@insomniac7809 said in The Work Thread:
Co-workers! I'm sorry you're on the outs with your respective significant others, but additionally, I don't actually care! Please hold off the loud arguments until you're on your own time!
Boss' boss! I'd really like to know, when you ask for "feedback" on the new decision, if you're actually looking for feedback or if you're just looking for us all to tongue your asshole about what a great idea this is. My answers would be dramatically different depending.
Oh, man. This came up in a work meeting last week. We had a new complexity to the training program that I handle the logistics for added to the current class of trainees. There were two ways I could set it up to deal with that, both of which meant additional hurdles/consideration for the trainers.
Two weeks into it at our staff meeting, I flat-out asked them, "I know this is harder than last time and we're not that far into it yet, but seriously, do you guys hate this? Please tell me if you hate this."
There was a bunch of awkward silence, one person laughed nervously, and someone made a comment about a leading question. I had to repeatedly reassure a room of twenty people that's responsible for training people away from micromanaging and into more collaborative and functional teams that I had been that blunt on purpose because if they hate it, I honestly won't be offended and really want them to tell me without sugarcoating any difficulties they're having. I can do it the other way for the next class that I'm currently planning, it just means trading one set of hurdles for another. It led to really good conversation and plans. I wish managers would accept honest feedback! Someone questioning an idea or even saying outright "I'm not sure this is going to work and here's why" is not the same as "You're a turd and also bad at your job and PS, you should be embarrassed in front of all of our colleagues." Unless they fall into the category of sleazy office politics asshole, they're honestly probably trying to help you make the underlying thing you're trying to achieve work.