@mietze Yeah, that's exactly what I do - brush before bed and in the morning. My mouth is fine, my breath is clean and the teeth look pretty white to me.
Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
I have never ever flossed ever. And only brush my teeth twice a day. Sometimes I use listerine if I remember. But i know people that brush after every meal, floss twice a day, use special rinses and stuff and they still have issues. I hate that people judge them like they don't have good oral hygiene when their mouth would probably pass a health department sanitation inspection they are so careful.
@mietze Yeah, that's exactly what I do - brush before bed and in the morning. My mouth is fine, my breath is clean and the teeth look pretty white to me.
I don't floss. I don't floss because my mouth/teeth are so crowded that it hurts. I do brush regularly. I do use mouthwash.
A handful years ago I had a dental visit that was 'wow your teeth are in amazing shape and only one filling? that's great!'
Not four months later, I had a tooth go so bad it had to be pulled. Just... all of a sudden. And yes, the dentist I saw who gave me a clean bill was great dentist. My dad has had great teeth his whole life and his dental hygiene is utter crap. My mom is pretty much obsessive over hers and she's had root canals, crowns, the whole shebang.
I'm terrified over what they'll need to / want to do over the tooth falling apart in my mouth currently, but I can't get over the anxiety to go get it taken care of because of how badly the tooth pulling went. I need like, a dentist buddy or something.
@Auspice To be fair, the worst physical pain I've ever experienced in my life - bar none - was a cracked, infected tooth. It was near the back of my mouth and had it happen on a Thursday night when I lived in a small city for a while whose dentists were all going to a convention for the weekend.
That weekend. Was not. Fun. I couldn't sleep, I could barely function.
I suspect human life before reliable dentistry was not a lot of fun a lot of the time.
@Arkandel said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
I suspect human life before reliable dentistry was not a lot of fun a lot of the time.
Many, many, many extant human remains from the classical period and earlier suffered some nature of tooth issue that probably lead to their deaths.
@Tinuviel Yeah, the phrase 'dental death' is no joke. It's more common in animals than humans these days, obviously, but. Yeah. Very much a thing.
@surreality It's no surprise. Though even with the state of modern dentistry being the best we've ever had... I still prefer painkillers and bourbon to actually going in to get things done most of the time.
@Arkandel said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@Auspice To be fair, the worst physical pain I've ever experienced in my life - bar none - was a cracked, infected tooth. It was near the back of my mouth and had it happen on a Thursday night when I lived in a small city for a while whose dentists were all going to a convention for the weekend.
That weekend. Was not. Fun. I couldn't sleep, I could barely function.
I suspect human life before reliable dentistry was not a lot of fun a lot of the time.
Whereas one of the worst physical pains I've ever experienced was a dry socket and then the dental tech trying to shove the... whatever they put into it to treat it when I got the emergency dental appt.
(Joyful note: you can follow all of the rules after a pulled tooth, but if you're anemic, you may still end up with a dry socket)
That's why I have such severe anxiety over dental work now. I used to be totally A-OK about it. Even with my issues with novocaine and all. But after that experience, I just completely shut down and am terrified to go.
@Arkandel said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@Auspice To be fair, the worst physical pain I've ever experienced in my life - bar none - was a cracked, infected tooth. It was near the back of my mouth and had it happen on a Thursday night when I lived in a small city for a while whose dentists were all going to a convention for the weekend.
That weekend. Was not. Fun. I couldn't sleep, I could barely function.
I suspect human life before reliable dentistry was not a lot of fun a lot of the time.
I had the bad fortune of a wisdom tooth breaking, waited too long, so it got infected too. It ws so bad that my ex-husband drove me to the emergency room the night before Thanksgiving. Needless to say, nobody got to me until Monday. That weekend was utter misery.
I think a lot of people don't take tooth infections seriously and let me tell you IT IS SUPER SERIOUS! That is an infection NEAR YOUR BRAIN! You need to get on antibiotics ASAP even if your dentist can't see you. It's one of those things that I've even run into with my dentist (who I love) when I called about my implant failing (which is a thing that can happen)!
I happened to get one of the new receptionists on the phone who was like "I think he can see you in two days." To which I said, "So are you calling in a prescription for antibiotics right now so I can be on them until then? Because as I said, there's pus and that means that there is bone loss happening." There was a long silence and she said, "Right. Uh. Can you get here in twenty minutes?"
But it still freaked me out and I mentioned it to my dentist because if I hadn't known that things could've gone very badly. Even if the infection hadn't gone to 11, I still would've been looking at bone loss around the site. As it was, they ended up being able to save the implant (thank god because taking it out would've likely broken my jaw) and everything was fine.
Advocate for yourself though, as with anything! And I also brush after every meal and floss. My husband who has to be reminded to brush, eats more sugary things than I do and never flosses never has a fucking cavity ever. Fuck tooth genes, man.
@Quinn said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Advocate for yourself though, as with anything!
@Tinuviel said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
I still prefer painkillers and bourbon to actually going in to get things done most of the time.
This is how I feel every morning before I get out of bed to get ready for work.
You haven't experienced real mouth pain until you've stabbed the roof of your own mouth repeatedly with a red-hot X-acto knife trying to lance an abscessed tooth.
It did ultimately relieve a lot of the pain but for an hour afterwards all I could do was rock back and forth on my heels while holding a heating pad against the side of my cheek and crying like a baby.
@Quinn My little brother has some kind of weird mutation where his teeth have Super Enamel, they look... Weird, almost like marble or something with flecks of extra bright white through them. As a kid his milk teeth never failed and remained completely healthy as his adult ones tried to grow through, requiring him to have 14 teeth taken out in one day then braces to stop his mouth turning into some kind of pointy apocalypse.
But apparently he could now, if he wanted, never brush his teeth whilst devouring sugar every day and probably not have a cavity until he was seventy, according to our family dentist at the time he has over twice as much enamel thickness as is normal.
@Quinn said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
I think a lot of people don't take tooth infections seriously and let me tell you IT IS SUPER SERIOUS! That is an infection NEAR YOUR BRAIN!
On top of that... if you wanted to design an ideal place for bacteria, a microbal Shangri-La, you want a moist, dark space around 100* F that constantly has organic matter coming through.
If the many biological defenses your body employs to keep you from decomposing from the mouth back aren't working, you need to get on that.
I've had tooth pain so bad I ripped a tooth out bare-handed at work. Blood everywhere. Super embarrassing but it felt so much better after.
I love my four year old. He was a fucking huge surprise, but he has enriched my life and that of everyone in our immediate family (even his sibs say so) in so many ways.
However--the child is like a parrot. Constant noise (it is happy), singing, sound effects, and repeating stuff (not like someone who has autism, but more like--we are very much into the poop/pee/fart talk stage of life right now in a way that my older three never were, but judging from the playground after preschool he's not the only one), activity, ect.
And when one of my twins plays/records his gaming he screams quite literally now and then like a chimpanzee.
I have been cooped up in this house with this for nearly 2 weeks because of snowed in-ness--and now their mid-winter break begins. It is a safari at my house, and I am ready to run away.
@mietze said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
I love my four year old.
Said nobody else in the history of ever.