@Auspice There's a reason people get stuck on the third shift.
Some work it because they prefer it. Most? Most work it because they aren't allowed on a more important shift.
@Auspice Check now what your local hospital policy is on payment/income. Ours had a whole 'oh, if you earn under X, you pay nothing, we'll pick up what insurance doesn't!' -- well, that just meant 'you can apply for Medicaid and if they approve you, you pay us nothing'. That was a lovely surprise no one ever bothered to explain at all until bills started showing up. Fun fun.
I know you are not in the world's friendliest state re: Medicaid, so please check this. I don't mention this to make you more anxious, though I know it'll not be easy to hear, but having gone through this and had an epic freakout too late to do anything about it but fork out piles of cash we don't have, check their policies and the fine print first so you're prepared.
Hopefully, you will never, ever need this information -- but I'd feel like a jerk if I didn't give you a heads-up to check into this ahead of time. Depending on your insurance and whatever hospital network is there, whatever they do may end up being a huge load off your mind instead, and that'd be a good thing to know, too.
Eww. No, married friend, I will not come hang out with you and your son because your wife is away. That's just gross and skeevy.
My peeve is: Being the sort of person who has a complaint about their life all written up but deleting it instead because I don't want to burden others with it even though that's what the thread is for.
@Admiral Burden us. We wouldn't be reading the thread if we weren't willing to help shoulder it by, at the very least, reading/listening.
(Whatever it is, I hope it gets better.)
Well, alright. So my apartment is empty for the first time in two and a half years or so. Just me. And I am starting to have those same dark thoughts I had back then. I don't have a lot of tethers in my life so losing them is not good for me.
I just want to get by until my move in a few weeks. Losing access to the roommate's dog has me spiraling a bit though so we will see.
I'm sorry. I know how that can be, when you live all alone, and I know how much help a dog can be to keep those at bay. Don't hesitate to reach out to those that care. Distraction can help you get through.
TMW you find out that a gamer that you'd crossed paths with multiple times at conventions and other gaming events is...
...currently on trial for being a serial killer who decapitated two women.
@Ghost If it helps in my mind canon you're all serial killers. I've seen your Hog Pit posts.
@Arkandel said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@Ghost If it helps in my mind canon you're all serial killers. I've seen your Hog Pit posts.
Why else do you think the MUing population has shrunk?
@Ghost - yikes! That's like years back when my dad's former office-mate—the lawyer he had literally shared an office with at the prosecutor's office, a man who had been over for dinner with our family more than once—committed the premeditated murder of a rival lawyer, with an elaborate attempt to cover it up, and got caught. (Though I guess at least he didn't decapitate the other guy?)
But I know the "this is someone I know, someone who has been in my life, and who is now a news story" feeling where you suddenly find yourself re-examining past interactions.
@Arkandel said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@Ghost If it helps in my mind canon you're all serial killers. I've seen your Hog Pit posts.
Hahaha so fuckin true, but I'm being dead serious. Pun intended.
Went to a house party this weekend. I have no idea how this flew under my radar, but this lady was talking about how this guy who was on her Facebook is currently on ice awaiting trial for being a serial killer who decapitated two women. Turns out he wasn't on my FB, but I went to look up his mug shot and it turns out I'd crossed paths with the guy more than once.
The serial killer caught in SC a few years back was a realtor a number of my friends there knew. I, thankfully, had never met the guy but I have a handful of friends there who are realtors and most of them had either met him in passing or worked with him for a number of years.
I can't really imagine that sense of 'Oh this guy I worked with had bodies buried in his yard.'
So pissed at third shift.
Told them when I left last night what was going on and what needed to be done. Like usual. Even left the hand written passdown notes. Like usual. The person I gave it to made a statement along the lines of 'Fuck that. I'm not doing all that.' I'd figured it was just hyperbolic sort of bitching because, well, what was being demanded of us was stupid but whatever. It came down from the boss' boss.
Got a call this morning from the boss saying that from now on, I need to stay until both members of third shift arrive to give my passdown because nothing that needed to be done was last night and the guy I gave the passdown to claimed he never received it and was, I quote, 'confused.'
When I arrived at work today, I found out that an hour after said call, my handwritten note had been found....Apparently having been hidden by someone on third (but not very well).
Indeed, yes, this guy had chosen not to do his job and when caught chose to blame me. First shift had my back tho and found the note and stood up for me by showing the boss and pointing out that he doubted I'd just leave without giving a proper passdown.
I'm still pissed tho. Just fucking own your shit.
@Auspice There's a reason people get stuck on the third shift.
Some work it because they prefer it. Most? Most work it because they aren't allowed on a more important shift.
Well this guy needs to not be on any shift.
@Auspice The important part is people had your back. Any way you can CYA for these scenarios (i.e. something that leaves a trail)?
@Arkandel said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@Auspice The important part is people had your back. Any way you can CYA for these scenarios (i.e. something that leaves a trail)?
Honestly, per process, these guys should have been reviewing emails and seeing that 'oh, we need to be doing this per the emails that came down from on high.' Plus the passdown I gave. Plus the notes I left.
Per job requirements, that 'read emails since your last shift to catch up' is one of the things you're supposed to do. I do it every day when I first sit down. Sometimes we have things in there like 'Here's a new thing you need to do, reply to this and let me know you read it' from our boss. Kind of her way of making sure we're doing that portion of the job (reading emails). So in a sense, my ass is covered, but.
We all know how these things go. People fuck up and try to blame someone else. My boss wasn't really upset at me; I think she was just sort of checking to see 'is what this guy said true?' But I was half asleep (9am call when I get home from work near midnight) and I didn't wanna play that game (arguing back to point fingers in return). It's no fun. I've been the supervisor caught in the middle. I hate he-said-she-said stuff. He gets one. If I see the potential of it happening again (another round of me giving passdown and him saying some sort of 'Fuck that, I'm not doing it.'), I'll just quietly email her on my way out the door from my personal email account as a 'just a heads up, I gave the full passdown, this is what he said, I'm concerned.' and go home.
aka: everybody gets one.
He got his one.
In non-work griping: I think the SSD my games are installed on is dying. I don't know why or how. Just that two days ago, I began having issues accessing the files/programs (MAH GAMES!!! D= ) on it and have had to reboot / repair disk on it a couple times. It's a 1.5TB and them shits ARE NOT CHEAP (I got mine on sale for $80 when I did get it and I know it's gonna be a loooooong time before I see a price that good again).
@Auspice said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
It's a 1.5TB and them shits ARE NOT CHEAP (I got mine on sale for $80 when I did get it and I know it's gonna be a loooooong time before I see a price that good again).
FWIW, while I prefer the Samsung EVO series, Crucial's current generation 1TB SSD is super reliable and the price tends to fluctuate between about $90 and $120 depending on how much stock's available. It'd be losing 500GB, which hurts, but it often dips down pretty close to the price range you're mentioning.
@Sparks said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@Auspice said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
It's a 1.5TB and them shits ARE NOT CHEAP (I got mine on sale for $80 when I did get it and I know it's gonna be a loooooong time before I see a price that good again).
FWIW, while I prefer the Samsung EVO series, Crucial's current generation 1TB SSD is super reliable and the price tends to fluctuate between about $90 and $120 depending on how much stock's available. It'd be losing 500GB, which hurts, but it often dips down pretty close to the price range you're mentioning.
It'd require a purge of some games (I mean, I guess.... I don't play them all all the time? >.>) since I'm currently sitting at about 1.1TB used.
It's just equal parts frustrating since it's an expense I don't need / can't afford and the 'why' of it. The drive I have is only a few years old and I have absolutely no idea why it began failing. Usually drives fail (in my experience) due to temperature issues, but I've kept my apartment quite chilled because Texas.
@Auspice said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Usually drives fail (in my experience) due to temperature issues, but I've kept my apartment quite chilled because Texas.
Not quite true. NAND flash (used in SSDs) can only be written to a certain number of times for reasons of actual chemistry; each write operation to a NAND cell erodes the oxide layer a tiny bit, and when that layer is sufficiently depleted, the cell loses the ability to store data. If the drive is used predominantly for reading, it could last pretty nearly forever, but each write costs it a tiny bit of lifespan; SSDs that are written to more often will die more quickly. This is alleviated by wear leveling (i.e., moving data around so that you don't write to any one cell too often), but the lifespan is still finite if you are performing writes to the drive.
This is why SSD drives are best used for things where you write to it less frequently, but read from it really often.
How long a given SSD drive will last depends on the NAND manufacturer (i.e., where in the theoretical range of maximum write cycles this particular NAND memory falls), how many levels that NAND has/how many bits a cell can store (SLC, MLC, TLC, QLC) and whether it's planar or 3D NAND.
That said, a decent high-end SSD should last a long time under average use; if it's only been a couple of years, I'd be surprised if you've exhausted the write cycle lifespan. Where I you, I'd be curious what Open Hardware Monitor or a similar tool says about the SSD health. (SSDs can report their write cycles and general state of 'health', and OHM will let you view that data.)