It's almost like people have differing experiences and place different weight and import on matters related to sexuality. Weird.
TS - Danger zone
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No, I don't write my own kinks and you will never be able to determine what mine are or aren't based on what I have rped.
@Arkandel said in TS - Danger zone:
@RDC said in TS - Danger zone:
Characters are ENTIRELY extensions of the players, whether it's sex or not.
Okay, let's test the hypothesis.
Folks, please be honest (if you want to be). When it comes to TS how much are your characters' preferences typically an extension of your own OOC ones?
I don't mean that just in the vanilla way - i.e. that they have the same sexual orientation as you do - although that can apply as well. More specifically, whatever your kinks might be, do your PCs tend to have the same ones or not?
My answer.
- My characters had the orientations and tastes that I felt matched the characters themselves. I did not write about myself in a shell, but focused on the character's perspectives.
- I tended to avoid "kinks" as content material and kept things as HBO-to-Skinemax as possible in terms of content and less "fetlife" due to the constant, uncomfortable feeling that I was not writing a story about characters (with another writer) but instead fantasy fulfillment of another player.
- Most everyone likes steamy romance scenes, so it's potentially impossible to not cross things that I personally enjoy in real life, but MU was never (for me) an engine to quasi-experience those things.
Edit: Basically what Sao said.
@saosmash said in TS - Danger zone:
No, I don't write my own kinks and you will never be able to determine what mine are or aren't based on what I have rped.
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It's almost like people have differing experiences and place different weight and import on matters related to sexuality. Weird.
@RDC Look at it this way.
What I'm saying is that there are people out there that consider what goes on on these games as personal or related to their OOC personas, up to the point of being unable to tell the difference between an IC relationship and an OOC one. Meanwhile there are others that view this entirely as roleplaying characters and wanting to keep their OOC selves separate from it.
"People roleplay things they like" is a very general statement. Yes. People wouldn't do it if they didn't enjoy it, but that statement dodges the greater question of "Is TS between the players, or is it between the characters?" which, as you've shown, not everyone is on the same page.
The gotcha here (or the tongue in cheek danger zone of this thread) is that for all of the big talk about "it being about the characters" there's a lot of hiding the evidence, covering it with litter, fear of witnessing, and aversion to other players seeing it, which if it is all IC there would be no shame of.
There are players that dont police the OOC bleed, or worse, are so comfortable with the concept that their characters are essentially THEMSELVES that one should question:
Is it an IC romance scene, or two human beings on opposite sides of an internet connection getting each other horny?
@Arkandel It's a Venn diagram with significant overlap for me. I've played characters who had interests (sexual preferences, kinks, etc) that don't match my own, but for the majority of my characters, I base their interests on my own, with a few items that I like that they don't, or that they like and I don't. Granted, a good deal of this could be because I only TS with my partner.
I like sex.
My characters like sex.oh no, IC/OOC crossover.
I do log all my TS like a dirty, dirty person -- because I log all my scenes. I admit I've never thought to ask permission to log.
I would never randomly share it with a third party without permission. I have and do play on some games where posting TS with a content warning is pretty normal, and on those games I do post (presuming the other player is okay with it).
I mean, look, TS is a funny little thing. Engagement in TS can range anywhere from "just writing more RP words like it's any other type of scene" and "definitely getting OOC sexual gratification." And, like, I think both ends of this are fine? People get off to way weirder stuff. I just say don't talk about getting off to your scene partner in the same way, you know, you shouldn't broach that generally in life unless you already definitely know the topic is welcome.
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It can be both an IC romance scene and two human beings on opposite sides of an internet connection getting each other horny.
The real question is: What does it matter?
Some people get horny when they TS. Some people don't. These are both things that happen. Sex is a pretty common human experience and therefore can have plenty of relevance in character-driven narratives. It is also a thing that some people just find sexy to read and/or write about. All of these things can be true. AT THE SAME TIME. They're not mutually exclusive.
I cry sometimes when I watch a sad movie, read a sad book, or RP out a sad scene. I have certainly felt anger when my character is angry, and elated when they succeeded. I was so happy when someone made my character a dress and gave it as a present to her, especially because I know how much OOC time went into making it IC.
But I do not ever even a little bit get horny from sexual rp because that would be wrong and bad and clearly would show that I have IC/OOC issues, amirite?
ETA: The previous statement is untrue. Hyperbole. There have been scenes that I found hot. It has absolutely happened. I had sexy dreams about an MMO NPC once, too. TOTALLY had to fan myself cool after the first kiss between my Jedi Knight and [redacted] in swtor, since I've been waiting literal years for that shit. And Cullen in DA:I? Zomg.
I want to clarify here that I'm not taking some big moral stand against getting aroused from TS or from RPing out your kinks. My not doing this is not moral or immoral. It's just not my thing.
Yet I still have reasons to write TS sometimes and enjoy doing so, and object to the idea that I don't exist or must be lying or something.
I am sad if anyone read you that way. I didn't!
@Sunny I don't know! RDC seemed to think I was being sarcastic and I am 100% genuine about this.
Each person is gonna have their own views and approach.
But in an environment that contains dice throwing combat monkeys, hopeful professional writers, and spouses who are emotionally cheating...there are obvious places where water and oil result in alleged RL "damage".
Therein lies the danger zone, because a number of players will say their approach is one thing because it sounds great on paper, but that OOC bleed is real.
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Some people are crazy so you should feel bad having fun ever again.