@Sparks That sucks, no one should have to wait days to find out their diagnosis, especially when the treatment for a sprain can make a fracture much worse.
Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
@Tinuviel I thought you wrote Reuters should respond appropriately to threats of violence, and I wondered if there was a scandal I missed.
Seriously, if your office is open until 5, your phones should probably not be turned to voicemail/after hours at 3. I doubt all three people in the office had some sort of emergency, so wtf
Messing up an ankle severely.
This morning on the way to work I managed to sprain, dislocate, and/or fracture my right ankle and foot (according to the doctor). I then proceeded to finish walking to the office, which was both a mistake, and only possible because I was wearing boots rather than sneakers and so had ankle support. By the time I left work I could barely stand and my foot does not fit properly in my boot.
I am now at the hospital waiting for x-rays. Whee.
@Tinuviel said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Real World Mild Annoyance of the Moment: Routers should respond appropriately to threats of physical harm.
I would say that, given a router acts more like a single entity in multiple bodies, where any number of them are ultimately disposable, it' s doing just that.
@Derp said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@Tinuviel said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Real World Mild Annoyance of the Moment: Routers should respond appropriately to threats of physical harm.
I would say that, given a router acts more like a single entity in multiple bodies, where any number of them are ultimately disposable, it' s doing just that.
But it's not reacting in the way I want it to, so it's cheating. I rolled my damned social dice.
This falls squarely into the 'peeve' category:
The Hulu app should let me download episodes to view offline just like Netflix does.
Not sure if this counts as a peeve, and it's not RL in as much as it is... a here-based peeve.
If the post is over six months old, don't upvote it. It's creepy.
@Tinuviel said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Not sure if this counts as a peeve, and it's not RL in as much as it is... a here-based peeve.
If the post is over six months old, don't upvote it. It's creepy.
You too?
I sort of panicked briefly when I logged in and saw how many notifications I had.
@Auspice Well, now I feel left out. Woe!
Y'all are very much appreciated.
Just peeking in and out, but thank you.
I'm firm on 'if brain is in a bad place, stay off games' and try to contain drama here if it occurs vs. letting it happen on games. If people simply must be terrible for whatever reason, better they do it here, pretty much. In more crass terms, 'never shit where you eat'.
But, really... it's better to just not deal with drama period at the moment. There's enough shit on the plate as it is.
@Sparks Is it sprained, dislocated, or fractured? Did you trip on a defect?
@Pandora said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@Sparks Is it sprained, dislocated, or fractured? Did you trip on a defect?
They still haven't given me my x-ray results! It's been like 36 hours! No one seems to know where they went! I am, to put it mildly, Not Thrilled. So right now I just know that it hurts a lot and I still can't put weight on it. It isn't as discolored as I'd expect for a break, though, so... I dunno.
glares at phone, as though willpower alone could make information arrive
@Sparks That sucks, no one should have to wait days to find out their diagnosis, especially when the treatment for a sprain can make a fracture much worse.
FINALLY got the X-ray results and doctor's assessment after I posted my annoyance; no sign of fracture or dislocation, huzzah! Though apparently I do have a lot of little calcium nodules spread throughout my foot, which I've decided is a thing for future-me to handle at some other time which is not now.
Anyway, based on the X-ray results and the pre-x-ray exam, it's likely I have a whooooole lot of fairly major deep tissue damage around the ankle and joints, but no damage to bones.
So, yay, no cast! Boo, probably-taking-many-weeks-to-heal and still being ridiculously painful...
Hey, lack of break is a good thing! But ankle/foot injuries are still the suck.
@Sparks does your insurance allow for a PT eval or massage? Sometimes soft tissue and ligament damage is more painful and takes longer to heal than a break (and can leave you susceptible to injuries because it's weakened in the meantime). If you have the time and energy to look for a foot and ankle specialist in PT and/or therapeutic massage, it won't speed up the healing but you'll get hooked in to strengthening exercises and supports you can do to help protect against further injury!
@mietze said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@Sparks does your insurance allow for a PT eval or massage?
I do not know, but I suspect it does not; despite working at an engineering firm with an international presence, my insurance coverage is absolutely abysmal. (If you have the option, avoid United Healthcare like the plague.)
@Sparks said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
I do not know, but I suspect it does not; despite working at an engineering firm with an international presence, my insurance coverage is absolutely abysmal. (If you have the option, avoid United Healthcare like the plague.)
See if they cover Viagra, and then claim a priapism-related injury.
I'm doing so well at not making any overt snarky commentary about one of my worst childhood bullies having a cancer center named after them. Well, I was, anyway.
Hey I have an actually relatable Real World Irk today!
If, after a discussion or argument, I change my mind or concede the other person's point I am not back-peddling. I am changing my mind. The entire point of speech is to convey information to another person, and the entire point of a discussion or argument is to educate the person you're conveying information to to change their mind.
That's not me back-peddling, that is me taking in new information and changing my mind. That's how it's supposed to work.