I'd love to include as many spheres as I can, if we have the code and players to back it up. If you have 6 players, having 8 spheres is pointless, you know?
Some stuff:
Vampire: Converting Requiem to 2e isn't that hard. Main thing is coming up with the 'Covenant' stuff, since they don't exactly exist as they are today. Wings of the Camarilla and all that. So, working out their benefits for some are easy (Wing of Prophets, and the Lancea et Sanctum, since they basically get Cruac and Theban) but the others require more work.
Werewolf: This MAINLY needs thematic changes, not as much mechanic. From what I can see, anyways.
Mage: If included, from what little I know of Mage, the setting would require a lot of work, right? And whole groups wouldn't exist or would be VASTLY different. Not educated on Mage at all.
Changeling: Reworking the Courts to be more Roman inspired would be cool, yeah. Also, adding some Kiths works well, totally.
Geist: One of the games that isn't out yet, but would fit very well once it does.
Mummy: With reworking time-wimey stuff and some other things, this could be interesting given the time period and connection to Egypt. Another 'when it comes out, discuss further' thing, like Geist.
Things I want to include:
Families. An ancient city with such a diverse population screams for them. LOTS of potential for a range of common to noble families, imo. I know not everyone loves Families, but I adore the insta-hooks and connections.
Ease: I want history to be present, obviously. I want some wiki pages/news files on clothing, basic society, current history, culture, etc. HOWEVER, I want it to be as accessible as possible. I do not want players to need a degree in mythology or history to feel welcome. This bit is important. However, if someone is clearly and majorly playing against setting/time, they will be talked to and such.
Conditions: I want to make it so they are easily added and such. Easy and accessible code is a good thing.
** I am sure there will be more to come.
I know shit all about coding. I can build, I can write. I am trying to teach myself how to code, but it's a rough journey. So, any and all help offered is a good thing. I can't pay, but I can cover the game server costs, etc. (Currently waiting for the server space to be prepped).