So, brainstorming, rather than writing files / descs / etc.? Or?
Star Wars Stand Alone - Staff Sought
@ganymede said in Star Wars Stand Alone - Staff Sought:
So, let's see here.
Faraday's involved? Check.
Star Wars? Check.
No features from the movies? Check.
Yeah, I'll be there.
+1 - Will at least look into it.
While the game sounds ineresting @krmbm got an upvote for his Chester avatar.
Minor glory hogging update...
We've been in contact with @faraday , we've got some ideas going. I don't want to be premature or raise hopes unduly or whatever else, but I'm fairly confident we will have a game.
@ganymede said in Star Wars Stand Alone - Staff Sought:
Faraday's involved? Check.
Thanks for the vote of confidence
, but just to be clear (and not inadvertently steal credit from the folks doing the real work!) - I'm not involved in the actual game itself. I'm just helping them get Ares set up (at least on a trial basis to see if they want to go that way) and hammering out any issues with my FFG system.
I vote for Ares over the new Star Wars game.
- No matter what system you use, all of the info from the new products can be used, and the system used to get rough ideas of scales of ability and power. So use one you like best, or get best use from.
- The dice are awkward, swingy, and obscured. The first is the worst part, no matter your tastes otherwise.
- Players tire of constantly having to decide what Disadvantage and Advantage are used on (for every roll).
- The "feat tree" structure is convoluted and fairly unnecessary. You would do better just saying "you need X other feats from this group" before you can get medium and higher rated feats.
- Character templates are useful, classes less so, especially when you can add any class to your mix.
Ares! Ares! Ares!
My opinion is unsolicited.
@faraday How easy would it be to make a WoD or a saga d20 game on Ares rather than your system?
I'd just make it a really interesting system. Please for the love of god not Tattooine. A system with multiple planets on it, ideally also some permanent space-based presence. In star wars, thats all the equivalent of the same place. Make it an interesting place with lots of diversity.
I think there's room for 'big plots' that are 'big' because people care about their homes and each other. You don't need a whole galaxy, you need character growth and development.
@Misadventure @magee101 AresMUSH is a server, like PennMUSH/TinyMUX/Rhost/Evennia. It doesn't care about skill system.
Ares comes with my FS3 skills and combat system installed by default, but that is just a plugin, easily disabled.
Alternate plugins are already available for Fate, Cortex, FFG Genesys/Star Wars, and a simple comic-like traits system. These can be easily installed.
The effort to implement another RPG system is largely dependent upon the complexity of said system (which is true in pretty much any codebase). Fate was pretty easy to code. FFG was a pain. With systems like WoD and D20, it's not the die roller that's the kicker, it's all the rules about the feats/powers/spells/etc. A wide array of Ares coding tutorials and support is available of anyone wishing to implement such a thing.
@faraday thank you for the explanation!
Not to derail the thread but in regards to Ares, I played with it a bit at the beginning of the summer. I went in knowing nothing about Ruby. In the span of two weeks I had a fully functioning A Song of Ice and Fire character generation system using the system as put out by Green Ronin. The only education I had for Ruby were YouTube videos and some pointers from faraday. Ruby is much easier to learn than coding for MU(X/SH). That's not to say the platform is perfect(ultimately I did abandon it) but even with my limited exposure, I don't see why someone couldn't code up, well, anything for Ares.
@zombiegenesis Yeah, no server is perfect for every game. It's important to fit the one that meets your needs the best. Sometimes it's definitely better to work with a blank slate than to try to adapt an existing set of code that doesn't quite match your vision. I will point out, though, that Ares is still in active development and many things (including some of the ones I know you had issues with) have been addressed in recent months.
@zombiegenesis said in Star Wars Stand Alone - Staff Sought:
Ruby is much easier to learn than coding for MU(X/SH). That's not to say the platform is perfect(ultimately I did abandon it) but even with my limited exposure, I don't see why someone couldn't code up, well, anything for Ares.
@faraday said in Star Wars Stand Alone - Staff Sought:
I'm just helping them get Ares set up (at least on a trial basis to see if they want to go that way) and hammering out any issues with my FFG system.
Fair enough. You're still involved, though, and Ares is boss as shit.
As a newbie to the MUSH-ing world I'm looking forward to seeing this come alive.
My first thoughts were "a couple of resource rich planets (maybe one breadbasket and tourism, the other a harsh, but rare-mineral-rich, world), a few asteroid belts complete with smuggler dens, an Imperial medium-sec prison moon to add tension and the occasional high-profile rebel presence, and some orbital heavy industry"....sounds like Star Wars territory to me.
Derail all that is wanted in regards to Ares. I'll say from only being less than a day into this project, Ares was easy to install and @Faraday was very helpful in support on the back end. I've yet to delve into anywhere near the level @ZombieGenesis has with command files and such, but accessing and manipulating the data files is pretty easy. I am a WinSCP user, though this may be changing; the good thing with Ares is that we can use the web portal at Aresmush to get into the files and edit it from there without using another program. She's done an impressive amount of data entry just in getting data files in there, but it won't be hard for us to find talents/careers and such from other source books and quickly add them into the data files. Like traditionally I'm used to just adding it (&race`newname dataobject=name|stat1|stat2), or other staff coding it in +race/add name=stuff 1|stuff2. But just jumping into the file through the portal is easier. Its like any wikimedia/wiki, copy paste the formatting, change the names, done.
Seriously easy, glad she decided to work up an FFG plugin. Unexpected and it saved a ton of time. More time to focus on theme/setting issues. Room for contributors still if anyone is interested, but we're moving forward. Or @Skew is, I'm trying to catch up.
This sounds great, and I am really looking forward to it!
What kind of help are you envisioning needing? Like, if people go 'I like this idea, I want to help, he's mentioned needing help', what kinds of things are there for them to do? It will help people figure out if they have it in them to contribute or not.
Asking for a friend. >.>
@sunny said in Star Wars Stand Alone - Staff Sought:
What kind of help are you envisioning needing? Like, if people go 'I like this idea, I want to help, he's mentioned needing help', what kinds of things are there for them to do? It will help people figure out if they have it in them to contribute or not.
Asking for a friend. >.>
So it started as an umbrella, addressing some of the things brought up here. Number of planets or moons, type of system, how much control is there by non-Imperial vs Empire's reach. Building from top down and flushing out needed details. Some might say its more fluff work, but really, that's the meat of it. We'll bounce an idea and see where it goes and add it to the current doc that is building up on that topic as needed. Its flushing out more concrete ideas into something suitable to eventually get to some wiki and some help file once there is a better understanding. But the generic understanding is probably universal, Imperial Era, pre Battle of Yavin, that won't change much its more the details of breathing life into this growing setting.
So, brainstorming, rather than writing files / descs / etc.? Or?
@sunny said in Star Wars Stand Alone - Staff Sought:
So, brainstorming, rather than writing files / descs / etc.? Or?
Between brainstorming and writing files. Files are being drafted, not quite to building/desc level. The shell is up and the FFG plugin for Areas will be looked over as we decide which elements belong or not (such as adding/removing talents) More like deciding, how big is this main area, what is the political structure like. Working right in that direction certainly.
We will need help with rooms and descs soon enough. This is the kind of thing that's easy to "Contract Out". Anyone that's seen the most of the Star Wars movie should be able to help us out.
I'm hammering out the "grid", but as is, we'll have one major city as the focal point of the game, with a few connected locations. So if anyone feels capable of taking a generic description (e.g., I need a gritty bar with miners go after work) and converting into a room desc, you can please let me know!