The Board Game Thread
@ominous said in The Board Game Thread:
I am really liking 18CZ at the moment. I am also excited to be playing 1817 soon. I hope to get 18OE sometime in the future. I have played 1830, 1846, 1856, 1858, and 1861, and I like all of them. Though, 1830 makes me pull my hair out at times.
I have my copy of 18CZ just recently but haven't gotten to play it yet. I've played a lot of 1830, 1846 and 1889. 89 is pretty tops, and I totally get the hairpulling. That's like, the best part
@ominous said in The Board Game Thread:
I think most people would lump card games into board games. We could call them tabletop games, but that would lump Pen & Paper games into the category too.
Kickstarter does this and bugs the everloving crap out of me.
Oh and 1844, that one's pretty neat when the Swiss State Rail forms.
@thenomain said in The Board Game Thread:
@ominous said in The Board Game Thread:
I think most people would lump card games into board games. We could call them tabletop games, but that would lump Pen & Paper games into the category too.
Kickstarter does this and bugs the everloving crap out of me.
What, no love for card games (you monster!)?
No, mixes RPGs with Cardboard. (Yes I know they're more jewel-encrusted platinum, what with how much some of the kickstarters are getting these days, but you know what I mean.)
My first job in High School was at a local board game store in a mall, so I have a huuuuuge array of opinions on tons of different games, but 100% my favorite over the years was FFG's Battlestar Galactica. It took all the best crunch bits of an FFG game and added a liberal dose of Werewolf into an amazing cocktail. It was extremely hard to win as the humans, but that was half the fun. Last I checked it's out of print, and I don't have a copy anymore, so I'm holding out for a reprint.
Otherwise, I massively fuck with Arkham Horror. I love Betrayal for the same reason, but co-op games that are basically guaranteed to kick your ass are easily my favorite. Unfortunately, most of my buddies do not share my opinion, so I haven't been able to play in years.
@sab you might really really love legacy betrayal then!
I am okay with Betrayal Legacy, but I can’t play more than one game at a go without feeling that Betrayal’s core fickleness is fucking with me. I never liked Betrayal sometimes coming down to a die roll if you’re prepared for the second half of the game.
It’s tone is also damn fickle, whether it’s going to be Black Adder or The Shining.
And finally, the rule book is so painfully vague.
For example, there’s a part where you can jump off a bridge and draw cards to represent the outcomes, but the revealed rules don’t say what to do with those cards after being drawn. The Haunt, however, did.
Don’t get me wrong, I like the meta plot and absolutely adore the role playing, but it didn’t take time to fix some of core Betrayal’s biggest issues and that’s too bad.
@Sab : What do you think about Dark Moon, aka BSG Express?
@Sab : What do you think about Dark Moon, aka BSG Express?
I'm not @Sab Sab, but I do own Dark Moon. I never played Battlestar Galactica but I enjoy hidden-role games and I heard a lot of good about BSG.
I must admit Dark Moon didn't grip me as much as I hoped it would; I've played it several times and somehow we don't get quite the same level of wild accusations flying and involvement into the outcome as we get when playing a straight-up game of Resistance. Many times it felt like the bad guys had to be pretty overt if they wanted to mess with things and them winning had more to do with poor playing by the good guys than skillful maneuvering on their part.
Maybe I just need to play it more to get the nuances ... but at least so far Dark Moon has not really clicked for me. -
@thenomain said in The Board Game Thread:
@Sab : What do you think about Dark Moon, aka BSG Express?
I actually didn't know it existed! I haven't been as active in looking for new games for a while now, and mostly play things recommended to me, so I'll have to check it out!
At a glance from BGG reviews, it looks like it could scratch the itch, though I'm hesitant in the reduction in mechanics, a huge part of what was fun about BSG wasn't just the factions, but the fact that the game was otherwise pretty difficult to win even if there weren't any active attempts to stop you. It looks like it's cleaned up a lot of the things wrong with BSG (like, for example, the fact that it was generally easier to win as the Cylons by immediately revealing yourself and just trying to blow the human ship up), which is nice. I'll have to try and pick it up.
I will kind of agree with Griatch that games like Resistance and Secret Hitler illicit a more immediate "I'm not the traitor, are you kidding?"
There is a two-player version of this kind called Inhuman Conditions: A Game of Cops and Robots. It's very much a game about improv with a minor drawback that the interviewer has a 50/50 shot of being right. If you don't go into the game going, 'How will I mess with the other player's head?', you probably won't have fun.
My RL group just bought "Nyctophobia", I shall report back when we play it. I'm not sure this is a game that could be adapted to TTS, because you have to play with blackout glasses on, and fumble around in the dark to move stuff.
@cobaltasaurus I've been wanting to try this one but it's not for sale here yet. Will be interested in hearing your opinions on it.
Griatch -
@griatch We're not playing games until this Friday, but once we do I'll report back!
- topic:timeago_later,4 months
Did someone say digital board games? Sometimes it's nice to let the system do all the math and fiddling:
(Note: Link helps our own @Insomnia. You can drop that bit at the end if that bugs ya, but hey.)
@Cobaltasaurus said in The Board Game Thread:
@griatch We're not playing games until this Friday, but once we do I'll report back!
... So how did you like Nyctophobia then?
Griatch -
@Griatch said in The Board Game Thread:
@Cobaltasaurus said in The Board Game Thread:
@griatch We're not playing games until this Friday, but once we do I'll report back!
... So how did you like Nyctophobia then?
GriatchWhoops! I thought I reported back. Either we got combat wrong or its ALOT of setup for about 5-10 minutes worth of game play. One the monster finds ANYONE the game is over... And considering he can see and you can't.
We played twice and both games setup took longer than gameplay.
Would anyone be interested in playing Ticket to Ride or Mysterium at some point?
I have those (looking at the Humble Bundle now to maybe pick THOSE up), but have yet to get to play them with people.
If anyone is in the So Cal area (Yes, I know So Cal is a big area. Specifically I am in the Inland Empire), i'd love to invite you to a board game day. I throw them every so often as it is for friends, but the more the merrier.
Ok thanks, interesting to hear.