Sep 12, 2019, 2:48 PM

@ZombieGenesis said in Consent in Gaming:

I can see making sure staff is open to post-scene feedback(even mid-scene feedback)

This is something @Paradox and I have absolutely been encouraging on SGM.

I've also (and I will probably do this once a month) put up a Google feedback form. The one right now is about schedules and 'what sort of plot do you want to see?'

The next one might be things like 'Are there any theme files you think are missing?' 'What have we been doing right in the plot? What can we do better?'

But you and @Derp are both right: STs should not be expected to ever, ever chase people down and ask them 'was that okay?' We already have a hard enough time getting people to ST. Expecting them to play therapist to people as well would cut that number even further.

Should STs be open to feedback. Shit like 'hey, I'm not really comfortable with X - if you have it in a plot again, can you let me know up front or tone it back?' should be something people are free to do. Staff should definitely take feedback like this into consideration and player STs could always say 'I'm sorry, but my next plot is going to feature X so you might want to sit it out.'