Months ago, a friend came to me to tell me (paraphrased) 'hey, this is awks, but I don't feel comfortable talking to you regularly while knowing it... but surr told me this stuff about your personal life and I thought you should know that I know <insert accurate details here.>'
One example of someone knowing about my sex life.
Last winter, the person I slept with reached out to me to check on me and ask how I was doing because lo and behold screenshots of my conversation with surr (as in something only she or I could have handed out and I'm sorry but why would I have done so?) had gotten to him. I mean, major props to him for being more concerned about my well-being than upset about them going around, but.
I don't know who gave them to him, but it means that surreality shared them with at least one person.
So, yes, fucking yes. My personal life got shared by someone who is going around claiming she's not and the only way she's allowing me to prove it is to share my personal life?
It was rubbing salt in the wound when she PM'd me yesterday to insist that it wasn't her, that she doesn't engage in talking about peoples' personal lives and that other people knew about it at the time (which I can believe for reasons I won't go into here, but also doesn't negate the about two scenarios and also)... I didn't reply to the PM, because what was I going to do? Say 'OK' and ... absolve her? Or refute it and... well, likely end up with this very thread. So I decided to simply say nothing because I felt trapped.
I am posting this largely because I feel the initial demand, to 'disclose' if people had personal info shared with them is horrifying. Because it proposes this scenario of having to disclose other peoples' lives publicly to prove guilt. And even in my doing so here, without screenshots (aka 'the sordid details,') someone can come in and just wave it off as 'well you have no proof) and it's distressing.