@rizbunz Riz, I think you are saying a whole lot of nothing here. I don't mean this disrespectfully, I really like you, but it is kinda hard to find a point in your post?
Yeah, if players stick to a game despite their first impulses to leave it, a game might thrive... until those impulses come again. Players leave for a number of reasons, because they have almost NO investment in a game. "But muh story! My chardev" isn't really investment. People drop and pick up characters very easily, and as time goes on, it just gets -easier- to do so. The fact many games feel samey just contributes to this feeling of 'if I leave this game now, eh, I'll app in the next version of it down the road'.
Most players have no idea just how much investment running a game takes and most don't care. If your body of staff is RLing when 10 players are online? Those 10 players are leaving. Bye bye. Taking 10 days to process ONE app? Bye bye. Their group imploded over some weird politics talk in their private build? Too bad. Lost 5 players. That friendly group of players that loved you suddenly hates you? Too bad, you don't get to know why. Creating a game requires work. Playing it... requires decidedly less, and most people are not willing to put in the effort. The only thing you count on players to do is act like players.
On the whole... "You're welcomed to play where you want, and should feel that way." I also don't agree. I think not all playstyles can be welcomed in all games. A MLP game shouldn't welcome an openly cannibal pony character. I mean, I don't watch the show, but it seems like it just doesn't fit.
And even if it fits within theme? Some things need to be kept in your playgroup. I once staffed in a game where, for two weeks straight, I got logs of cannibalism and rape from the same pack, and players of said scenes requiring rolls and reporting each other and then taking the complaints back. No staff should ever have to handle this sort of crap.