Fun conspiracy theory I saw today:
There is no legitimate reason for any game to be 90 gigs in the first place. Publishers intentionally avoid optimization in order to take up space that could be used by competitor's games.
Double post time. As a heads up to anyone playing Destiny 2 the soft cap got fucked up. Its supposed to be 690, but Bungle fucked up and it's650 instead. The worst part is that it likely won't be fixed for another two weeks at the earliest.
I just want to voice my appreciation for Paradox. Crusader Kings II came out in 2012 and here they are, 7 years later still producing interesting and unique content for a game that is not an MMO.
I'm sure other studios have done it but today, this just stood out to me as I was going over my Steam libraries.
@Saulot said in General Video Game Thread:
Double post time. As a heads up to anyone playing Destiny 2 the soft cap got fucked up. Its supposed to be 690, but Bungle fucked up and it's650 instead. The worst part is that it likely won't be fixed for another two weeks at the earliest.
Kind of baffling that they fucked this up and that they won't take the game down for 5 seconds to fix a numerical value in the code? (And then just throw 1-3 prime engrams at everybody to shut them up? IDK.)
@Jaded said in General Video Game Thread:
I just want to voice my appreciation for Paradox. Crusader Kings II came out in 2012 and here they are, 7 years later still producing interesting and unique content for a game that is not an MMO.
I'm sure other studios have done it but today, this just stood out to me as I was going over my Steam libraries.
From what I've heard, that is actually Paradox's business model. Instead of making sequels like other games, they opt for making large updates and DLCs.
Yeah, I mean yes, Crusader Kings 2 is awesome and I have sunk hundreds of hours into it.
But I have also probably sunk hundreds into the DLC given that I buy them all at full price when they release? I should probably compare it more to a 4-5 game series at this point rather than one title.
@Tempest Because Bungo, I guess. There's been an issue with leveling since release, and it hits at every major update save Curse of Osiris (it sucked so it doesn't count either way).
Fun conspiracy theory I saw today:
There is no legitimate reason for any game to be 90 gigs in the first place. Publishers intentionally avoid optimization in order to take up space that could be used by competitor's games.
@Auspice said in General Video Game Thread:
Fun conspiracy theory I saw today:
There is no legitimate reason for any game to be 90 gigs in the first place. Publishers intentionally avoid optimization in order to take up space that could be used by competitor's games.
Okay this gave me a good laugh and conceivably this could be true. Though if it is the first person to have thought this up was a genius.
Got to (finally!!!) try Beat Saber while at SXSW today.
It is everything I could have hoped for.
Gonna go back to the booth tomorrow to play again.
I need a VR capable system and a Vive so I can have this game in my life.
@Auspice Beat Saber is one of a handful of games that make VR worth it. (Others are Elite: Dangerous, The Unspoken, and Job Simulator.)
@Sparks said in General Video Game Thread:
Beat Saber is one of a handful of games that make VR worth it. (Others are Elite: Dangerous, The Unspoken, and Job Simulator.)
Who the hell would find a Job Simulator to be "worth it"?
@Sparks said in General Video Game Thread:
@Auspice Beat Saber is one of a handful of games that make VR worth it. (Others are Elite: Dangerous, The Unspoken, and Job Simulator.)
Elite: Dangerous is the other game I primarily want VR for.
But, alas, I need to be able to afford a video card that can support it and the Vive itself.
@Ganymede said in General Video Game Thread:
@Sparks said in General Video Game Thread:
Beat Saber is one of a handful of games that make VR worth it. (Others are Elite: Dangerous, The Unspoken, and Job Simulator.)
Who the hell would find a Job Simulator to be "worth it"?
Job Simulator is a cartoonish VR game set in the far future where humanity is gone, and robots are running a "Museum of Jobs" where they have reconstructed human work routines.
Very, very badly.
(For instance, in the office job simulation, the copy machine duplicates objects. You can fill your cubicle with infinite donuts, create an endless supply of coffee mugs to throw at other robot workers in the simulation, etc.)
Add to that how wrong the challenges are (you make bread in the kitchen simulation by putting an egg and a flower into the oven, which dings and ejects bread), and it's surprisingly fun. Admittedly, it has less replay value than some, but it's one of the best to throw newbie VR users into.
Tidbits in various game industry related news.
Ubisoft and Red Storm is giving the limpest answer on whether or not The Division 2 is making a political statement with its narrative(it is).
Media outlets are usuing Pewdiepie as a punching bag again(unjustly nor not) because the mosque shooter in New Zealand name dropped him.
Ninja took in a cool 1 mill from EA to play and sponsor Apex Legends for what is potentially only a 12 day run.
Steam(and by proxy, Valve)are getting kind of salty at Epic because currently there's this bit that the Epic Games launcher program will go and try to potentially look at your DLL and root certificates, peeking at information. Epic has even said they're look at your Steam Local Config files(but don't worry, only doing it to look at your friends/what games you play). If that wasn't already questionable, the fact that Chinese company Tencent owns 10% of Epic, which has a number of people claiming that Epic is acting as spyware on Tencent's behalf.
India is arresting, not banning, arresting ten kids for playing PUBG. Because video games=violence.
Respawn is cracking the fucking down on cheaters playing Apex Legends, but not only IP banning cheaters, but hardware banning people, but getting the hardware ID inside your PC. Which is the kind of ban that is exceedingly hard to get around(beyond buying an entirely new MB or GPU). I'll just go through a short list of things that people have tried to evade these bans that, surprise surprise, don't work; changing HWID, chaning vol ID, changing MAC address, formating PC, factory reset, changing dynamic IP, partitioning HDs, uninstalling and reinstalling older version of their GPU. None of it's worked, and I personally think that's hilarious.
This has been your cliffnotes version of the previous week in game industry news.
@Testament said in General Video Game Thread:
Ubisoft and Red Storm is giving the limpest answer on whether or not The Division 2 is making a political statement with its narrative(it is).
You mean to tell me there might be an undertone of politics in a game set in a quasi-apocalyptic DC quarantine zone while getting into gunfights in the Lincoln Memorial against a faction of America obsessed good-ole-boys (Called the Lost Sons)?!?!?!?!
I am beside myself with shock. Shock. Absolute shock.
@Testament said in General Video Game Thread:
Tidbits in various game industry related news.
Ubisoft and Red Storm is giving the limpest answer on whether or not The Division 2 is making a political statement with its narrative(it is).
Yeah I saw the mob on Twitter today also complaining how the opening cutscene in The Division 2 supports pro-gun arguments.
Media outlets are usuing Pewdiepie as a punching bag again(unjustly nor not) because the mosque shooter in New Zealand name dropped him.
But really is anyone surprised? Is not the first time they've taken a run at PDP.
Steam(and by proxy, Valve)are getting kind of salty at Epic because currently there's this bit that the Epic Games launcher program will go and try to potentially look at your DLL and root certificates, peeking at information. Epic has even said they're look at your Steam Local Config files(but don't worry, only doing it to look at your friends/what games you play). If that wasn't already questionable, the fact that Chinese company Tencent owns 10% of Epic, which has a number of people claiming that Epic is acting as spyware on Tencent's behalf.
Normally I would consider this to just be the usual panic, but given that Epic has lost game/user data to hackers 3 times in the past year, is a little concerning.
India is arresting, not banning, arresting ten kids for playing PUBG. Because video games=violence.
Oh India.
Respawn is cracking the fucking down on cheaters playing Apex Legends, but not only IP banning cheaters, but hardware banning people, but getting the hardware ID inside your PC. Which is the kind of ban that is exceedingly hard to get around(beyond buying an entirely new MB or GPU). I'll just go through a short list of things that people have tried to evade these bans that, surprise surprise, don't work; changing HWID, chaning vol ID, changing MAC address, formating PC, factory reset, changing dynamic IP, partitioning HDs, uninstalling and reinstalling older version of their GPU. None of it's worked, and I personally think that's hilarious.
Yes. Yes this is hilarious.
All of the above is why I MUSH still.
@Ganymede I dunno, mush politics can be just as bad. At least with games, I can play by myself and everyone else can go kick rocks.
Or maybe mushing is just not as interesting to me as it used to be.
@Testament said in General Video Game Thread:
I dunno, mush politics can be just as bad. At least with games, I can play by myself and everyone else can go kick rocks.
I don't have to worry about ID theft on MUSHes, generally-speaking. Or having to deal with people spewing epithets online, as if they wouldn't completely fold faster than Superman on laundry day in real life.
I can deal with MUSH politics, IC and OOC.
@Ganymede said in General Video Game Thread:
I don't have to worry about ID theft on MUSHes, generally-speaking.
On the other hand, my copy of Stellaris has never asked me if I had to get naked during my school physical.