Dec 8, 2019, 4:51 PM

@Pandora said in Personal Agency for Personal Boundaries:

I don't know why this thread is devolving into 'What we're doing already works' when it so obviously doesn't work for everyone.

Because in my experience I don’t see the “so obviously” part. Maybe it’s because my games have had a “you can always request a FTB and please call staff if there’s a problem” policy for ages. Nobody’s ever come to me with “Bob gave me grief when I asked to FTB.” or anything like that. Not once in the decades I’ve been staffing. Nor have I ever encountered it in all my time RPing.

And frankly if there are people unwilling to speak up despite such a policy, I don’t think a coded command will help them. I’m not telling you or anyone else not to do it in your game if you think it will help. I just don’t see the value personally.