Old Republic Star Wars Game - FFG System Poll
I'm currently re-evaluating the idea of which system to use entirely. I may end up going with Savage Worlds(which I already have mostly coded and ready to go for Ares).
Lightsaber noises intensify
In the interest of being more helpful, I have a couple of Star Wars adaptations of the SW rules set I can throw at you but both of them are a little odd and contain some eyebrow-raising bits from the old Legends continuity. (Stuff like sentient crystals who are basically droid-riding inorganic Jedi, for instance.) But if you don't have them, they might be helpful in some way.
@ZombieGenesis said in Old Republic Star Wars Game - FFG System Poll:
I know this doesn't go much into theme but that's not really my concern at the moment, I very much like our theme. I'm just wondering if people would play at a Star Wars game using the FFG system modified as I've described above.
There's a couple issues I've brought up in prior threads. For reference, I ran FFG Star Wars for a VTT game for ~a year (after which we decided to move on from the system). We started with EotE but mixed in some later stuff as the books came out. We didn't have anything remotely approaching an actual Jedi, though one character was a largely non-trained sensitive who took a few Influence powers.
Positive: I don't think changing the talents from trees to pyramids is any big deal, as long as you've looked through the specializations you're allowing.
Negative: the system is really sensitive to min-maxing, which can foul up some basic Star Wars assumptions (ie, that having a blaster pointed at you represents a serious threat). Standard 1h (ie not the DL-44) blasters are too weak to actually be threatening (because of base soak values and armor) without serious talent investment, while blaster rifles up things enough that basic Stormtrooper squads outright murder PCs. And there's both equipment and talent scaling, which can very quickly yield even moderate xp combat specialized characters 1-shotting even the strongest NPCs in the book or just wiping out whole encounters in a round (say if they happen to pick up a light repeater from an ST).
The other thing is the whole narrative dice system, which is a lot of fun but is also antithetical to any kind of PvP (which may arise on MUs) and requires a really high degree of player-ST trust, familiarity, and common understanding. The nature of the dice tends to yield polarized results (ie successful rolls often also have a lot of threat, or vice versa) and some players may have trouble grasping these.
That said, I love the Old Republic as a setting, so I hope you do something successful with it, but I did want to present this as a serious evaluation of the system.
One thing that is possibly key, regardless of Pyramid or RAW career trees - drop the 'raise attribute' talents, and just let them be able to be raised with XP. This is in the same realm as the issue with 1e nWoD XP costs, where stuff done IN chargen and after chargen get different bang for your XP-buck.
@Jennkryst said in Old Republic Star Wars Game - FFG System Poll:
Can we just stop with the mummies? Like... please? I don't care if they're actually a thing in Star Wars. They come across as the least Star Wars thing, ever, and I'd sooner go on a rampage with a spork than play on a game that had them as a playable race (the assumption that you're pointing it out as a hint/request for a race ingame made based on how you have requested mummies in other, more appropriate, threads).
@ZombieGenesis what happened to the 80s game you were making??
@bear_necessities It still exists but it's private right now. We use Chronicles of Darkness(just the core rules, not VtR or anything) and there are other human-centric horror games and other Chronicles games and we were afraid of just being "another one of those" games. Some of the players were also worried about going public with the game because of the subject matter we explore in some scenes(violence to kids, women, etc). We also do some things that some CoD purists may not like(such as allowing players to create monster PCs using dread powers).
That said, the game is still up and running and we RP fairly regularly on it. Blood Falls is my baby and I love it there were just concerns, as I've stated, about going public with it.
@TiredEwok said in Old Republic Star Wars Game - FFG System Poll:
Can we just stop with the mummies?
I could, but... why?
I don't care if they're actually a thing in Star Wars.
If this were a litmus test for what is playable on this MU, I don't care if Mandalorians are actually a thing. Luckily for people who enjoy them, my opinion on the matter has 0 weight on what they can play.
I'd sooner go on a rampage with a spork than play on a game that had them as a playable race.
Also luckily, this game's existence is not contingent on you playing there. If @ZombieGenesis says they're not allowed, fine. I WAS going to make a plant Lady who got drunk off sugar water, but now I might just have to make a Force Mummy out of spite.
Guess it's a good time for me to just nope the fuck out of the conversation. @ZombieGenesis please let me know when the game goes live.
Shout-out to @WildBaboons joking about Mummies, prompting me to check Wookieepedia and discover that Mummies do exist in-universe. Looking forward to them not being allowed on yet another game.
Now I need this game to open so I can play a news reporter in a galaxy far, far away.
@GreenFlashlight Crystal Fox News Network for me! Best way to dark side.
Double post, in part because you need to ***go watch Rise of Skywalker. Go watch it RIGHT NOW!!!***
click to showAs for Crystal Fox News... I always wanted to do like. Demon Pundit Tomi Lahren. I don't see why I can't copy/paste the idea and instead of like... oWoD Demon leading the masses astray through the Holonet, just make her a Dark Sider doing a mind trick to get viewers to buy Brawndo, with it's Electrolytes (IT'S WHAT PLANTS CRAVE!), or something.
Multiple edits because that spoiler tag is a doozy.
Very interested in an Old Republic game.