Goetia: nWod 2nd Edition and Crossover - Seeking Staff
It's mostly what it says on the tin. Mostly. Currently, we are looking at creating a game set in modern Seattle, or perhaps starting in some fictional metropolis. Game-wise, we will be using Vampire, Demon, Beast, Werewolf, Changeling, Mage, Mortal, and Mortal+. The prevailing themes and settings are still up in the air, but there is one major change. There will be no veil whatsoever.
There are also other changes from various MUSHs to note. Everyone's sheets are visible to every other player and staff. This is being done to create more of a cohesive environment, and more the feel of tabletop. I am aware this is not for everyone, and that's quite fine. As well, player versus player conflict, political intrigues, and the like will not be present. I understand that people love this aspect of the World of Darkness, but Goetia will not be the place for it.
Thematically, we will be going through a world caught up in change, wonder, and adaption. We have not yet decided on what will cause the dissolution, but it will of course be something major enough to have a world-wide effect. It's lucky for us that advancements in technology and the dissemination of information through the internet much more of a reality. How players react, and survive in a world that know of their kind existing, and even become aware of the existence of shadow conspiracies that may be centuries of years old.
Currently I have @Olsson, @Cobaltasaurus, and @Insomnia helping, but we're also looking for Storytellers (who isnt!?) and other administrators..Where?
Right now we are looking at setting the game in Seattle, or a fiction metropolis somewhere in the West.Why?
Because why the fuck not.Specifics
There will be player caps, but it is being discussed in what manner. One thought is to institute something similar to Eldritch, and only allow X for each splat or player type. However, I am of the mind of simply capping the number of players, and letting them play what they wish. Currently, we are looking at no more than 40 players (if we even get that lucky).Since Mage's and Changeling's 2nd Edition books are not yet out we are looking at co-opting the rules suggested on Onxy Path's official forums along with the information they've released in their blogs. One suggestion I've received is to simply wait on Mage and Changeling, and to open caps specifically for those supers (and accompanying M+) when they come out.
The Golden Age continues
Wtf is 'Beast'?
@Tempest said:
Wtf is 'Beast'?
Otherkin: the Real Self
But for real check out http://theonyxpath.com/category/worlds/worldofdarkness/beasttheprimordial/ -
Golden age? Do I get gold?
I highly suggest not breaching the veil for Demon. Secrecy is basically their raison d'etat and basically everyone knowing would ... fuck them up. Unless you're going to change really core, central themes of the game.
I would actually suggest, if you are going to "unveil" them, that you use the Translation Guide and use Descent rules for Demon: The Fallen.
Two cents, for you.
Crossover with what?
Also, I'm not really sure the whole "no veil of secrecy" is jiving with me. I don't want to play Harry Dresden and list my character under "Wizard" in the directory.
This, and also what @coin said. You just... you can't do no veil of any kind. You're going to completely break your games. Mage has paradox, Demon has ... everything.
I mean, the setup that you're talking about is neat and all, in its own ways. Innovative. But I think you might be trying to reach further than your grasp on this one. No PVP, sheet sharing, no veil... that's going to attract a very tiny subset of players, and I wonder if it'd even be enough to sustain your game in the first place.
But, ultimately, it's your game. You can do with it as you please.
Just, you know... expect it to only cater to a relative few.
@Saulot said:
As well, player versus player conflict, political intrigues, and the like will not be present.
I get the intention half the splats you're wanting to run are based on hierarchical societies. Hierarchical societies are by their very existence political; that's why they're stratified. Some of these splats could be made or are somewhat egalitarian but uhhhh egalitarian werewolf and vampire seems more than a little doomed.
Going one step further, if you want there to be no veil then all the politics that will exist on the game will become entirely internal, except you don't want politics so--
I'm not really sure what you expect players to do other than attack the monster of the week or attend a lot of parties?
@Derp said:
But, ultimately, it's your game. You can do with it as you please.
Just, you know... expect it to only cater to a relative few.
You assume we want to cater to a large amount.
The post seemed as though it was seeking to have a large playerbase or at the very least a sizeable staff.
@Admiral said:
The post seemed as though it was seeking to have a large playerbase or at the very least a sizeable staff.
Given the non-PVP nature of the game, a sizeable amount of Staff STs is a must.
How do you just flat-out make a game of Demon/Werewolf/Vampire/etc "no-PVP"? So you can run around shittalking everybody you want, as a mortal, and people just have to deal with it and note down to never play with you again, or what? Joe Vampire can feed on Jack Vampire's ghoul (with the ghoul's permission of course), and Jack just has to roll his eyes, ditch his ghoul, and ignore it?
I mean, I mainly play Reno right now, and the potential for PVP is pretty slim, especially since Reno is pretty sandboxy and I mostly play with my coterie, but it's still a possibility.
Minimizing the potential for such things, in the setting (such as by having a senate to nerf vampire politic-fu like Reno has), is one thing. Outright going "no pvp or political intrigue allowed ever" is another thing.
Part of me likes the visible sheets thing, part of me doesn't. I'd go straight to 'not liking it at all' as soon as somebody presumes to tell me how to play my character based on my +sheet, and I'm sure it will happen.
@Derp No veil would require thematic and mechanical changes, and might not be compatible with Demon really, but it would indeed make it more of a Dresden/True Blood/etc type place. Those sorts of settings have wide appeal, even if it doesn't scratch your particular itch.
@Tempest Games with open sheets and a focus on outside enemies are common, if you're not limiting yourself to WoD games. They seem to manage just fine.
@Saulot @Cobaltasaurus I was always curious how a game without a veil and more openly encouraged/enforced cooperation between players might go. Good luck with your game.
@Glitch said:
@Tempest Games with open sheets and a focus on outside enemies are common, if you're not limiting yourself to WoD games. They seem to manage just fine.
I'm aware, and have played on some. However...I'm not sure I've seen such a game where the characters are by definition mostly asshole monsters that prey on other beings.
Off the top of my head, The Fifth World had open sheets and the focus was on a war against NPC aliens, but all the PCs were...humans that were all on the same side.
@Tempest said:
Part of me likes the visible sheets thing, part of me doesn't. I'd go straight to 'not liking it at all' as soon as somebody presumes to tell me how to play my character based on my +sheet, and I'm sure it will happen.
What is much more likely to happen is someone won't like the way your character is too persuasive or you pose how they lie very well with only Persuasion/Subterfuge 1 or 2, which is both a legit complaint but also subject to you spending Willpower when they inevitably ask for a roll.
I think on a game where they won't have character who can have secrets, open sheets are fine. In Eldritch, some people have things on their sheets and notes that other characters don't need to know about, though.
Comic Book games (I think) universally let other people look at your sheet. It's rarely been an issue because it's part of the culture, really.
P.S. If it wasn't for the no-PVP, open sheet format might (might) drastically reduce the asshats who decide to start shit and then complain when whoever they started shit with has better combat stats than them. Haha.
"Oh, man, that dude has Strength 6, Brawl 5, and a Brawl Spec in 'Dick Ripping', I might not want to piss him off."
@Coin Well, yeah, but on comic games that's kind of moot, I generally know what a character can do anyways, unless it's an OC. (Screw OCs.)
also, lol @ specialty in 'dick ripping'
@Tempest said:
@Coin Well, yeah, but on comic games that's kind of moot, I generally know what a character can do anyways, unless it's an OC. (Screw OCs.)
This is inaccurate. How do you know which version of the character they are? EVen if it's the same character, how do you know which version of that specific character they are? Is it Silver Age Superman? Bronze Age? Is it Superman Blue? Red? Is it secretly The Eradicator? Is it Superman before, or after Doomsday? Which of the many power levels of Superman is this person being allowed to play?
And does @HelloRaptor run the game and allow Green Lantern rings to give boob jobs?
Important questions only answerable by open sheet format, obvs.
also, lol @ specialty in 'dick ripping'
I've seen it. It was glorious.
Having thought about this more, I guess the no veil thing could be okay if it were in the style of The Dresden Files but:
One of the main/overarching themes of TDF is political intrigue. The inter-faction politics (Vampire Courts and Fairy Seasons) and intra-faction politics between supernaturals and supernaturals and human groups who know about supernaturals.
My overall impression is that you might be looking to avoid 'bad' politics where everything breaks down and gets awful IC and OOC over politically-related issues. If that's the case, I understand wanting to avoid that because when its bad, its really bad but the opposite side of that coin is really bad. Politics in any game is inescapable. Water is wet and dirt is dirty and politics will politick. Until robots replace humans in the MU* world, the seep and creep of politics is just a thing and players will find a way to invent some even if there is none, so I guess I'm not sure how you plan or can plan to police that?