I always thank Alexa.
Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
I'm just kind of irked because a) this sort of griping is always more slanted towards women (Lady Gaga, Rihanna, Selena Gomez, etc), b) billie eilish is crazy talented for her age and she has been making some powerful statements, such as how the way she dresses is specifically because she doesn't want to be sexualized in any way.
Guess what.
A woman won, BIG, in music without using her body in any way. Like, women probably have done that before, but now no one can say she did. They can't say 'oh she dressed this way in that video.' Or 'she wore that thing at that award show.' Or 'this guy probably thought she was hot that one time.' That is a huge win for women everywhere.Between her and Lizzo (who, on the OTHER SIDE OF THE COIN, is showing that bigger women can fucking rock it in whatever outfits they want and don't need to cover everything up), women made a huge statement in music this past year.
@Auspice My only quirked eyebrow is at the timeframes turnaround to protest of these awards shows and the "totally organic(?)" response to those protests.
Oscars had an "OscarsSoWhite" protest is 2016 and the following year a record matching number of black actors/actresses were nominated/won.
The Grammys then had "GrammysSoMale" in 2017 and the last 2 years headlines are awestruck at how women are now dominating the Grammy Awards.
I'm not complaining about it (I could give a damn who wins what awards; I think these award ceremonies are more promotion of the industry than actual awards), but in that light I somehow question just how organic the turnaround is.
Then again, if the end result is the promotion of something more empowering/positive, then it's probably a net win.
@Ghost said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
I somehow question just how organic the turnaround is.
It's not organic. No more than anything else when it comes to social progress, anyway. It happens because an extremely persistent group put their shoulders into it and pushed to get the changes that they wanted in a way that it would be a social faux pas for the equally small group of overall decisionmakers to ignore.
Kind of like the Supreme Court.
The entire history of the United States, excepting any of the bits involving the First Nations, is of small groups coming together, fighting for what they need or want, and then winning.
None of it is organic, protest is everything, and if you think otherwise you're deluded.
@Derp Interesting to investigate, but I'm reading on the differences between how Oscar nominees becoming Oscar winners vs Grammy nominees/winners. Slightly different processes but for both the short version is: people within the industry itself decide and vote.
RL group I'm in.
Planned an outing on FB, not the Discord (most get planned in the Discord & FB, dunno why this was just FB).Screenshot posted in Discord as a 'Hey guys, I'll close voting tomorrow!' showed it was a difference of ONE VOTE between two dates and I was like 'Hey! Can it be the 14th not the 7th! Please!' because the 7th is Austin WitchFest. Which I have a ticket to. I ALSO remembered our last meeting a handful of people sighing over the date because they had voted 14th.
Today the date went up. The 7th.
So I commented 'Hey can we start planning the next trip so I can go?!' because I've been wanting to go to this place for AGES. And sure, I could make the 2hr drive solo, but...... why would I want to?
Go msg'd by the organizer and bitched out for being negative and so on. And I was like look, most things have been scheduled in the Discord, but this one being scheduled on FB felt like a slight against me. I know it wasn't, but my vote got left out.
She insisted she counted mine, but it was still a 'wide margin' between the 7th and the other dates.
Because that screenshot showed 12 votes on the 7th and 11 on the 14th. My vote would make it 12 and 12. I doubt it changed that much overnight.I apologized anyway, said I wouldn't be 'so negative,' but I'm still really vexed (because I also know I'm not the only Discord-only person). She could've gone 'hey, this big event is happening this weekend: let's not try to schedule then' and looked at other weekends. Or done the scheduling in both (Discord and Facebook). Or, I dunno, understood that some people would be disappointed by the date chosen.
and even if my vote WAS counted, still a difference of just one and.......maybe still just not schedule on a weekend with a big event? Or let me be disappointed and voice that disappointment? OR NOT SAY IT WAS A WIDE MARGIN?! -
Someone brought donuts to the child welfare roundtable and I ate one even though I knew I should not and now my guts are in revolt as I knew they would be.
My oatmeal cup this morning tasted so bad I couldn't finish it. Even eating other things - sugars still tanked. Bleh.
Idk which thread so this one.
I am because of work using an iPhone right now. Blah blah everything sucks whatever.
I cannot stop myself from thanking Siri. Every. Time.
@Sunny said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Idk which thread so this one.
I am because of work using an iPhone right now. Blah blah everything sucks whatever.
I cannot stop myself from thanking Siri. Every. Time.
I was anti-iPhone for the longest time. I was one of those 'diss iPhone and iPhone users' Android people and I now apologize for being one of those assholes, I really do. Because, for work, I had to get an iPhone a handful of years back.
When I had an Android, I had to replace it every 1.5 years roughly. I had my iPhone 6 for 3 years with zero issues. It ran amazingly. I upgraded to the iPhone 10 only because I COULD. And I'm on the 11 because I'm on my parent's plan (it's cheaper for me) and they upgraded everyone.
the phones, by and far, have been more solid, run better, and... keep getting software updates (vs. 'oh we released our new model so we stopped releasing updates so your only option is to root your phone sorrynotsorry').
I know there's a lot of Apple hate, but it's one less thing for me to worry about in my life. And these days, the two (if I want a decent piece of kit, looking at you Google and Samsung) cost about the same.
So yeah, I apologized a year-ish in to my iPhone to some of the people I'd been an Android snob to.
Yeah, IT wise I’m still very anti iPhone as a work phone, for a wide variety of non-nonsense reasons (starting with phone recovery if someone messes something up, lose a 1k piece of equipment once to a bad password and you’ll know what I mean) but I have to learn to support them, because we have a few for equally valid reasons as not having them.
This is the easiest way for me to learn. Sigh.
@Sunny said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Yeah, IT wise I’m still very anti iPhone as a work phone, for a wide variety of non-nonsense reasons (starting with phone recovery if someone messes something up, lose a 1k piece of equipment once to a bad password and you’ll know what I mean) but I have to learn to support them, because we have a few for equally valid reasons as not having them.
This is the easiest way for me to learn. Sigh.
That was sort of how it began for me. The client I had needed me to have a Mac, Windows machine, iOS device, and an Android. I had the Macbook (thanks to school), a PC, a tablet.... and I needed to upgrade my phone anyway. So I grit my teeth and did it.
And I was like oh. Huh. Okay, I guess.... I guess I see it now.
And back then, people wanting to jailbreak their iPhones was more common. Now all the 'but my phone can't-' is a non-issue (esp. since flash is going away for everyone). And overall? I'm too busy / too lazy (little column a, little column b) to even WANT to root my phone these days. That's for people with way more time on their hands than I have. 'Must be able to root my phone' isn't on my list of must haves. I just want it to work.
@Sunny I say please and thank you to Siri every time I ask it to set a timer, or tell me what the weather is.
I always thank Alexa.
Okay, good. I will not worry SO MUCH about doing it then, since it sounds like I am in good company!
I've sometimes thanked them.
I also once swore at Siri and she chastised me.
I want an Alex. I'm not getting an Echo or Dot till I can have a guy.
@TNP said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
I want an Alex. I'm not getting an Echo or Dot till I can have a guy.
(I dunno if they have male voices but XD)