What does Deezer do that stands them apart from the others? I didn’t see anything remarkable.
Favorite music streaming service?
@arkandel said in Favorite music streaming service?:
I find it really interesting no one has voted for 'radio'. Not a single person.
Because radio has more commercials than music.
Only 'commercials' on here are underwriting spots and self-promotion. You will have to deal with public service announcements, though. Sorry. That said, all the shows are archived going back quite a ways, so if you find something you like, there's always more of it to listen to.
Pandora was my vote so other. It has been around long enough it's algorithm knows what I like and with careful pruning each of the stations I have is set perfectly to the moods I have when I choose them. What more could I want?
For a specific instance where I want to her an exact song,I youtube it. -
I'd been a Pandora guy for years but recently I've dropped them in favor of Apple Music. Why? Family plan. Plain and simple. While I prefer the interface of Pandora, I'm slowly becoming accustomed to Apple Music. Radio stations aren't as intuitive but the selection is huge and seemlessly adds itself to my own library. Which I kinda dig.
@royal said in Favorite music streaming service?:
I'd been a Pandora guy for years but recently I've dropped them in favor of Apple Music. Why? Family plan. Plain and simple. While I prefer the interface of Pandora, I'm slowly becoming accustomed to Apple Music. Radio stations aren't as intuitive but the selection is huge and seemlessly adds itself to my own library. Which I kinda dig.
Just like that U2 adds itself to your library.
@auspice said in Favorite music streaming service?:
@royal said in Favorite music streaming service?:
I'd been a Pandora guy for years but recently I've dropped them in favor of Apple Music. Why? Family plan. Plain and simple. While I prefer the interface of Pandora, I'm slowly becoming accustomed to Apple Music. Radio stations aren't as intuitive but the selection is huge and seemlessly adds itself to my own library. Which I kinda dig.
Just like that U2 adds itself to your library.
Could have been worse. Could have been Five Finger Death Punch. The best cover band in the world.
@royal FUCK YOU.
Don't even praise those assclowns sarcastically. I'm triggered now.
@royal said in Favorite music streaming service?:
Could have been worse. Could have been Five Finger Death Punch. The best cover band in the world.
You misspelled Me First and the Gimme Gimmes really badly there.
@zombiegenesis Same. Have prime, pay the 8 bucks a month and happy with it. very little that is unavailable for me. Even something somewhat oscure (to a degree especially in the states) like La Bottine Souriante, is available to me. Pandora annoys me, Spotify, the ads annoy me. At least with prime, I can ramble through stations and add what I like and then I can bellow at my echo to play my recently added. Or tell my dot to play Classical Focus and go to sleep.
@auspice said in Favorite music streaming service?:
@arkandel said in Favorite music streaming service?:
I find it really interesting no one has voted for 'radio'. Not a single person.
Because radio has more commercials than music.
It's not even the commercials... it's the fucking DJs talking over the songs.
Dammit I didn't want to listen to your lame jokes and insights on urban life. I want to listen to the goddamn song. Shut up and let it play!
If it's not an audiobook I'm listening to the radio, but most likely the local college station with no commercials
I do YouTube with a bit of Amazon music. I actually do have an MP3 collection, but mainly for my Swedish and Scandinavian 80s/90s pop that's impossible to find in good quality online.
I use Iheart for streaming, mostly I don't use radio because commercials suck and I don't drive as much as I used to. In my car I use home made mp3 cd's
@kay said in Favorite music streaming service?:
Swedish and Scandinavian 80s/90s pop
good quality
Pick one.
<runs away>
I really liked Spotify, but it really did have too many ads for me. I prefer to juse use Apple Music since, 9/10, I'm going to be using my iPhone or whatever related device to play music anyway. Sometimes Apple Music doesn't have all the music I like, so I'll use SoundCloud or YouTube since I also like to keep my creepypasta/horror narratives going at night for bed time.
What does Deezer do that stands them apart from the others? I didn’t see anything remarkable.
Not sure? I don't really use streaming services. The offline usage seemed significant?
@hedgehog Both Spotify and Google Play let you save songs locally for future playback (and, for example, to only download songs on wifi to preserve data).
@arkandel said in Favorite music streaming service?:
@hedgehog Both Spotify and Google Play let you save songs locally for future playback (and, for example, to only download songs on wifi to preserve data).
I have two specific playlists on Spotify that I have download to listen to offline.