This might be of the same dream cloth as my wants for a flying car, but would it be possible to automate this? I.e when you post an ad it automatically creates a discussion thread in mildly constructive?
criticism not allowed in ad threads is only enforcing a false positive, prove me wrong
@tinuviel said in criticism not allowed in ad threads is only enforcing a false positive, prove me wrong:
And when it does become such it is swiftly merged with the "you can't post that here" flailing (no, I won't stop going on about it it annoys me) for eventually @Arkandel to show up and sort of shrug about it.
Well, it annoys me when people can't be bothered to follow the posted rules of a forum, and when the moderators can't be bothered to enforce their own posted rules. So I'd say we're even. Shall we keep ranting in circles about it or call it a day?
@faraday said in criticism not allowed in ad threads is only enforcing a false positive, prove me wrong:
Shall we keep ranting in circles about it
Ranting is all I'm here for.
Is there functionality for a 'report' option from users? Something so that people can say 'yo admins, I think this post breaks the rules' without publically announcing it in the thread?
It would be used to flag posts by people reporters dislike, but it might be a better option than threads falling into "no you shut up" spirals.
@insomniac7809 Yeah, click the three dots next to the upvoting options on a post and there's a "Flag for moderation" option.
Speaking as a former admin, the unfortunate thing is that one of the relatively recent updates to nodebb is that it no longer alerts the admins when a report has been filed. They have to remember to manually check them. It used to send up an alert for all admins that hey! there's something you need to look at!
So it can become easy to get lazy and not check them. It might be best to DM Gany and Ark both for things you especially need their attention about.
I was one of the people who wanted stronger moderation in the ad threads, because they were useless for their intended purpose.
That DID come with me wanting them to be locked to the admins and possibly the initial poster (if that's even possible) and have discussion and questions funneled to other sections of the board.
I've come around to the idea that MSB isn't a particularly good place for ads-as-useful-ads and isn't going to be culturally ever (and maybe shouldn't be). Dunno how to solve this, though. Anyway, mea culpa, the current state of enforcement on the ad thread is weird but I don't off-hand have a better solution than the thing I suggested before and that wasn't done.
We don't deserve nice things.
This might be of the same dream cloth as my wants for a flying car, but would it be possible to automate this? I.e when you post an ad it automatically creates a discussion thread in mildly constructive?
Wow, this thread happened really fast.
So the idea has been so far to create a wiki in which ads could be posted by game staff, and those would include links to the forum in the Constructive or (if one exists) the Hog Pit threads about those games.
Once there is a volunteer to create the wiki we'll try that schema out since, as it's obvious, the current way does not work as well as it should.
We can lock threads when they are first created here, too, but there are drawbacks in the approach since this is a forum. For example there is no categorization whatsoever (per genre, beta/fully open, possibly other tags as well).
So you can be the change you want in the world by stepping up! There's been a post on the Announcement section asking for a volunteer for a short while now, and the position is still unfilled.
what if i hate change.
@meg That's what the peeves threads are for!
Look, I know this is an issue. It's not one of those things where we all need to agree-to-disagree. I'm not happy our own rules are not being consistently enforced; perhaps I need to hire one more moderator but at this point it might be more that system itself that needs redoing.
I am hoping the wiki will improve on game ads by providing us with options we don't currently have.
@arkandel I'm not sure if I'm reliable enough to offer. :< I'm only semi-active on horrormux at this point.
@arkandel said in criticism not allowed in ad threads is only enforcing a false positive, prove me wrong:
but there are drawbacks in the approach since this is a forum. For example there is no categorization whatsoever (per genre, beta/fully open, possibly other tags as well).
Another drawback to this approach is that you will eventually have 3+ forum threads for every single game advertised. People now have to opt in to the Hog Pit threads, which means that you would eventually have, at minimum, the Ad, its thread in Mildly Constructive, and its corresponding dark cousin in the Hog Pit, probably all really saying the same thing, but with the somewhat highbrow approach of 'I don't do the Hog Pit'.
This invites things to get real cluttered real fast.
I guess MSB can't have ads then.
Sucks to be MSB.
There doesn't need to be 3 threads for every advertised game.
If someone makes an ad, great
If later someone is moved to offer constructive feedback at some point, they can great a thread for that purpose for that game.
If someone needs to vent about it, they can do so on peeves or like make a new thread.
People can do that now. It's just that they can also do all of those things on the ad thread too. And then people complain about it.
@arkandel said in criticism not allowed in ad threads is only enforcing a false positive, prove me wrong:
So you can be the change you want in the world by stepping up! There's been a post on the Announcement section asking for a volunteer for a short while now, and the position is still unfilled.
Personally I have no interest in managing a wiki for this place because
a) It strikes me as a PITA to now have to check two places for updates, and
b) Perhaps (probably) I'm jaded, but it seems like a moderation nightmare waiting to happen. Especially given how prior attempts at MU game/people wikis have turned out.So that is not the change I want to see in the world. The change I want to see is a clear, enforced policy on what goes where here.
If the mods don't intend to enforce the "this is not the place for criticism" piece of the Ad Thread Rules of Engagement, then change it. You guys wrote it. Un-write it.
Rename the Ads section to the Games section.
And instead of an "advertisement", it's just a Mildly Constructive "Anything you want to say or ask about this game" thread.
Alternately, enforce the policy as-written and leave the Ad threads for just, y'know, ads.
Either solution would be better than this muddled middle-of-the-road thing we have now, which just gets everyone arguing all the time with "You're not following the rules!" "Well the rules are dumb!"
@faraday said in criticism not allowed in ad threads is only enforcing a false positive, prove me wrong:
b) Perhaps (probably) I'm jaded, but it seems like a moderation nightmare waiting to happen, especially given how prior attempts at MU game/people wikis have turned out.
man, i am super excited about the idea of having a meme like page about 'Meg' and getting it vandalized whenever i say something people don't like, tbh. no sarcasm. it'd be hilarious.
@meg said in criticism not allowed in ad threads is only enforcing a false positive, prove me wrong:
And, I would like to add for the record, you will probably also agree with the statement when you have a bad interaction with a game.
I refuse to take this post seriously.
@theonceler said in criticism not allowed in ad threads is only enforcing a false positive, prove me wrong:
@meg said in criticism not allowed in ad threads is only enforcing a false positive, prove me wrong:
And, I would like to add for the record, you will probably also agree with the statement when you have a bad interaction with a game.
I refuse to take this post seriously.
pls take everything i say super seriously, @TheOnceler. this is not a game.