@nyctophiliac It's... yeah, trust me, it's pretty gross. The tl;dr is: 'one of those weird corner case things that can happen in premenopause is that your body just decides, 'hey, you know these still work, right? Try lactating for that day or so before your period! THE CLOCK IS TICKING!' (Body's response paraphrased, obviously.
- This is shit they should really warn people about in health class no matter how rare it is, holy crap.

- Since the rest of the body isn't set up for that, or getting it out of the body, infection is possible.
If antibiotics don't smite it, they can sometimes remove it with a needle. (Bad enough!) When you're a ridiculous cup size, though... not so much. Cut and swab and drain.
(Do not ask me to describe the specifics of 'cut and swab and drain', TRUST ME.) It's seriously painful and takes body horror to a new level when you feel forceps stabbing at your palms from the inside of your body outward while fully conscious and already borderline panic attack.
(Particularly when you have zero warning this is all about to happen.)
Maybe he thought I knew this was the process? Maybe he figured the people in the ER who tried the needle method gave me a heads-up this was next? I dunno. I just know he dove in without a word of explanation beyond 'hold this'.
Thankfully, the nurse practitioner was able to refer me to someone else in the department, and when I mentioned his name as the previous surgeon, well, the look on her face kinda said it all and she was very eager to set up connections with someone else.
Antibiotics until I can get in to see the new team, which is best possible outcome so far.
ETA: On the plus side, I don't get the worst kind of awful infection gross. Just massive buildup of water/plasma.