Dawn, Spirit Lake
Luna, Chontio
Sorrel, Arx
It seemed like a personal challenge to list as many of my characters as possible here. I have log files that date back to 1996, and my memory is hazy. Some things are best left forgotten. I have tried to be as compete as possible, nonetheless, although I didn't always log and some of these logs are from the days when you could only name files with 8 characters.
List is alphabetical by character name and incomplete:
Amadea, Valorous Domain
Analee, Cuendillar
Annabelle, Dark Wine and Roses
Baedi, Star Wars: A New Threat
Beaid, Star Wars: Brak Sector
Bianca, Emerald Dreams
Cassandra, LA MUSH
Cate, Dark Destiny: Denver by Night
Melpomene, Dark Metal: New Core City
Eiriel, Akarian Dawn: Shadows of an Empire
Eva, A Memoir of Betrayal
Eviene, Windy City
Fuchsia, Due Rewards
Gwyn, Star Trek: Gamma One
Ilsa, Haunted Memories
Jenni, Masquerade
Judy, San Diego
Kalori, Firan
Keritbes, Tales of Tavaren
Ketria, Firan
Luna, Due Rewards
M42, San Francisco
Maria, Threads of Time
Meg, Memoir of Betrayal
Meg, Exodus
Meneliel, Elendor
Miko, Darkness Falling
Min, Star Wars: Galaxy
Minerva, Out of the Darkness
Miranda, Fallen Leaves
Mirella, Firan
Mirielle, Due Rewards
Mirelle, Time of Shadows
Sparky, Haunted Memories
Sweet, Star Trek: Anomaly
Sydnia, Cuendillar
Tallulah, Metro
Tallulah, The Reach
Teonia, Firan
Zinnia, Gathering Storm
Zita, Ashes to Ashes
I also staffed on Darkwater, Due Rewards, Firan, and Star Wars: Brak Sector with some regularity, but people often gave me a wizbit because... I dunno. I'm likable and trustworthy or something.
@Wretched said:
@Tributary said:
Sparky, Haunted Memories
Ooo! It's you. And I love your picture, Wretched
@Misadventure -- technically, the Navigator was an NPC, although I played her regularly. But yes, that was me. I didn't really play much at Darkwater, which made me a good neutral person to consult on things.
@Wretched -- I miss that character some times. She was one of my favorites ever.
@Chime -- Yes! It's me! You've found me!
Awww... Ketria. Hiya!
Tallulah! I remember Tallulah, we had fun (On The Reach). I was Wesley, the dumb guy who was a werewolverine. I really enjoyed RPing with you, I was sad that we lost contact.
I have updated with what I am currently playing. You can find me now in games.
Me: Hey Tributary, you should come play this silly bard roster I made on Arx.
Tributary: Did you make this character FOR ME?
Me: ...>.>;;
@tributary Heeeey. Love you on Sorrel
@tributary Brak Sector! That was years and years ago, I already have forgotten who I played but your character name seems to ring a bell.
Updated with Spring Lake.