Getting sort of kind of promoted at work. Something about work ethic and performance.
I spend half my day on MSB what the hell are my coworkers doing??
My mother is on Twitter and has a lot of followers somehow, and has been known to ban people from her account for trolling.
My mother has become a netizen.
So strange, but so awesome.
It's frog season here in Florida, and there's currently a frog climbing up my sliding glass door. My cat really wants to eat that frog and keeps trying to attack it - despite the fact that several sheets of glass are between her and it. She's stubborn though! She'll get it soon enough! She's even tried licking the glass to see if she can taste it.
I love cats.
My whole life I've bought functional cars. Cars that go from point A to point B but with nothing else to them.
I bought my first 'I want this thing because it is shiny!' car on Wednesday. I don't think I can ever go back to blandmobiles.
And yes, for those of you who make a lot of money, this isn't a high end mega car. But it's mine. :3
I was in the grocery store today and Sweet Caroline start playing on the Muzak system. while moving through the aisles I heard at least three people singing along. the two older women were somewhat expected but amusing. the college dude bro really getting into it to the horror of his companion was the highlight though.
@wildbaboons said in RL things I love:
I was in the grocery store today and Sweet Caroline start playing on the Muzak system. while moving through the aisles I heard at least three people singing along. the two older women were somewhat expected but amusing. the college dude bro really getting into it to the horror of his companion was the highlight though.
Just reading this makes me happy. This story is a RL thing I love.
I went to see Deadpool 2 on Sunday. Everyone was wearing Deadpool merchandising--t-shirts, backpacks, etc. I was not.
I stand up after the movie's over, turn around, and see a guy with a Green Lantern t-shirt on. I, too, had my Green Lantern t-shirt on.
We high-fived, and went our separate ways.
This t-shirt matching shit KEEPS HAPPENING TO ME. I love it.
Scoring a 7 in my Syntax and Morphology exam I took last friday. If I get another 7 in the next one I don't have to take the final.
Fuck yes. FUCK. YES.
Long meetings that turn into short meetings.
I'm a faster talker.
Getting sort of kind of promoted at work. Something about work ethic and performance.
I spend half my day on MSB what the hell are my coworkers doing??
@arkandel said in RL things I love:
Getting sort of kind of promoted at work. Something about work ethic and performance.
I spend half my day on MSB what the hell are my coworkers doing??
There are not a lot of karate tournaments done around here, but there will be one in a couple of weeks. It will be the first tournament that a lot of the youth students will be attending and they were all lined up in the dojo and the Sensei was going over what to expect. He started off by asking if anyone had been to a tournament before and everyone said no except for one kid that raised his hand and proclaimed, "No, but I've watched the Karate Kid!"
There will be no leg sweeping.
@arkandel said in RL things I love:
I spend half my day on MSB what the hell are my coworkers doing??
I was once assigned a special project at a job. It was a call center gig and the project took me (and 3 other people) off the phones for a few days.
I milked it for all it was worth and I was even afraid I'd be caught slacking..... until the day our boss walks by and leans up on the divider all talking about how productive I am and I'm putting everyone else to shame and...
...I was on my laptop in the middle of posing at that very moment.
@wildbaboons said in RL things I love:
He started off by asking if anyone had been to a tournament before and everyone said no except for one kid that raised his hand and proclaimed, "No, but I've watched the Karate Kid!"
Completely true story. I was watching Cobra Kai a couple of weeks ago and on my way home I was dropping a coworker friend off (he's in his late 20s) at his place so we were chatting about it.
I asked him if he had watched Karate Kid. He said, and I quote, "yeah, that's the one with the black kid."
@arkandel said in RL things I love:
@wildbaboons said in RL things I love:
He started off by asking if anyone had been to a tournament before and everyone said no except for one kid that raised his hand and proclaimed, "No, but I've watched the Karate Kid!"
Completely true story. I was watching Cobra Kai a couple of weeks ago and on my way home I was dropping a coworker friend off (he's in his late 20s) at his place so we were chatting about it.
I asked him if he had watched Karate Kid. He said, and I quote, "yeah, that's the one with the black kid."
@arkandel said in RL things I love:
@wildbaboons said in RL things I love:
He started off by asking if anyone had been to a tournament before and everyone said no except for one kid that raised his hand and proclaimed, "No, but I've watched the Karate Kid!"
Completely true story. I was watching Cobra Kai a couple of weeks ago and on my way home I was dropping a coworker friend off (he's in his late 20s) at his place so we were chatting about it.
I asked him if he had watched Karate Kid. He said, and I quote, "yeah, that's the one with the black kid."
The Karate Kid (sequel? Reboot? Remake? Fuck if I remember) didn't even have karate in it.
Kid was literally learning Kung Fu. And then beating up kids who trained their whole lives through the magic of 'My Dad is famous and so I get movie roles.'
@arkandel Same. Only not here. I just reached the peak of my ‘what else is there to do?!’ and I remembered that this existed. So now I waste time here too. I am so screwed though if they ever actually take my advice rather than just saying I give good advice but we’re just going to keep doing things the same.
Then again, the owner can’t even understand what he pays me to do. So. ?
@admiral said in RL things I love:
Kid was literally learning Kung Fu. And then beating up kids who trained their whole lives through the magic of 'My Dad is famous and so I get movie roles.'
On the bright side Will Smith is one of Cobra Kai's producers, and the series wouldn't have been possible without him. So whatever. Kung Fu Kid it is!
@arkandel said in RL things I love:
@admiral said in RL things I love:
Kid was literally learning Kung Fu. And then beating up kids who trained their whole lives through the magic of 'My Dad is famous and so I get movie roles.'
On the bright side Will Smith is one of Cobra Kai's producers, and the series wouldn't have been possible without him. So whatever. Kung Fu Kid it is!
The theory is he's a producer on it because they're making a sequel to his son's Karate Kid due next year.
@auspice Isn't the guy like 21 by now? At this rate it'll be called Kung Fu Young Adult.