Deep in the outer rim lies a small system with a single habitable planet. Life here is difficult, food is scarce, and comforts are few and far between. Toxic gas covers most of the planet. The native species remains perpetually hostile. Smugglers and criminals hide from the authorities here. A few years ago, the Galactic Empire decided Chontio’s odd crystals were valuable enough to invest in the planet, and with the Empire came stability and wealth… as well as an ever-tightening collar and simmering frustrations. The local government, the Tageeri Confederation, now balances its freedom against its alliance with the Empire.
Player Characters will help guide the Tageeri Confederation and the people of Chontio through the process of contact with the Empire, criminal syndicates, and native forces, cooperating and competing to get the Confederation to a position they want.
Welcome to Chontio.
Chontio is an on-line storytelling based game, utilizing Fantasy Flight Game's Star Wars system. We use Age of Rebellion as the primary source for game mechanics, AresMUSH as our game server, and lore created by the Chontio dev team as well as taken from the greater Star Wars Universe. For information about Chontio and the game, please see our wiki here:
Please note that while the most of our theme and setting has been fleshed out, we are still very much so in development. The wiki will be steadily changing as we add more information and attempt to clean up the flow and feel. This does not mean do not ask questions. Please, feel free!
Chontio is NOT OPEN. You cannot create a character or log in. We anticipate going live on December 1, 2018.
We have also decided to not make a Discord server, so the best place to reach staff ( @AlexRaymond and @skew ) is right here in MSB.
We are also looking for other people who might want to help. At present, that means anyone that would like to help create our grid.