The more Changeling I read the more it seems like a game centered around surviving decades of physical/mental/spiritual rape.
This is some grim shit, folks.
But there's also the possibility to Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt it, which is nice.
The more Changeling I read the more it seems like a game centered around surviving decades of physical/mental/spiritual rape.
This is some grim shit, folks.
But there's also the possibility to Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt it, which is nice.
@Rinel said in NOLA: The Game That Care Forgot:
This is some grim shit, folks.
Your synopsis is accurate, but this is also true for Vampire in many ways.
My favorite PC is a Changeling.
@Rinel That's pretty much Changeling in a nutshell. It's about surviving physical and emotional trauma, slavery and objectification, and the whole nine yards. It's not even accurate to call it dehumanization because the creatures that are perpetrating the abuse are not human themselves - and they never deny that the character is human; rather they simply see that all humans should be treated that way.
@Ganymede said in NOLA: The Game That Care Forgot:
@Jennkryst said in NOLA: The Game That Care Forgot:
I vote against Dead Wolves being Gangrel-only, but it is what it is. MAYBE ROME (where I'll pitch it now, whee)
I'll bite: why?
You could argue that it doesn't really make sense to think that Wolfbloods have always been exclusively sired by Gangrel and that those that were are the only vampires ever to think of trying to recapture that heritage, especially given the occult bent of the Crones and the Ordo Dracul, purely from a fluff perspective.
@Rinel said in NOLA: The Game That Care Forgot:
The more Changeling I read the more it seems like a game centered around surviving decades of physical/mental/spiritual rape.
This is some grim shit, folks.
But there's also the possibility to Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt it, which is nice.
To double down, I think the best Changeling players see it this way and embrace it.
All refugees with similar tales of abuse, hiding from similar BoogeyMonsters, trying to hide and praying every night that the ACTUAL monster doesn't reach up from under the bed and drag them back to a timeless, warped landscape of abuse.
Changeling's point is missed entirely if this aspect is ignored in lieu of otters flying biplanes made of insect carapice.
Kimmy Schmidt trope I would love. The level of denial and forced getting over it would be a logical mental response, and would love it more to see those little cracks in the porcelain from time to time.
One of my last Changeling attempts was this big, brutish, bruiser of a man. Bouncer. Cage fighter. Strong silent type.
He was a chimera/patchwork monster concept on the other side. Repeatedly torn apart and sewn back together by a child-minded Gentry who was essentially Spike from Toy Story. His Gentry collected toys, forced them to fight each other, did games with them, and when they broke he would take pieces of them, sew them into each other, made newer, more interesting toys.
So back in the real world, he knew that he could fight, defend himself, perhaps even others, but struggled with issues about who he was, didnt feel comfortable in his own skin, felt disconnected from his skin, and struggled with that initial instinct to size everyone up for a death match when in truth he didn't want to fight. So he fought in cage matches to keep it under control.
Sigh. Only got a few scenes in. Barely played the concept but would again in a heartbeat. Beautifully dark and filled with potential for rewarding RP, albeit at times depressing.
That argument makes sense, but it overlooks that the Dead Wolves originate from a particular wolfblood, and were not meant to account for all wolfbloods that were Embraced.
How active would you say the game is? I see a lot of action on the administrative end (which is good) but is there enough RP to go around?
@Ganymede Pretty much what @Wizz said covers it, yeah. Your counterpoint is fair, in it being a specific Gangrel who focused on the WUFF aspect of it. Honestly, my only real solve for 'what 4th discipline do we get?' is 'game must have blood tenebrous, because spirits, yall', and it would need to be one of those ancient 'nobody knows who the first one was' sorts of bloodlines.
ETA: @Arkandel it is active-ish. Outer Worlds has kidnapped everyone, but they seem to be trickling back in after the second or third play-through.
@Jennkryst said in NOLA: The Game That Care Forgot:
I am code dumb, but I never really figured out why the code is a list of every possible merit, instead of just a space on a sheet for you to set a wildcard of data.
The original goal of my code was to provide the most intelligent chargen possible and to stretch my brain with @Cobaltasaurus while making the original Darkwater.
(Hah! I got it right this time!)
At the time I started on the original code, it was not unusual for staff to have to manually eyeball sheets which added administrative work on their shoulders, or all the chargens I knew about were deeply weighted to complex code that was hard for anyone to work with.
With my code, it's a matter of installing (which is too hard as it is) and educating people how to set some of the stranger WoD situations. Staffers on several games have solved this by making chargen rooms. "To set your favored attribute...", etc.
So my goals were:
So yeah, if staff wants to be lazy that's on them. If they want to use their time I give them to better run the game, then I've done my job.
@Arkandel said in NOLA: The Game That Care Forgot:
How active would you say the game is? I see a lot of action on the administrative end (which is good) but is there enough RP to go around?
I've had some trouble finding people to RP with, but I am probably logging on late. I've had a scene, and it was very enjoyable.
ETA: I've only been on for about two weeks
and during that time only actively pursued scenes about five or six times.
I need to try to RP more but work deadlines + an asthma attack that is broaching the 2 week mark means what RP energy I do have goes primarily to SGM.
But for the late night people, pester Judy when you see her on. She's the best.
@Rinel said in NOLA: The Game That Care Forgot:
@Derp said in NOLA: The Game That Care Forgot:
They moved the 'you are kind of a fucking monster that no longer plays by the rules of humanity and no longer really even relate to them' from the subtext into the actual text-text and people continue to miss the fact that you are an inhuman monster in favor of playing Twilight.
That's why I play mortal. :B
Hunter is the only way WoD/nWoD makes any sense to me.
@Rinel said in NOLA: The Game That Care Forgot:
@Arkandel said in NOLA: The Game That Care Forgot:
How active would you say the game is? I see a lot of action on the administrative end (which is good) but is there enough RP to go around?
I've had some trouble finding people to RP with, but I am probably logging on late. I've had a scene, and it was very enjoyable.
ETA: I've only been on for about two weeks
and during that time only actively pursued scenes about five or six times.
You do often show up a bit late! My issue is I don't have a lot of time left at work when you're often searching for a scene. But I wanna play more.
I just finished a move. Still getting back into the swing. Will be there soon.
@RDC said in NOLA: The Game That Care Forgot:
@Jennkryst said in NOLA: The Game That Care Forgot:
@Melpomene Staff too lazy to check XP and prereqs, got it. Which is annoying, but it is what it is.
Like, doublepost, and I don't wanna be a dick, but tbh this post right here has me kinda infuriated, ngl.
On the bright side I'm in my second scene and quite enjoying it
@Rinel said in NOLA: The Game That Care Forgot:
@RDC said in NOLA: The Game That Care Forgot:
@Jennkryst said in NOLA: The Game That Care Forgot:
@Melpomene Staff too lazy to check XP and prereqs, got it. Which is annoying, but it is what it is.
Like, doublepost, and I don't wanna be a dick, but tbh this post right here has me kinda infuriated, ngl.
On the bright side I'm in my second scene and quite enjoying it
I am hearing bits and pieces about it from Judy on my bus ride home.