@surreality said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
...one of these days, I will manage to do something right. Am tired of feeling like that's probably not true.
You sound like you had a day like mine. Solidarity.
@Rinel Many thanks.
My dad is my emergency contact ONLY because I have his phone # memorized.
He's an asshole and a terrible person, but..... I know his #.
I had hoped I could get through this week without learning ADT is lying about something to someone. Guess I was wrong.
@surreality said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@Ghost I couldn't tell you my mobile phone number if there was a gun to my head.
I can tell you two of my mobile phone numbers (I have a lot of test phones; yay wireless development). That's two out of... uhm, more than I want to admit I have in my bag. The only reason I can do this, though, is that one is the number I have literally had for twenty-two years at this point and the other I have used in testing at work so many times that I know it by heart and can dial it in my sleep.
I can also tell you my parents' land-line phone number, as they still have one and the number has not changed since I was 4 years old.
Beyond that? That's what I have a cloud-sync'd address book in my phone for. I have too many contacts I've amassed over the years, and plenty of other things I need to spend my brain-space on.
@Sparks I actually have only had mine (still on the verra first one) for about... 3 years now? I work from home, don't have a car, don't get out much. I'm not agoraphobic but I go out so rarely (yay light sensitivity, but also just not needing to as often as the average person) I am never surprised when people have wondered.
We ended up getting it since we do travel once a year (and sometimes do an idle day trip here or there) and after a few too many rounds of puttering around for 4 hours while person A went off in search of person D and person B is running all over like a frantic toddler on a sugar binge, it was decided we should all have phones.
Except my father. He refuses. "If I am out, do not bother me. I'm usually out because I don't want to be bothered!" His old coot-ness is coming along swimmingly.
@surreality said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Except my father. He refuses. "If I am out, do not bother me. I'm usually out because I don't want to be bothered!" His old coot-ness is coming along swimmingly.
My dad did that too, for years. But then two incidents happened in succession.
First, one year he and I went to a local summer street festival which attracts a downright ludicrous sized crowd... and we got separated in that crowd. Luckily, I circled back to the coffeeshop he knew I loved, and about twenty minutes later he showed up there, having figured that's where I might. But if he'd had a cell phone, that wouldn't even have been a problem.
Second, several months later, he was supposed to come to a semi-fancy dinner with me and some of my friends, and something happened to delay him. I do not remember what; I think it was a flat tire or an overheating radiator or whatever. And he could not call us to tell us he was delayed; he had to walk around until he lucked out and found what I swear must have been the absolute last pay-phone in existence in Seattle and was able to call me.
That's when he said, "Maybe a cell phone wouldn't be a bad idea." Mom and I immediately went to the T-Mobile store the next day and got him a phone.
Now my dad never leaves his phone behind, and is seemingly addicted to Facebook. Not sure that was quite what mom and I intended when we got him the phone years ago, but...
@Sparks He doesn't go out much (unless it's to movies where he'd have to turn it off anyway), and it very not-active.
Though if this was all a thing decades ago? He would have had to. He used to travel all the time for work, often enough on somewhat short notice. (Sportswriter for the local paper, sometimes got sent along from there upstream to Gannett.) We used to have to dance around when we could use the phone because the suction-cup style travel modem (still filled half a dang briefcase) would be skree-tweeping through a text file for the paper for three hours at a go.
Any time he looks at my mother's, my husband's, or my phone, ohhhhh, do his eyes ever narrow after decades of carrying around all that gear all over the dang country. The hmmph-squint factor is hysterical, though I can't say I blame him one bit.
It's something of a shame none of us knew there was a 'computer museum' (there may not have been, depending on how old the one I know of is) when they moved from our old house to the one they're in now, and tossed it all. Some of it probably could have been donated (and then they could have thrown it out, most likely, but still). I know I've never seen a modem like the one he used most often in any of the pictures of them that are around, and there are very few pictures of them from that era as it is, let alone the actual things! I remember him being so angry the year they upgraded it on him with a new, faster replacement, because it meant... we had to have at least one touch-tone phone in the house. Previously, they'd all been rotary, and it used to cost extra to have a touch-tone here.
I'm bribing my students gratuitously for this final assessment of the year. I don't want to sit here proctoring this test so I can only imagine where their brains are at.
Apparently Modiphius "forgot" that Game Kastle had ordered a bunch of the Vampire 5E slipcase editions so, after a year of waiting patiently, I got an email today letting me know I'd not be receiving the product after all and will be receiving a refund instead.
...one of these days, I will manage to do something right. Am tired of feeling like that's probably not true.
@surreality said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
...one of these days, I will manage to do something right. Am tired of feeling like that's probably not true.
You sound like you had a day like mine. Solidarity.
I'm moving to second shift at work after this coming week. It's a good thing. I need the money (it'll be 40 hours vs 32). I had an interview the other day that went 'okay' for another job (I'm being considered as backup if anyone else falls through), so I can't bank on anything coming of it. So I need to do this.
But I like the guys I work with on first shift a lot. I'll miss them.
And I've liked being on first. I have the rest of my day free. By the time I'm done with chores, errands, etc it's still light out. When I do want to be social, I can. I'm able to be around for all the RP.
Now? I'm gonna be back to struggling to get errands done (doing errands before work is always a dicey thing because you risk running late). I won't be able to socialize during the week at all. I'll only be able to attend +events that are on weekends.
But at least I'll be (marginally) more financially stable..
@surreality said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
...one of these days, I will manage to do something right. Am tired of feeling like that's probably not true.
Confirmation bias. You don't notice all the things you are doing right, just like how you don't notice when your throat isn't sore. You're doing fine.
I, on the other hand, am an irredeemable mess.
@Rinel That is the kindest check on my bullshit ever. Thank you.
In that same spirit, pfft. There's an old saw about taking one's own advice.
This will be unpopular, BUT I'm kinda peeved with spoiler-phobia. I'm fine with showing simple courtesy, by not posting things in your FB feed, but when people start demanding that every one else bend over backwards to accommodate your ignorance.
I made a hobbit/stranger things joke on my FB feed about the time season 2 came out and had a friend jump down my throat.
I was listening to a podcast this past week and they gave a spoiler warning for Lost. Lost!
GoT specific podcasts and discussion groups have been prefacing posts with spoiler warnings...which is kind of the whole point?
@Lisse24 said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
This will be unpopular, BUT I'm kinda peeved with spoiler-phobia. I'm fine with showing simple courtesy, by not posting things in your FB feed, but when people start demanding that every one else bend over backwards to accommodate your ignorance.
I made a hobbit/stranger things joke on my FB feed about the time season 2 came out and had a friend jump down my throat.
I was listening to a podcast this past week and they gave a spoiler warning for Lost. Lost!
GoT specific podcasts and discussion groups have been prefacing posts with spoiler warnings...which is kind of the whole point?
This t-shirt. It is relevant.
@Aria I'm watching World War II week-by-week. I don't want any spoilers.
@Tinuviel said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@Aria I'm watching World War II week-by-week. I don't want any spoilers.
@Aria said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@Tinuviel said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@Aria I'm watching World War II week-by-week. I don't want any spoilers.
@Tinuviel said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@Aria said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
....Imma go ahead and guess that the investors on that project do not understand the concept of 'irony' and avoid that thing like it's cursed.