk about TS.:
I recently read a romance novel that referenced 'his eggplant emoji'. Like, 'his pants were tight but not so tight his eggplant emoji could be seen' or something along those lines.
Could this be humor? It sounds like humor. Which is a thing in some romance novels!
I'm writing all of these down.
The first questions I ask when things get psychical is what rating is preferred for the scene, MPAA ratings that is for example PG13 would likely means a quick fade to black, etc on up, it helps to set a tone with having to get overly sharing on a OOC level. It also solves an issue where if Player A prefers one level and Player B the other they know to fond other players with desires more along the same lines.
@peasoupling said in Let's talk about TS.:
Could this be humor? It sounds like humor. Which is a thing in some romance novels!
The book didn't take itself too seriously!
Jake the One-Eyed Trouser Snake.
The Flesh Spear of Destiny.
Russell the Milk-Spitting Muscle.
Misplaced Baby Fist.
Squirtle.I can keep going, I guess.
@ganymede said in Let's talk about TS.:
Jake the One-Eyed Trouser Snake.
The Flesh Spear of Destiny.
Russell the Milk-Spitting Muscle.
Misplaced Baby Fist.
Squirtle.I can keep going, I guess.
I feel you should! Extra points if it could also be the name for a D&D weapon or artifact.
@kay said in Let's talk about TS.:
@ganymede said in Let's talk about TS.:
Jake the One-Eyed Trouser Snake.
The Flesh Spear of Destiny.
Russell the Milk-Spitting Muscle.
Misplaced Baby Fist.
Squirtle.I can keep going, I guess.
I feel you should! Extra points if it could also be the name for a D&D weapon or artifact.
Rod of Monstrous Size?
I am pretty open to whatever. Discussing/not/planning/not, happy to go along with whatever the other player needs to feel comfortable.
My hard line in the sand nope: anyone who claims to be married or partnered who then spends time bitching sexually about their spouse/partner. I'm not talking about occasional grumpy stuff, look I've been married/partnered to the same guy for like 20 years, every one gets on each other's nerves sometimes. But constant complaining or worse, /denigrating/ one's partner? Yikes. I have met people that were so ugly and mean about their SO that I did not feel comfortable interacting with them again. On any level.
Another hard note for me is someone who is constantly complaining about their other RP partners. Especially if its accompanied by "you are the nicest and the only one who understsnds." Yeeeeeaaaaaaahhhhhhhh.
+1 Mace of Pussy Pounding.
Bigboy's Meat Fist. (5th Level Spell.)
Mage's Throbbing Finger. (0th Level Spell.)
+7 Great Ass-Hammer.
Mordenkainen's Magnificent Member. (7th Level Spell.) -
...are those actually pulled from the D&D erotica book? Or are you just making them up? -
@mietze said in Let's talk about TS.:
Another hard note for me is someone who is constantly complaining about their other RP partners. Especially if its accompanied by "you are the nicest and the only one who understands." Yeeeeeaaaaaaahhhhhhhh.
I don't understand this.
If you're willing to bitch and gossip to me about other people, how am I supposed to trust that you aren't going to run off and do exactly the same about me?
I dunno. But it seems to me the biggest problem people are always complaining about their RP partners to their other ones. It's pretty fun when the "spokes" of the wheel finally talk and realize what a shit the "hub" is being. I've made some of the best mush friends that way.